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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Re: facebook, I'm getting at least one notification every day saying <person X/Y/Z> likes your photo /status, but when I click on it it takes me to an "add application" page- I assume these are all just viruses?

Likewise, all those "see who is viewing your page" apps - I've never added any of them, partly cos I don't care who's looking at my page out of my friends and partly cos they all look dodgy as f**k too. Am I right or do they actually work?

I have a Friend Q&A application thing. I answered a question once, it directed me to another page, saying it's going to scan for viruses. I just turned my computer off, and I've not used it again.

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Re: facebook, I'm getting at least one notification every day saying <person X/Y/Z> likes your photo /status, but when I click on it it takes me to an "add application" page- I assume these are all just viruses?

Likewise, all those "see who is viewing your page" apps - I've never added any of them, partly cos I don't care who's looking at my page out of my friends and partly cos they all look dodgy as f**k too. Am I right or do they actually work?

I got a notification today saying that you liked one of my photos and it took me to an add app page. I just ignore them and go back to planting Aloe Vera in Farmville, because I'm just that cool.

I've no idea if the "who is viewing your page" apps work, but I highly doubt it if I'm honest, so I don't bother with them either.

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I got a notification today saying that you liked one of my photos and it took me to an add app page. I just ignore them and go back to planting Aloe Vera in Farmville, because I'm just that cool.

I've no idea if the "who is viewing your page" apps work, but I highly doubt it if I'm honest, so I don't bother with them either.

I can honestly say I've never "liked" one of your photos (the inverted commas are deliberate there, I'm not commenting on your photos) Bit dodgy then, by the looks of it, I did suspect it was a bit off when someone I've not spoken to in months suddenly liked one of my photos.

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I can honestly say I've never "liked" one of your photos (the inverted commas are deliberate there, I'm not commenting on your photos) Bit dodgy then, by the looks of it, I did suspect it was a bit off when someone I've not spoken to in months suddenly liked one of my photos.

Well, that's why I thought it was a bit strange, you're not a serial "liker", it's not as if I've added any new ones recently to "like", and I can't picture you deciding "I know, I'll go and have a look through Lyn-Marie's pictures, just for something to do. Those of her pished falling over Snow Patrol and the ones of her kids are bound to be of interest to me!".

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Well, that's why I thought it was a bit strange, you're not a serial "liker", it's not as if I've added any new ones recently to "like", and I can't picture you deciding "I know, I'll go and have a look through Lyn-Marie's pictures, just for something to do. Those of her pished falling over Snow Patrol and the ones of her kids are bound to be of interest to me!".

I'll admit, I am now tempted to go and pick a random photo of yours and "like" it, "like" that.

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Still feeling very sick after having the worst chippy of my life at 3am this morning. Not only was it over priced and shite but an employee accused me of stealing a bottle of water. "Nah mate you only gave me one, why would i nick a bottle of water" Moron.

I wish i did now.

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I am angry. I am fucking furious, angry, stressed and murderously annoyed. Its not even a big thing either, but just the realisation that thanks to the exposure of p&b to other people, there is not a single place where I can rant anonymously and safely without consequences! Raaaagh!:angry:

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I am angry. I am fucking furious, angry, stressed and murderously annoyed. Its not even a big thing either, but just the realisation that thanks to the exposure of p&b to other people, there is not a single place where I can rant anonymously and safely without consequences! Raaaagh!:angry:

That's the burden of your celebrity status.

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I am angry. I am fucking furious, angry, stressed and murderously annoyed. Its not even a big thing either, but just the realisation that thanks to the exposure of p&b to other people, there is not a single place where I can rant anonymously and safely without consequences! Raaaagh!:angry:

Moral of this story is, without doubt: "what happens on P&B stays on P&B.

You're Donald Ducked till you chuck this "half-foreign" burd.

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I've an essay due on Wednesday that's still 1300 words short of completion. Since my attention span with essays is comparable with that of a goldfish, I do the essay over 4 or 5 days usually. I was making good progress, but I've had an awful day today - a measly 150 words done. I'm scunnered with the damn thing right now.

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I am angry. I am fucking furious, angry, stressed and murderously annoyed. Its not even a big thing either, but just the realisation that thanks to the exposure of p&b to other people, there is not a single place where I can rant anonymously and safely without consequences! Raaaagh!:angry:

This isn't my fault is it... ?

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Following on from last night's comments about "smartphones".

They're ruining pub quizzes. More and more they seem to be having "quirky" rounds, to stop people just googling the answers.

Picture rounds, music rounds, the woeful "Family Fortunes" round - all bollocks. I can't do them :(

My main life skill is answering the kind of "general knowledge" questions that you get in pub quizzes. I don't have a fucking clue what crap techno track this is, or which phrase most people think of that contains the word "chip", but I do know the only animal that can contract leprosy, so get asking some more fucking questions.

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