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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I work in an office on Buchanan Street. Over the course of the working week I'm subjected to the following:

  • Some c**t dressed as Slash playing Guns 'n' Roses riffs for three hours at a time.
  • Some old goat calling himself the "Bowie & Bolan Busker" playing the same couple of tunes by the aforementioned 70s superstars. Badly.
  • Whinging youngsters playing their maudlin tales of woe on acoustic guitars.
  • Pipers. I quite like the sound of the pipes, but not for extended periods. Like all day fucking long.
  • A saxophonist who I will slaughter like a hog if he doesn't up his game from ceaseless jazz noodlings to a proper fucking tune.

Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse the soundtrack to Monday morning has been some joker playing a full fucking drumkit. That's a man, in the street, playing a fucking drumkit.

The guitarists are all rocking mics and amps these days, too. Not content with bursting the heads of passers-by they're now doing it to anyone in a quarter mile radius. It's messing with my mellow something awful.

I'm a big music lover but this shit's getting out of hand. I want people banned, and possibly beaten up. Regulate the decibel level these c***s are cranking out. Ban amplification. No more than two renditions of Sweet Child o' Mine per day (fuckin' Slash. I liked him for about 20 minutes first time I heard him out there. Now I feel it's only a matter of time before I end up suplexing the c**t through a shop window.)

I've often mocked human statues who paint themselves bronze or silver from head to toe and stand there quite bizarrely expecting to be handed loose change for it, but at least those lads go about their ridiculous fucking business quietly.


dundeebarry after his shift

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Dentist says I'm needing root canal treatment on a tooth that broke last week. Not looking forward to that at all

I got root canal treatment done in October which was surprisingly painless. The dentist said it's only ever painful if you've got an abscess. Or if you are a complete pussy.

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Ignorant c***s that stand and chat in a doorway. Utterly cretinous and moronic behaviour. Do they never think to move to either side of the doorway instead of blocking it and awkwardly holding the door open?!

I have also recently seen the following, similar acts of ignorant stupudity that had be fuming;

- A woman who was walking towards an escalator then stopped right in front of, blocking access to it for eceryone else, whilst she rooted around in her purse

- A man got on the bus but then stood in the aisle, right at the front of the bus, chatting to someone whilst a large queue formed behind him. Why he didn't just sit down to chat is a mystery. He should have been banned from the bus for life for a such a display of ignorance.

- Two woman who blocked an aisle in Asda with their trollies as they stood talking. Supermarkets should ban such thundering idiots.

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Dentist says I'm needing root canal treatment on a tooth that broke last week. Not looking forward to that at all

I've had that. Absolutely painless process, just the whole keeping the mouth open for an extended period that's a bit awkward but nothing worth worrying about.

I had to get it removed and refilled too after some of the enamel broke off a few weeks afterwards too. Wasn't overly bothered and it got me an extra hour off work. To date that's my only filling!

Anyway, the reason I came on here: I was at a work quiz last night and on top of having questions about the Winter Olympics in the sports round, they devoted one of the other 5 rounds to the Sochi Olympics.

In other news, I was the only person in the whole room to get the answer to "which are the only four cities or towns in Scotland to have two or more league football teams?".

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Ignorant c***s that stand and chat in a doorway. Utterly cretinous and moronic behaviour. Do they never think to move to either side of the doorway instead of blocking it and awkwardly holding the door open?!

I have also recently seen the following, similar acts of ignorant stupudity that had be fuming;

- A woman who was walking towards an escalator then stopped right in front of, blocking access to it for eceryone else, whilst she rooted around in her purse

- A man got on the bus but then stood in the aisle, right at the front of the bus, chatting to someone whilst a large queue formed behind him. Why he didn't just sit down to chat is a mystery. He should have been banned from the bus for life for a such a display of ignorance.

- Two woman who blocked an aisle in Asda with their trollies as they stood talking. Supermarkets should ban such thundering idiots.

Add to that the groups of students at subway stations who all have a ticket, but block the entrance while waiting for their pal to buy his/hers.

Go through the f*cking barrier, he'll be there in a minute, you absolute a*sepieces.

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I've had that. Absolutely painless process, just the whole keeping the mouth open for an extended period that's a bit awkward but nothing worth worrying about.

I had to get it removed and refilled too after some of the enamel broke off a few weeks afterwards too. Wasn't overly bothered and it got me an extra hour off work. To date that's my only filling!

Anyway, the reason I came on here: I was at a work quiz last night and on top of having questions about the Winter Olympics in the sports round, they devoted one of the other 5 rounds to the Sochi Olympics.

In other news, I was the only person in the whole room to get the answer to "which are the only four cities or towns in Scotland to have two or more league football teams?".

Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Falkirk I believe.

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Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Falkirk I believe.


I had to think about it carefully seeing as the Shire* have been homeless and staying in Stenhousemuir for ages. I came to the conclusion that the quiz master had zero knowledge of Scottish football and it must have come from a book where Falkirk would be the answer.

*My phone auto-corrected that to 'Shite' btw. :lol:

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The tidal wave of people that exit the buses from North Edinburgh and Fife on Queensferry Street each morning. There can be three buses there unloading at the same time blocking the pavement for decent people. That can delay me reaching the coffee shop for my morning latte by a couple of minutes. Scum.

This again. 2 buses today. Don't these c***s read P&B.

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I had to think about it carefully seeing as the Shire* have been homeless and staying in Stenhousemuir for ages. I came to the conclusion that the quiz master had zero knowledge of Scottish football and it must have come from a book where Falkirk would be the answer.

*My phone auto-corrected that to 'Shite' btw. :lol:

I had a pointless argument with an English guy about this the other day. Since East Stirlingshire now play in Stenhousemuir, and Falkirk now play in Grangemouth (going by the road sign anyway, which I acknowledge might not be placed in exactly the right position), you could argue that Falkirk town now has no teams (although the council area Falkirk still does).

A bit of a lazy question tbh. Resorting to trivia books is the hallmark of a shite quizmaster.

Went to a quiz the other day where the QM insisted there was 3 Free Willy films (there are 4, but he never even bothered checking beforehand). He also asked what kind of animal a woodchuck was (the bewildering answer was greyhound). And what EU country could you drive to from Great Britain (I thought it was a trick question and said Spain). Nope, the answer was the RoI. Even when I pointed out in my best threatening Norn Irn accent that it wasn't part of the Britain (but was the UK), he dismissed it out of hand saying they were the same thing. Tbh, if the quiz wasn't so easy, I probably wouldn't go back.

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And what EU country could you drive to from Great Britain (I thought it was a trick question and said Spain).

How's that? Is there a tiny exclave of Spain in Staffordshire or something?

The QM also made a massive balls up but told everyone to "shut up, I'm God up here, the QM is right" when there was outrage from several teams (the ones that take it super seriously when a point can be the difference between winners and runners-up).

She clearly asked "humans are 10,000 more sexual active than what animal" and then gave the answer as "rabbits - yup, they're 10,000 times randier than us". Despite being told by ~100 people that she obviously f***ed it up, she was absolutely adamant that she was right.

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How's that? Is there a tiny exclave of Spain in Staffordshire or something?

The QM also made a massive balls up but told everyone to "shut up, I'm God up here, the QM is right" when there was outrage from several teams (the ones that take it super seriously when a point can be the difference between winners and runners-up).

She clearly asked "humans are 10,000 more sexual active than what animal" and then gave the answer as "rabbits - yup, they're 10,000 times randier than us". Despite being told by ~100 people that she obviously f***ed it up, she was absolutely adamant that she was right.

Another poor question. Is there a scale for randiness?

I'm guessing he's meaning you could drive from Gibraltar to Spain.

Precisely. Which I knew wasn't the right answer (like RoI) but if you were going to guess an obvious wrong answer or the obscure "trick" one, you'd go for the latter.

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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I'm working in day surgery theatres at the moment and while its interesting, I wouldn't want a permanent job in one. What's really irritating me is the surgical caps we have to wear. I took it off when I finished at half five today and I still have to keep checking I'm not wearing it because I can feel the elastic on my head.

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I'm working in day surgery theatres at the moment and while its interesting, I wouldn't want a permanent job in one. What's really irritating me is the surgical caps we have to wear. I took it off when I finished at half five today and I still have to keep checking I'm not wearing it because I can feel the elastic on my head.

Just the one cap for the whole day? How long does it take to remove an ingrown toenail?

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I'm working in day surgery theatres at the moment and while its interesting, I wouldn't want a permanent job in one. What's really irritating me is the surgical caps we have to wear. I took it off when I finished at half five today and I still have to keep checking I'm not wearing it because I can feel the elastic on my head.

First time I wore a hard hat was just after a safety lecture about working with cranes. Glanced upwards and there was this massive yellow thing that might have been a steel container about to land on me. Dived away, to realise it was the peak of the helmet. It feels really unnatural having something pressing on your head, but you get used to it eventually.

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First time I wore a hard hat was just after a safety lecture about working with cranes. Glanced upwards and there was this massive yellow thing that might have been a steel container about to land on me. Dived away, to realise it was the peak of the helmet. It feels really unnatural having something pressing on your head, but you get used to it eventually.

It's definitely a strange sensation. I'm scared I'm going to end up getting used to it and go home on the bus wearing it one day.

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