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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who spend a fucking huge amount of time, money and effort crafting (or buying) a ridiculous wedding invitation but don't give you a stamped addressed envelope for the RSVP.

Then the same people always waste their money on fucking string quartets, Rolls Royces and white turtle doves as opposed to getting everyone more free drinks at the bar.

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Almost 5000 posts in and I've just discovered the "go to first unread post" feature of P&B.

Fucking hell.

That was a momentous day for me. I used to wonder how everyone else could guess exactly where they had last read from for ages.

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Standing in the queue in Tesco today. The woman in front has a trolley full of shopping (no problem there, smarta*ses!), and a separate section with some clothes. No problem with the two bill thing either.

She is asked if she wants a hand packing, says no, and proceeds to turn and talk to her pal as the checkout guy scans her stuff. Eventually as the packing area reaches saturation point, she slowly starts packing, while her pal does f*ck all. She finally completes her packing, spends ages looking for her clubcard and credit card, and pays. She then tells the assistant that some of the clothes are the wrong size, gets him to send a lackey to change them for the right size, and then goes through the whole looking for credit card process again.

As she turns to leave, I go to hand my club card to the guy, at which point she turns back and says "I never goat ma points oan ma claes", and gives him her clubcard, before emptying her purse in search of the receipt. The refilling of the purse does not commence until the receipt and club card have been scanned, thus continuing to block the packing area and hold up the queue.

Finally she leaves, checkout guy says "sorry for your wait", I say "not your fault", and her fat pal says "what the f*ck you moaning at?"

You may all think I am upset at the checkout experience - I am not, I'm raging I didn't boot both of them in their respective pies.

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The scottish fa website.

Click on the Scotland under 21's v George under 21's image and it takes you to tickets for Scotland v Croatia in October. Trying to find any info is a right pain in the arse and they currently have the table wrong (we have somehow played 3 matches, winning 2 and losing 2).

Go to the UK government's Department of Energy & Climate Change website. Any other shoddy site will then appear amazing.


Edited by Hedgecutter
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Guest The Phoenix

People who spend a fucking huge amount of time, money and effort crafting (or buying) a ridiculous wedding invitation but don't give you a stamped addressed envelope for the RSVP.

Then the same people always waste their money on fucking string quartets, Rolls Royces and white turtle doves as opposed to getting everyone more free drinks at the bar.


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Guest The Phoenix

I hate it when I peel an Orange and the peel doesn't come off in a oner.

The "Normal" way to eat a banana pisses me of too. Nae need for the half peeling pish, take off the skin, fling it away, then eat the banana.

I'm in my twilight years and I only discovered about a month ago that I've been opening bananas at the wrong end.

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Perfectly acceptable for some. Make a wee slit with your thumbnail at the base of the stalk first though, and the other end opens braw, nae mush.

General life advice "cos that's how monkeys do it' doesn't tend to be the best way to justify your actions.

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I'm in my twilight years and I only discovered about a month ago that I've been opening bananas at the wrong end. 

I never realised you were meant to peel kiwi fruits and to this day I still eat the furry skin to the disgust of many. Far better with a bit of crunch imo.

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Guest The Phoenix

I never realised you were meant to peel kiwi fruits and to this day I still eat the furry skin to the disgust of many. Far better with a bit of crunch imo.

I've only ever eaten a kiwi fruit as part of a fruit salad!

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I never realised you were meant to peel kiwi fruits and to this day I still eat the furry skin to the disgust of many. Far better with a bit of crunch imo.

That's where all the fibre is. A kiwi (Maori) lad I used to play rugby with would shove the whole lot in his gub in one go.

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My car keys are knackered and thanks to nissan's wonderful safety feature this morning I had to prise apart the door handle just to unlock it. Then it's a case of ripping apart the starting mechanism just to put the key in.

Not great at half 6 in the morning.

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Guest The Phoenix
Women who have "eye lashes" on the headlights of their car.

Gets my vote.

They should have their cars impounded and crushed.

Preferably when they are still inside.

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