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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Plus, there's the whole issue of priorities. Whose life is that important that they have to be glued to their phone 24/7? It's true that smartphones have made global communication easier, but the downside is that every coffee shop and pub is now full of folk scrolling up and down and giggling. Just make time to relax and put your phone away. 

I can read this and walk but only by looking up every three or four seconds. I suppose I could do the same texting.

Young women are the worst partly because they just have no sense of where they are in relation to anything else. The ultimate shop aisle cloggers with no appreciation that a handbag adds additional width to you.

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I met a friend for coffee the other day and deliberately got there early so I could watch an episode of Breaking Bad in peace and quiet with a drink that was still hot when I got it. That's alright, isn't it?

Yeah, I don't really see the problem with looking on your phone in a coffee shop tbh. If I'm in somewhere getting lunch or something by myself, I'll sit and read the news/this site on my phone. If I didn't I'd just be staring at the wall.

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Yeah, I don't really see the problem with looking on your phone in a coffee shop tbh. If I'm in somewhere getting lunch or something by myself, I'll sit and read the news/this site on my phone. If I didn't I'd just be staring at the wall.

I reckon the difference is some people are keeping themselves to themselves, getting a bit of peace and quiet and taking a bit of a break. Then you get the other people. The groups of friends who are all out together but conducting their conversations on Facebook. I hate being tagged in places (unless they're particularity interesting places) but even more annoying is seeing "this person had been tagged at this place with these other people" followed by a conversation between these people who are all sat together in the same place and obviously not speaking to each other unless they're saying "Hey, look what I just said!". Even more annoying than that is being sat in the same place as these people.

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Yeah I don't have an issue with people in coffee shops, buses etc sitting reading their phone or watching something (as long as they aren't in a group, then it's just rude). In the olden days they'd be reading a newspaper so this is just technological progress.

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On the subject of people glued to their phone is it just me who gets annoyed when a small debate breaks out amongst your group of mates and 1 guy quickly breaks out the phone and google?

What's wrong with a good old debate with guys taking sides without some smart arse killing the topic stone dead by showing you his phone.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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On the subject of people glued to their phone is it just me who gets annoyed when a small debate breaks out amongst your group of mates and 1 guy quickly breaks out the phone and google?

What's wrong with a good old debate with guys taking sides without some smart arse killing the topic stone dead by showing you his phone.

I don't know about this one. If I'm questioning something, I really want to know the answer. If that means looking it up on Google then so be it. That said, the things in likely to be pondering would be more along the lines of "who sang that song?" or "what else was that guy in?" that people would either know or not and aren't really debatable, the kind of questions that would annoy you until you found the answer. I much prefer finding out straight away to waking at 4am going "THAT'S the one!".

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I don't know about this one. If I'm questioning something, I really want to know the answer. If that means looking it up on Google then so be it. That said, the things in likely to be pondering would be more along the lines of "who sang that song?" or "what else was that guy in?" that people would either know or not and aren't really debatable, the kind of questions that would annoy you until you found the answer. I much prefer finding out straight away to waking at 4am going "THAT'S the one!".

I'm making an effort now to not just look thing up on my phone.

I've got this horrible vision of the future where folk will be incapable of breathing in and out without first consulting their phone for instructions.


I think its a huge societal change than isn't really appreciated.

All information is available to us instantly - its fucking mental to think of that. I'm 32 and that blows my mind.

There's a big difference between facts/information though and actual understanding. Thinking about stuff isn't easy and as a teacher I can already see kids getting worse at it. They want simple tasks where they find information and present it - rather than thinking about stuff and having an actual debate.


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Plus, there's the whole issue of priorities. Whose life is that important that they have to be glued to their phone 24/7? It's true that smartphones have made global communication easier, but the downside is that every coffee shop and pub is now full of folk scrolling up and down and giggling. Just make time to relax and put your phone away.

Reading this on my phone whilst walking.
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I think its a huge societal change than isn't really appreciated.

All information is available to us instantly - its fucking mental to think of that. I'm 32 and that blows my mind.

There's a big difference between facts/information though and actual understanding. Thinking about stuff isn't easy and as a teacher I can already see kids getting worse at it. They want simple tasks where they find information and present it - rather than thinking about stuff and having an actual debate.


Remember the days when "what was the name of that...?" could spark up a decent pub conversation whereas now somebody somebody just looks it up in seconds.

Can't beat a good pointless pubfight squabbling over whether a song formally had Annie Lennox or the Eurythmics as the artist.

Eta: ...and that's not even getting into the subject of pub quizzes, but that's been done to death on this thread already.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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