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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest Pro Patria Mori

"Strike me down and call me a sheila!" is another classic, but my personal favourite of his outburts of surprise is "Hogan's ghost!"

Some people in this country bemoan the fact that the number of Gaelic speakers has been on the wane for some time now. I wonder if the Australian populace feel the same way about Alf Stewart's (not Roberts - you must be thinking of Irene Roberts) choice of Ozzie lingo.

Alf Roberts was Corrie, wasn't he?

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Guest Pro Patria Mori

Married to Audrey?

That's the one.

I have The Fall And Rise Of Reginald Perrin on DVD, and at points in that she looks really good, and that makes me worry about myself.

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I notice nobody stood there and called Southstander a "c**t" and "a f'cking retarded w**ker" at the fives.

You did? I must have drank more than I thought that night..... :ph34r:

Can I repeat my data protection complaint again? Some fuckwits just don't seem to grasp it <_<:lol:

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You weren't there, how would you know? :blink:

I know plenty of people who were there and would account for him not getting any of this abuse to his face. Bunch of hypocrites, you especially. Will talk about the guy behind his back but will you say it to his face? No. Therefore you have absolutely zero right to say anything.

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Well I woulda said something but he was rolling around the floor pretending to be a slug...


This forum was full of sickeningly hypocritical posts about how he was a "top bloke" at the time - I don't need to have been there to know none of you were big enough to call him all of those absurd names to his face.

There's nothing worse than a bully, and you're nothing more than one. There's NO excuse for the relentless bullying that guy has to put up with from a bunch of people who don't even know him.

How any of you lot can bring yourself to be so downright nasty is totally beyond my comprehension. Mods are just as bad for letting people get away with it.

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This fucking site lately is a petty thing getting on my fucking nerves.

Honest to Christ, it's like primary school. some folk have to take a look in the mirror at themselves. Yes, the O RLY thread was BRIEFLY amusing. But it turned sour as a hell of a lot of folk started picking on ONE fucking guy for joining in with what everyone else was doing. Guy in their 30s and 40s are telling a guy in his late 20s to grow up and act his age! ACT HIS FUCKING AGE!!! HE IS DOING THE SAME b*****d THING AS THE LOT OF OF YOU AND IS A DECADE YOUR JUNIOUR!!!!!!

If you are going to have a bit of a laugh and a joke, fair enough, but Jesus Christ, stop turning it into a playground pointing and laughing match everytime the poor guy joins in. You can't have it all your own way. It is as much his site to roam as it is yours.

I have tried the hands off approach since starting this over 2 months ago. But to be honest with you, this fucking job is more than it's worth. (By the way, for Me, Radford, Big Loon, Bryan and the rest.....it's worth nothing! We do it on our time, to try and make this site a better place) But it seems like we are fighting a fucking uphill battle here with some of you. I am at the end of my tether with it, I don't mind moderating this site, but when you have to come on and at least try and regulate a bunch of 20-somethings acting like a group of uncivilised c***s who have just learned to operate a PC for the very first time. It becomes irritating.

So please, for fucks sake, a little more courtesy. Stop harrasing folk for no reason, stop starting new fucking threads to get old ones re-opened, when the were closed with due explanation and try and act least act like the semi-civilised bunch of folk who were at the 5s.

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He genuinely was pretending to be a slug, and he's what.. 30?

Don't call me a hypocrite because I stood up for him at the time and now he's daen ma nut in.

So that gives you the right to bully him?

Why was he doing your nut in yet others doing exactly the same as him wasnt?

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He genuinely was pretending to be a slug, and he's what.. 30?

Don't call me a hypocrite because I stood up for him at the time and now he's daen ma nut in.

So what, you can't rise above it and make allowances for the fact that he's not as intelligent as a lot of posters on here, you have to jump on the bandwagon?

That is utterly pathetic.

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