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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix

Mrs P has a habit of answering questions in the negative that she asks me at the same time as asking the question -


Do you want chicken for tea, no?

Do you want to go out this afternoon, no?

Doesn't that do you're feckin' head in, no?

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People lacking common sense make my blood boil, why should I have to put up with their incompetence? They should be tarred, feathered and made to walk through the streets so everybody can ridicule them!!!!

The molly coddled society we live in where you can't hurt other peoples feelings..... an educationally challenged person with ADHD, is still a naughty little feck in my book.

Now don't get me wrong, ADHD is a difficult problem..... but every little Scrote seems to be labeled with it these days, when you know full well their parents were scrotes, their grand parents were scrotes.

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Mrs P has a habit of answering questions in the negative that she asks me at the same time as asking the question -


Do you want chicken for tea, no?

Do you want to go out this afternoon, no?

Doesn't that do you're feckin' head in, no?

Do you want your house keeping money, no?

This tip will hopefully wean her off this nonsense.

Either that or you get your coupon smacked.

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Serving Her Majesty is a calling. It is a cross I am happy to bear. The responsibility can be a burden and leave one lonely, however duty must come first.

The gong-scourer.

‘Cess’ and ‘gong’ are old English words for sewerage and dung. The gong-scourer was the poor b*****d who emptied out your cesspit.

Although in all honesty, he wasn’t that poor. Being a gong-scourer was a job that was literally swimming in shit. It was a filthy, hazardous, dangerous, backbreaking job. You would have to shovel out tons of excrement from all the toilets and cesspits all over town and you had to do this every single night. Because the work was so obviously revolting, not many people would do it. So wise-thinking city-authorities would pay gong-scourers a pretty princely wage in return for their vital and revolting job. How much?

18d for every 1 ton of waste removed.

That’s 18 pence (A shilling and a half) for every ton of waste.

This in an era when the average wage of a working man in London was sixpence a day.

Of course, for some gong-scourers, even money wasn’t enough. A chap named Samson, royal gong-scourer to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth I of England, was paid half in money, half in rum!

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Guest The Phoenix

There are many cogs in the machinery of Government. I am but one. I seek no awards and wish simply to be remembered as a servant of our Soveriegn and the people.

^^^ Part time steward at Celtic Park IMO

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The cleaners at work have been told to stop emptying desk-side bins because it apparently "goes against the sustainability policy". If we want to keep our bins, we need to empty them ourselves.

I wonder what would happen if we decided to allocate the bins in our office to recyclables - cans, bottles, paper etc. Would they empty them then?

Or what would happen if on a Friday I tipped my bin on the floor - would they clean it up on Monday morning?

Not that this irritates me or anything :ph34r:

Edited by The Master
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People who converse in the middle of shop doorways/entrances - go get a fucking coffee and a seat somewhere you stupid, (and generally old), c***s!

Dog shit - one day I swear I'll pick it up, follow them home and post it through the owner's letterbox.

Fat birds in tracky bottoms so tight that you can read their lips - just gross.


The Limmy Show - as funny as being hit in the face with a mallet. Repeatedly.

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The cleaners at work have been told to stop emptying desk-side bins because it apparently "goes against the sustainability policy". If we want to keep our bins, we need to empty them ourselves.

I wonder what would happen if we decided to allocate the bins in our office to recyclables - cans, bottles, paper etc. Would they empty them then?

Or what would happen if on a Friday I tipped my bin on the floor - would they clean it up on Monday morning?

Not that this irritates me or anything :ph34r:

We have that system. We all empty our desk bins in the large bin in the rest room and the cleaner empties that. :blink:

We also have paper recycling, but the cleaner takes this with the general rubbish and puts it in the same skip!

What's the point?

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