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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Indeed. Sounds like liiieeeessss!!

It's not. Last time I bought a TV the same thing happened with Tesco. They don't check if you have a license (obviously). They just pass on your details to the TV Licensing authorities. Of course you could give them a fake address.

Under the Wireless Telegraphy Act of 1967 (as amended), you need to provide us the specified details for each sale or rental within 28 days of the transaction. This includes new or second-hand TVs, DVD/Video recorders, digital boxes, TV enabled computers and PCs with broadcast TV cards. Failure to inform us can result in a fine of up to £1,000 per offence.

You need to register with us as a TV dealer to do this.

TV Licensing will only use the information you give us to check that anyone buying TV receiving equipment holds a valid licence for their address. We will not disclose it to any other third parties without obtaining prior consent unless we are required or permitted to do so by law.


Not in my house! I have an internet, which does for all my delayed transmission communication needs. I do have a car radio I guess...

The TV Licensing threat letter deals with that. If you have the internet (even through a mobile phone) they regard you as having a device capable of TV watching and want money from you.

Edited by H_B
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The TV Licensing threat letter deals with that. If you have the internet (even through a mobile phone) they regard you as having a device capable of TV watching and want money from you.

I'm not sure thats the case. From the site: http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/for-your-home/

You need to be covered by a valid TV Licence if you watch or record television programmes as they're being shown on TV. This includes the use of devices such as a TV, computer, mobile phone, games console, digital box or DVD/VHS recorder.

I don't watch or record television programmes as they're being shown!

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Is it not more to do with having equipment that is capable of receiving live television signal? Just because you say you don't use that capability doesn't mean you don't have to pay, otherwise we'd all say 'I don't watch live TV'.

Actually, he is right enough.

Exception: If you only watch catch-up services online, then you don’t need a licence. For example, you don’t need one to use BBC iPlayer, or ITV player, to catch up on programmes after they have been shown on TV.

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Actually, he is right enough.

Exception: If you only watch catch-up services online, then you don’t need a licence. For example, you don’t need one to use BBC iPlayer, or ITV player, to catch up on programmes after they have been shown on TV.

Cool! If I paid for my own TV licence, I'd stop! :D

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My mortgage adviser is a useless, useless c**t. My wife and I went in last week, signed documents and were told they'd be being sent away. Today, I get a package in the post, containing documents to be signed and returned :huh: Also, she included a form for mortgage protection insurance, despite being told we will get this ourselves, and included a post it note saying "sign here" and a s.a.e.

When we turned up for our meeting the woman made us sign two forms, one for our agreement in principle and one for our final mortgage. I am sure that she's bollocksed this up and that we'll find this out at a hugely inopportune moment. I'm also sick of her trying to sell us insurance and pish like that. I really wish we didn't have to go for this company but we do. As soon as everything is signed and sealed I'm making a formal complaint about her. When we went for our meeting she had to have her supervisor listen in via conference call - I'm pretty sure she must be being performance managed.

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I've just been laughed at down the phone as I ordered a bag of chips to be home delivered. "But that will cost you £3.60" , and ?

You've also now been laughed at over the Internet.

It's only the price of a posh pint. Now where's my yellow pages...

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