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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Turn to the lonely hearts section, move the paper towards them and raise an eyebrow.

I use the Derren Brown technique when worried that the free seat next to me on the bus/train is about to be occupied by the trampy looking git who just got on; make eye contact as soon as they get on, hold their gaze and gently pat the free seat :D

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It takes a twenty minute detour to go to Culross. Fucking Culross. Nice wee place, but no sod lives there. And those that do aren't really the type to get on a bus. Particularly a bus to Dunfermline.

I believe that one Dougie Vipond is a resident of said village. ;)

I got the train from Cowdenbeath to Stirling four days a week for two semesters, it's an absolute piss take.

On another note, and this may be be my first brag on Pie & Bovril :D

When the trains were on strike, and I had no cash whatsoever, I was forced to walk 24 miles from Stirling to Dunfermline. Fact. B)

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Had to go back out on the road again today...this time one customer...7 floors up..no lift..i ask you. Then he had street number and the flat number the wrong way round.

But a wee bit of detective work from Capy soon had it sorted.

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