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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I mainly use it to stay in contact with friends back in the UK.

That's a legitimate reason.

Surely everyone you want to speak to has your phone number, and you have theirs? Why would you want to send folk messages and look at their shite unintersting pictures? It's madness

This thicko on This Week really doesn't have a clue about anything. Shoo! Get back to the ghetto!

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That's a legitimate reason.

Surely everyone you want to speak to has your phone number, and you have theirs? Why would you want to send folk messages and look at their shite unintersting pictures? It's madness

This thicko on This Week really doesn't have a clue about anything. Shoo! Get back to the ghetto!

What's really getting on my tits at the moment is people using the Twitter > Facebook app which means I'm bombarded with pointless status updates. I don't want to hide them completely but I'd rather not see it.

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Going home or going to Clydebank I suspect! <_< If she doesn't stop dogging school soon and knuckle down to her work, she's going to get into big trouble! :(

There's nowt special about Clydebank. :P

Do you know why she goes there?

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This thicko on This Week really doesn't have a clue about anything. Shoo! Get back to the ghetto!

I agree entirely. She keeps saying that she wants politicians to say "sorry to our generation".

Sorry for what? Providing free education up to 18? Giving families tax credits?

Sorry for making University accessible to a lot of you who aren't bright enough to be an asset to them?

Sorry for not giving you a mansion with walls made out of your smelted iron earrings, which have unsubtly been painted with a pseudo gold finish?

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I got bullied into creating a bebo account about 2 years, and immediately afterwards though 'hmmm, what actually is the point of this?' and came to the conclusion there is none. If I'm clever enough to see this, why isn't everyone else?

PS - If you still have a PAYG sim then you must either be under 12, have no friends, or poor.

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I agree entirely. She keeps saying that she wants politicians to say "sorry to our generation".

Sorry for what? Providing free education up to 18? Giving families tax credits?

Sorry for making University accessible to a lot of you who aren't bright enough to be an asset to them?

Sorry for not giving you a mansion with walls made out of your smelted iron earrings, which have unsubtly been painted with a pseudo gold finish?

She doesn't have the foggiest about politics (admittedly neither do I) and is just repeating generic statements. She's just been pulled from 'da hood' to get the view from todays youth but unfortunately she's got an IQ of about 80.

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I got bullied into creating a bebo account about 2 years, and immediately afterwards though 'hmmm, what actually is the point of this?' and came to the conclusion there is none. If I'm clever enough to see this, why isn't everyone else?

PS - If you still have a PAYG sim then you must either be under 12, have no friends, or poor.

That one will have to do.

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I'm choking for a pint :(

Are you not only 16?! Get your auld fella to go out and get you a few tins, then sit in the house and drink them like the jakey you were born to be! That's what I've been doing all week (although I get them myself). Tomorrow night is party night anyway.

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There's nowt special about Clydebank. :P

Do you know why she goes there?

Aye, she goes to the cinema, Argos and trawls round the shops for a couple of hours, then gets the bus home after pretending to be at school. Her Mum's blind - not stupid! <_<

You take that back right now you wee shite!! :angry:

:lol: You're in the shite now Smurph - Clydebank's lovely. Bankies, Bankies, Bankies.... :D;)

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