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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Sold a smartphone on ebay. Had a spare battery so through that in to sweeten the deal.

Went to the PO on Friday. Was told I couldn't send the battery unless it was in the actual device. I asked how I would send two someone 1 phone and 2 batteries. They had no idea.

So I had to rush to another PO and tell them a pack of lies in order to get the bloody thing sent.

I'm now convinced that they'll scan my parcel, discover the rogue battery, hunt me down to my work and throw me in the cells under some prevention of terrorism law. Meanwhile, some grumpy bird down in England won't have received the phone I promised her and will give me my first negative feedback on ebay. What a life.

Holy crap, you can't send batteries through the mail any more? That's me humped whenever the wife's laptop needs a replacement :(

Also, how on earth have you managed to avoid negative feedback on Ebay? Some lunatic vicar neg'd me once because he'd bought something from me at 2pm and it hadn't arrived by 5pm on the same day :blink: Got a whole host of stories about mentalist Ebay users. Someone should start a thread.

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Being sick and depressed.

Also, our address is (vaguely) similar to another in the town, although totally different names, and we regularly get their mail for some reason. I take it to the other address out of courtesy, but they never return the favour, and wouldn't even buzz me into their building to give them their last misplaced parcel. Tried returning it to the sorting office, and it came back to us again :lol:

We've had a load of missing mail in the last few months; not hard to guess why. Their stuff is going in the bucket from now on.

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On a similar note I hate people who really are ill yet still come into the work place, f**k off home, stop spreading your germs

Going another step further, people who come in to work with the lurgy, spread it around to the rest of the office, then bitch and moan about how untermensch everybody else is for not working at 100% efficiency/taking time off/dying. Then spending their time whining about how the wage structure should be geared towards penalising those who take sick days ("it's just a coincidence that it's been five years since I was ill"), including a long public rant at the company AGM.

Are these common, or was I lucky?

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Another version of this that seems to be the domain of the English is "bias" instead of "biased" IE "the cakes I made are great, but I'm bias" and "draws" instead of "drawers" IE "I put your socks in the draws". Idiotic and infuriating.

Your examples imply that you have zome issues viz your mother.

Please, lie down on ze couch unt tell us more, dear boy.

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Student nurses. Never have I known such a bunch of argumentative, entitled, precious little flowers in my life.

I was sure this was a post by sjc for a minute there. Had a dire hilarious retort all lined up - fuckin' boo! :angry:

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Saw a couple of American tourists take a picture of the Apple store in Buchanan St yesterday. Not even the building , just the door bit. Are they surprised that Scotland has one of these* ?

*ETA : An apple store , not a door.

Yes. Shocking how many Americans assume that anything outside of North America is third world.

They have plenty of attractive ladies who are absolute filth, however, so...swings and roundabouts.

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You want them to spit on your shoes?

I have nothing but respect for the way the human body operates... Just don't make the disgusting parts as loud as possible.

Also, to add to the point about student nurses... I would broaden that to students in general. I despise them.

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Have hundreds of DVDs just lying in a cupboard that'll never get watched again. Couldn't be bothered with the hassle of selling them individually or as small groups so just went on that music magpie. Since signing up they have sent me 14 emails. I signed up at half 10. Phones going mental but I am waiting on an email from someone and don't want to miss it so my phone cant go on silent.

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Obviously after you've rifled the through it first.

Steady; it's not like I'm from Dundee or anything.

(Am I doing this right? I've nothing against Dundonians, but I'm trying to fit in.)

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Have hundreds of DVDs just lying in a cupboard that'll never get watched again. Couldn't be bothered with the hassle of selling them individually or as small groups so just went on that music magpie. Since signing up they have sent me 14 emails. I signed up at half 10. Phones going mental but I am waiting on an email from someone and don't want to miss it so my phone cant go on silent.

What did they offer you? I've always figured that these places will give you buttons in exchange for your stuff.

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