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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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They're not mine, they're Dee Woman's. Stupid, pointless animals. I grudge having to share a house with the fuckers. I think I'll get a dog next year to terrorise the life out of them. I fancy a Leonberger, but the selfish b*****ds only live to 7 years so it might have to be a Rhodesian Ridgeback. It'll swallow both cats in the one-er.

ETA - This is how much better than cats, dogs are. You wouldn't get this reaction from a cat on your return from 8 months duty in the army:


Cats are better than dogs,at least with a cat you don't have to go outside to take them for a walk,and you don't have to take them for a walk and pick up their shit with a little plastic bag in public. :P

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Cats are better than dogs,at least with a cat you don't have to go outside to take them for a walk,and you don't have to take them for a walk and pick up their shit with a little plastic bag in public. :P

Plucked this from a nearly 3 year old thread from a sadly, now banned poster:

Posted 10 March 2010 - 22:04

Cats everytime for me, far more inteligent than those fuken muppets, espcially those grey hound fuds, how thick are they?they fall for the same fake hare everytime, if they had any sign of brains they would say"well i'm wearing a muzzel nae point in knocin my kunt in chasing a fuken rolled up tshirt round the track again" And can they not work out their running in a circle? if they come out the trap and just stand there the hare will come back round!!

Dogs cant even go out therselves their that thick they start chasing buses, whereas my cat I let him oot at nite and he turns round as if to say mibee see you in a few days, I'm away to get ma hole.

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^^^^ owns a zoo.

No I don't own a zoo and I don't think zoo animals would be classed as pets. I have never had a pet, I really don't see the point in them. I've never heard anyone give an even half-way decent argument for keeping pets.

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No I don't own a zoo and I don't think zoo animals would be classed as pets. I have never had a pet, I really don't see the point in them. I've never heard anyone give an even half-way decent argument for keeping pets.

Dogs are good for companionship, much the same as having a wife except you can't get you're hole off them unless you're into that sort of thing. On the plus side though they don't moan and can't answer you back.

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I hate all special occasions. It's bad enough it's Christmas, but it's my birthday as well. Which I prefer to ignore. On a Sunday I like to read the papers, play 5s, watch the football etc. Guess what gets cancelled so that I can "enjoy myself".....All 3.

Morrisons supermarket is bad enough at the best of times, this morning was worse than ever. There was bag packers from the scouts who crushed and squashed everything possible. I gave them hee haw.

I really would gladly go to bed and get up about the 5th of January.

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Guest The Phoenix

I hate all special occasions. It's bad enough it's Christmas, but it's my birthday as well. Which I prefer to ignore. On a Sunday I like to read the papers, play 5s, watch the football etc. Guess what gets cancelled so that I can "enjoy myself".....All 3.

Morrisons supermarket is bad enough at the best of times, this morning was worse than ever. There was bag packers from the scouts who crushed and squashed everything possible. I gave them hee haw.

I really would gladly go to bed and get up about the 5th of January.

^^^ BOGTF - Jesus, Scrooge and Rip Van Winkle.

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I hate all special occasions. It's bad enough it's Christmas, but it's my birthday as well. Which I prefer to ignore. On a Sunday I like to read the papers, play 5s, watch the football etc. Guess what gets cancelled so that I can "enjoy myself".....All 3.

Morrisons supermarket is bad enough at the best of times, this morning was worse than ever. There was bag packers from the scouts who crushed and squashed everything possible. I gave them hee haw.

I really would gladly go to bed and get up about the 5th of January.

You're too old, far too old to play 5s. Time just to accept old age gracefully and fossilise in your chair.

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You're too old, far too old to play 5s. Time just to accept old age gracefully and fossilise in your chair.

Age hasn't affected my game. I was always rubbish and slow. I did think my time was up due to injury last month though and I have a very big decision to make about new trainers.

I would play 5s on Christmas day if I could, as long as I didn't need to talk about Christmas, my birthday or anything else for that matter. I would then go and meet my real pals in the pub.

I don't want to celebrate and I don't want things you've bought that you think I'll like......I won't.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Age hasn't affected my game. I was always rubbish and slow. I did think my time was up due to injury last month though and I have a very big decision to make about new trainers.

I would play 5s on Christmas day if I could, as long as I didn't need to talk about Christmas, my birthday or anything else for that matter. I would then go and meet my real pals in the pub.

I don't want to celebrate and I don't want things you've bought that you think I'll like......I won't.

That's why I didn't buy you anything you ungrateful c**t.

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Samba Super. Magic and comfortable.

If only it waqs just the brand....Anyway, off out now to "enjoy myself" in a pub I wouldn't normally go near with "our friends." I bet they're playing Christmas music and don't have the Man U game.

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I emailed him while it was still at £3 odd. He's refused to email back but has sent an extra request for payment. I'll give it until tomorrow night and if not sorted will get in touch with eBay myself. Worst scenario I take a hit on my rep.

As Keithy said you can withdraw your bid. No probs.

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Have to grab a few things from the shops tomorrow. I did it last year and it was utter chaos, old dears with trolleys staring into space or doddering about, people just stopping in the middle of aisles out of nowhere. You end up doing Tobias Funke movements (Justice is Blind - cat burglar) just trying to get by everyone in the way and slithering past.

It's all self imposed too, I should have just finished it off today instead of finishing the present buying and not the grub buying too! Lazy bugger.

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Have to grab a few things from the shops tomorrow. I did it last year and it was utter chaos, old dears with trolleys staring into space or doddering about, people just stopping in the middle of aisles out of nowhere. You end up doing Tobias Funke movements (Justice is Blind - cat burglar) just trying to get by everyone in the way and slithering past.

It's all self imposed too, I should have just finished it off today instead of finishing the present buying and not the grub buying too! Lazy bugger.

This, as Chrissy Muir will testify is a real pisser for me.

To continue the theme is when they f**k about scuffing their shoes about the aisles whilst steering the trolley with their elbows, making them look like *insert your local supermarket* Quasimodo.

The minute that this sham of an individual walks, yes walks, out of said supermarket, it is like they have been to Lourdes and then sprint to their blue badge motors.

Fucking c***s the lot of them.

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