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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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On that note whenever Jonathan Ross had a movie/pop star in for a chat on his show.

I've seen your movie, loved it.

I've listened to your album, loved it.

I've pumped yer wife, loved it.

I walked your dog, loved it

Sychophantic arsehole. I never watched it for that very reason.

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On that note whenever Jonathan Ross had a movie/pop star in for a chat on his show.

I've seen your movie, loved it.

I've listened to your album, loved it.

I've pumped yer wife, loved it.

I walked your dog, loved it

Mind when Clive Anderson had the Bee-Gees on his show and telt them they were pish? :lol:

I'd certainly enjoy pumping his wife.

For those unfamiliar, Ms Jane Goldman, ladies and gentlemen.


"There are two things I'd like to congratulate you on, Ms Goldman..."

"...your writing career, and putting up with your husband."

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Mind when Clive Anderson had the Bee-Gees on his show and telt them they were pish? :lol:

For those unfamiliar, Ms Jane Goldman, ladies and gentlemen.


"There are two things I'd like to congratulate you on, Ms Goldman..."

"...your writing career, and putting up with your husband."

One cough and the puppies are oot.

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Mind when Clive Anderson had the Bee-Gees on his show and telt them they were pish? :lol:

For those unfamiliar, Ms Jane Goldman, ladies and gentlemen.


"There are two things I'd like to congratulate you on, Ms Goldman..."

"...your writing career, and putting up with your husband."

Is she trying to smuggle Right Said Fred out of somewhere?

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After five hours spent compressing 25GB of data, 7zip threw a bitch fit at 97% because it needed an extra few megabytes of hard drive space. Usually gives the chance to delete some files and continue, but not this time.

Starting again from scratch before bed :angry:

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Those were the days. I was staggered that they threw their toys out of the pram...

Apparently, the original name of the band was Les Tosseurs, and he hit them with the fairly obvious line that they'd always be tossers to him. It wasn't exactly the most grievous insult, but the big beardy one fumed for a couple of minutes and finally lost his shit.

Here it is here:


Edited by Hillonearth
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They must have never heard of Clive. Anyone remotely familiar with his show could have clued them in that they were in for a good ripping of the pish.

Bizarre watching it again, as he could obviously feel the tension coming off Beardy Gibb and backed right off after the 'Tosseurs' quip.

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The idiot who deemed his suicide attempt from The Scott Monument acceptable to do so at 3pm on a Friday. Causing the whole of the bloody road to be closed and meaning I had to sprint back to the office to get something signed and sent out before the end of the month!

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Our hours have just been cut at work and apparently if and when we pick up again those with bairns will be given priority with regards to working more. Pro creating b*****ds!

That will be the ones most likely to need time off for,

Sick children

School pantos

Arrive late due to school run

Leave early due to school run

Need an extra 30mins at lunch to shop for Halloween costume

Nursery / school parents nights mean mean needing to leave at 3

Sports days off to watch wee Billy run in a sack and fall over when the best for the world is for somebody to tie wee Billy in sack and throw it in river......

Those types?

Edited by MEADOWXI
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The idiot who deemed his suicide attempt from The Scott Monument acceptable to do so at 3pm on a Friday. Causing the whole of the bloody road to be closed and meaning I had to sprint back to the office to get something signed and sent out before the end of the month!

Wow. Just wow.

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The idiot who deemed his suicide attempt from The Scott Monument acceptable to do so at 3pm on a Friday. Causing the whole of the bloody road to be closed and meaning I had to sprint back to the office to get something signed and sent out before the end of the month!

Whit the f**k

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The idiot who deemed his suicide attempt from The Scott Monument acceptable to do so at 3pm on a Friday. Causing the whole of the bloody road to be closed and meaning I had to sprint back to the office to get something signed and sent out before the end of the month!

Did you manage to catch him?

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