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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I thought I was traversing the depths of despair and a chasm of irritation as I heard an old man whistling in the uniquely annoying manner only their ilk can. It was a short tune repeated over and over. And fucking over.

You see I was on the bus and I feared this dusty old c**t had got on and was to torment me for the whole journey. Luckily it transpired that he was just at the bus stop (where the bus had stopped) and the relief broke upon me like a tsunami when the doors closed and it pulled away.

But it was a close one.

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I went in the other morning and they told me the next appointment was the 5th of March. If it was serious, the nurse could phone me. Told them it was serious (it wasn't). The nurse phoned me about half an hour later, had a blather for 2 minutes and she told me to come and and speak to a GP who was available. Mentalists.

I feel like an old person.

I thought you were an old person?

I'm so fed up at the minute. Stressed out my ringer at work, constantly on the bones of my arse even though I'm knocking my pan in at said job, and I'm just fed up of the monotony of life.

I feel like I have absolutely nothing to look forward to just now. Gave my poor mother a long-winded email this morning in the hope I would unburden myself, but just feel so shite that I've put it all on her.

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I went in the other morning and they told me the next appointment was the 5th of March. If it was serious, the nurse could phone me. Told them it was serious (it wasn't). The nurse phoned me about half an hour later, had a blather for 2 minutes and she told me to come and and speak to a GP who was available. Mentalists.

I feel like an old person.

5th of March would do me! I'm only after an MOT but they insist that you can't make appointments in advance and that you phone on the day.........can see why people like myself that are generally in good health don't fcuking bother!

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I thought you were an old person?

I'm so fed up at the minute. Stressed out my ringer at work, constantly on the bones of my arse even though I'm knocking my pan in at said job, and I'm just fed up of the monotony of life.

I feel like I have absolutely nothing to look forward to just now. Gave my poor mother a long-winded email this morning in the hope I would unburden myself, but just feel so shite that I've put it all on her.

Was having a similar conversation with a colleague just yesterday.

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Was having a similar conversation with a colleague just yesterday.

You're braver than me, I don't think I have the bottle to talk to anyone face to face about things like this anymore.

It's just shite really. Should be happy that it's Friday and the weekend is around the corner, but all I can think of is how shite it's going to be. Skint and nothing to do but washing and cleaning.

Honestly, I feel pathetic but I feel as if I could burst into tears right now at how shite this is. And then I feel guilty because there's obviously people who are worse off than me.

Quite literally, FML.

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You're braver than me, I don't think I have the bottle to talk to anyone face to face about things like this anymore.

It's just shite really. Should be happy that it's Friday and the weekend is around the corner, but all I can think of is how shite it's going to be. Skint and nothing to do but washing and cleaning.

Honestly, I feel pathetic but I feel as if I could burst into tears right now at how shite this is. And then I feel guilty because there's obviously people who are worse off than me.

Quite literally, FML.

Gies a wee tinkle.

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I thought you were an old person?

I'm so fed up at the minute. Stressed out my ringer at work, constantly on the bones of my arse even though I'm knocking my pan in at said job, and I'm just fed up of the monotony of life.

I feel like I have absolutely nothing to look forward to just now. Gave my poor mother a long-winded email this morning in the hope I would unburden myself, but just feel so shite that I've put it all on her.

Obviously I don't know your financial situation but is there any way that you can book a wee getaway for a couple of month's time?

I don't go away until October but thinking about having that ahead of me is often the wee boost that I need when I can't be arsed with everyday life.

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I have complained about this before and i think in this thread but i will do it again as it happened last night and others may relate - i hate it when there are 3 + of you in a situation and then one persons phone goes and then they pick it up and speak right in front of you rather than leave the vicinity so all others are forced to listen in to the conversation. Its honestly like a red rag to a bull for me, happened last night with this friend of ours!!

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We're going to Belfast with friends in 11 days. :huh:

Everyone is different but I'd be focussing on booting the arse out of that trip and possibly look forward to booking another wee jaunt when I got back home.

I appreciate things aren't as simple as having something to look forward to, mind, but that's my workaround usually.

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5th of March would do me! I'm only after an MOT but they insist that you can't make appointments in advance and that you phone on the day.........can see why people like myself that are generally in good health don't fcuking bother!

Can you do that? Just ask for an MOT/Check Up?

(Haven't seen a Dr in years)

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Obviously I don't know your financial situation but is there any way that you can book a wee getaway for a couple of month's time?

I don't go away until October but thinking about having that ahead of me is often the wee boost that I need when I can't be arsed with everyday life.

We are going to Belfast in a couple of weeks, but at the end of the day, I know that an overnight stay away isn't going to drastically alter the shitstorm which has basically taken over life at the minute.

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Can you do that? Just ask for an MOT/Check Up?

(Haven't seen a Dr in years)

Depends upon the GP you're registered with I guess. When I was registered up in Perthshire I used to have one done every year.......just bloods taken, pressure checked, etc

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We are going to Belfast in a couple of weeks, but at the end of the day, I know that an overnight stay away isn't going to drastically alter the shitstorm which has basically taken over life at the minute.

Fair enough, man. It's nice to have those things to look forward to when wee things are getting you down but they may not get you through more pressing issues.

Hope you feel better about stuff sooner rather than later.

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I'm the complete opposite tbh. I hate when folk get up and walk away on their phone. Fair play if it's an important call but you're in my/our company. Answer the phone, tell them you'll call back and get on with what we're out for.

This isn't necessarily on a night out just when you are in company of more than 2 of you and then the others are forced to listen to your conversation!

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