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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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No surprise to see 1888Lichtie jumping to the defence of Celtic.

Well that didn't happen.

I don't like Celtic, I hate Sevco. Don't get confused like some of Ra Berzz on here do now.

Even if it was Ally McCoist that had said what Ronny Deila had in between singing Rule Brittania and wearing a vote No badge/UJ around his shoulder I would've been over the moon to hear it aswell.

Somebody talking up Scottish football isn't a bad thing. Wish more would follow suit.

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No surprise to see 1888Lichtie jumping to the defence of Celtic.

It's remarkable how many folk actually agree with Delia-lusional.

However, he's right and the rest of the worldwide television audience are clearly wrong - the English premiership is boring to watch and Celtic are fascinating. :1eye

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It's remarkable how many folk actually agree with Delia-lusional.

However, he's right and the rest of the worldwide television audience are clearly wrong - the English premiership is boring to watch and Celtic are fascinating. :1eye

This level of seethe towards a club can't be healthy for you.

You ever struggle to read an article, yet only see what you want to see.

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I keep getting cramp in my three toes between the biggest and smallest. I 'stretch' them back and it goes away but as soon as I let go, the build up starts again. I'm getting to the point where I'm going to have to endure it which is a funny/tickley sensation to start off with but then just becomes pain, very quickly. :(

"Middle toes" would've been plenty ;)

Try standing on a cold floor. Can't say I've ever done it before as I tend to just wriggle around being close to tears. But some folk say it works. Go and stand outside for 2 minutes bare foot, see how it works out for you :)

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I keep getting cramp in my three toes between the biggest and smallest. I 'stretch' them back and it goes away but as soon as I let go, the build up starts again. I'm getting to the point where I'm going to have to endure it which is a funny/tickley sensation to start off with but then just becomes pain, very quickly. :(

When's the last time you were in west Africa?

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My team at work is being split up, I'll have to speak to new arseholes and my new manager is a c**t.

Hiya P45 hiya pal.

Exactly the situation I find myself in. Our team/department underwent an extensive review. No one was technically sacked but some roles were made redundant. Those poor buggers had to apply for other newly created roles but most of them took their redundancy and left.

I was moved to a new team of arseholes performing a role which constituted about 25% of my previous role and expected to just pick up a tonne of new crap at the drop of a hat. I'm too old for this shit.

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Electric showers are awful.

Wouldn't happen to be a Mira by any chance? With some name sounding like it could be an enjoyable experience like sport or zest.

If so,I agree. They are abysmal

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Electric showers are awful.

Wouldn't happen to be a Mira by any chance? With some name sounding like it could be an enjoyable experience like sport or zest.

If so,I agree. They are abysmal

It's all a matter of scale, an electric shower will do the job as in get you wet and rinse you down.

If you want more pressure/flow rate you have to go for mains pressure storage such as a POWERflow cylinder, this will give you plenty hot water and pressure, however you will use/ pay for 3/4 times as much hot water and watch your money go anticlockwise down the drain.

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It's all a matter of scale, an electric shower will do the job as in get you wet and rinse you down.

If you want more pressure/flow rate you have to go for mains pressure storage such as a POWERflow cylinder, this will give you plenty hot water and pressure, however you will use/ pay for 3/4 times as much hot water and watch your money go anticlockwise down the drain.

I swapped the Mira for a triton at same power (8.5 as I didn't want to strip the splashbacks to strip the flex and replace ) and the triton is infinitely better. It feels like you are actually getting a good clean rather than a warm sprinkle.

I had a water mill at a previous address due to poor pressure, what a noise they make but my god the shower worked.

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Electric showers are better in terms of energy and wastage. But I'd agree unless you're getting a larger model or additional pressure somehow they're not as good as a mixer off the mains.

Sure you'll be paying more, but hey at least you're getting mains water pressure and not a dribble. Even then you can boost it!

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