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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Plenty of the other merchants do it, walker timber, keyline, and a few of the plumbers merchants as well. It can be a busy time, but when you have folk that are on their feet from 7am and are entitled to a break, something has to give. There have been days where I've not had my lunch until 2pm FFS

Maybe Bob Geldof will sort you out or Amnesty International could have a concert to raise public awareness.
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What, would you deem having lunch at 2pm having started at 7am as acceptable?? 7 hours with no break (ok, maybe a cuppa whilst on the go, but still..), f**k that, and it's against the working laws.

Plenty of people work through their lunch break and don't even have it!!!!

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Plenty of the other merchants do it, walker timber, keyline, and a few of the plumbers merchants as well. It can be a busy time, but when you have folk that are on their feet from 7am and are entitled to a break, something has to give. There have been days where I've not had my lunch until 2pm FFS

Should have stuck in at the school.

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What, would you deem having lunch at 2pm having started at 7am as acceptable?? 7 hours with no break (ok, maybe a cuppa whilst on the go, but still..), f**k that, and it's against the working laws.

Make a pan full of porridge in the morning, eat a big bowl, line your pockets with clingfilm and stuff them full. Nibble as you work to your heart's content. My work here is done.

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Make a pan full of porridge in the morning, eat a big bowl, line your pockets with clingfilm and stuff them full. Nibble as you work to your heart's content. My work here is done.

Porridge?? Nah, your alright son. I'd rather work through my break than be running to the shithouse.

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Guest The Phoenix
Porridge?? Nah, your alright son. I'd rather work through my break than be running to the shithouse.

I'm amazed your sweat shop has a toilet, TBH.

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Work being quiet most of the morning, but the minute it hits lunchtime, the customers all start piling in.

I know gaz, it just gets a bit nippy. All the managers at the other branches (and ours) have asked head office to consider shutting for an hour at lunchtime, but they won't agree to it. Mind you, the bosses are dundonians...

Also, a few of the customers wouldn't come in at the time if they had the choice, but if their bosses tell them go for materials, then they've got to follow orders I suppose.

Plenty of the other merchants do it, walker timber, keyline, and a few of the plumbers merchants as well. It can be a busy time, but when you have folk that are on their feet from 7am and are entitled to a break, something has to give. There have been days where I've not had my lunch until 2pm FFS

What, would you deem having lunch at 2pm having started at 7am as acceptable?? 7 hours with no break (ok, maybe a cuppa whilst on the go, but still..), f**k that, and it's against the working laws.

:lol: Fucking hell.

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All this moaning about working hours. All I can say is, thanks f**k for flexi-time. What a godsend!

Ohh and 2pm is ok for lunch. My lunch times this far this month have ranged from 12 - 3.45pm. So yeah diddums.

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My lunch break was non existent when I was a joiner, 5 minute toilet break, grab my sandwiches and irn bru and go back up the scaffold.

I get bored on my 45 minute breaks now.

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I don't hate working, and I don't hate customers. Quite the opposite in fact. Got to be professional - I can't moan at customers if they turn up at awkward times. The other guy i work with (who is the foreman) is an ex-navy butthead lookalike who barely acknowledges the people he serves and his personality matches that of a blackboard. I'll happily talk to and have a bit of banter and a laugh and a chat about football with most of the customers. In fact most of them come to me rather than the other guy.

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