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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Due to a new manager shuffling the seats at work, I'm now siting across from the most annoying woman ever.

She's like a real life version of Bridgette Jones. All she does is sit and chat about serious relationship pish to the girl next to her, and the office is so quiet that I can hear every cringeworthy word about how she's never emotionally tied to men she meets and every single relationship problem from the 43 boyfriends she seems to have had in the last 6months. Every now and then I look up to check she's not on the verge of tears, but she's actually far from it. She's telling these depressing tales while eating food which she later complains about eating. The odd time she diverts from talking about men and food it's to talk about her holiday, which she has planned every second of down to what she's drinking on what night.

I hate her and it's only been 1 day. Taking my iPod in tonight to try drown her out but if that fails it boot in the pie time.

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Due to a new manager shuffling the seats at work, I'm now siting across from the most annoying woman ever.

She's like a real life version of Bridgette Jones. All she does is sit and chat about serious relationship pish to the girl next to her, and the office is so quiet that I can hear every cringeworthy word about how she's never emotionally tied to men she meets and every single relationship problem from the 43 boyfriends she seems to have had in the last 6months. Every now and then I look up to check she's not on the verge of tears, but she's actually far from it. She's telling these depressing tales while eating food which she later complains about eating. The odd time she diverts from talking about men and food it's to talk about her holiday, which she has planned every second of down to what she's drinking on what night.

I hate her and it's only been 1 day. Taking my iPod in tonight to try drown her out but if that fails it boot in the pie time.

Be thankful that she'll end up living as a bitter old spinster with many mangy cats for company.

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Fannies walking around puffing on these ecigarette things. You look even stupider now than when you were smoking real fags

The ones that look like real cigarettes are okay, but there seems to be an element of competition these days as to who can find the biggest, most ornate shisha type affair, resulting in groups of people standing outside buildings puffing away on what look like robot boabys.

Edited by Hillonearth
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A few years ago I was in America with my american football team at the time. We visited a middle school, and some of the questions the kids asked were outrageous:

"Do you have planes in Scotland?"

"Do you have electricity in Scotland?"

"If you call a vacation a holiday, what do you guys call Christmas?"

Were some of the gems.

This of course swings both ways. Some of the questions I've had to answer from friends and family when they visit us are truly ridiculous.

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I thought the point of e-cigs was to help quit? Don't they give the nicotine hit but without the cancerous shit and tar that's in normal cigarettes?

ETA: I'd also much rather get stuck behind a guy smoking an e-cig with no cancerous, stinking second hand smoke than someone smoking something that's killing us both tbh.

Edited by Honest_Man#1
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I thought the point of e-cigs was to help quit? Don't they give the nicotine hit but without the cancerous shit and tar that's in normal cigarettes?

ETA: I'd also much rather get stuck behind a guy smoking an e-cig with no cancerous, stinking second hand smoke than someone smoking something that's killing us both tbh.

That is true, but it doesn't stop them looking like bellends.

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I work with a couple of folk who use these and there's an element of smugness about them. "Look at me, I'm 'smoking' indoors, because I can".

Very true, plus I'm not sure how much medical research has been conducted into what the long term effects, if any, of these ecigarettes.

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Fannies walking around puffing on these ecigarette things. You look even stupider now than when you were smoking real fags

You realize they were invented in the 70's by the writers of Robo Hunter in 2000AD comic who had a "robo stogie"?

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