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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I sometimes go to a Turkish barbers as they set my ear hair on fire.

He shoved a cotton bud covered in hot wax up each nostril and left them there for a couple of minutes while he continued cutting my hair. After a couple of minutes he yanked the fuckers out and pulled all the nasal hair out in the process. It's quite cool because it makes you're eyes water uncontrollably so you can pretend you're not crying at the pain.

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He shoved a cotton bud covered in hot wax up each nostril and left them there for a couple of minutes while he continued cutting my hair. After a couple of minutes he yanked the fuckers out and pulled all the nasal hair out in the process. It's quite cool because it makes you're eyes water uncontrollably so you can pretend you're not crying at the pain.

Many of us are now at an age where hair comes out of all sorts of places.

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I recently got hold of an old friends number from another friend. Now this guy was my best mate for 10 years when I was younger and I've not got a clue what to say to him. I tried to drop him a text the other day, but it's been almost 6 years since I last seen him. I know this sounds really pathetic, but he'll be a completely different person now and I've no idea how to approach this. :/

After only six years? Have the Pod People invaded his town? :huh:

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That is the most irritating accent in the world to me. I have two cousins who talk like this too...despite the fact that their other two siblings speak quite normally (for Londoners).

I spent a couple of days in Sheffield a while back, and was amazed that all the skinny wee laddies in the town centre sounded just like this. Thought I'd ended up on the wrong train. Thank f**k that hasn't caught on up here.

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Arseholes on the bus who close windows without prior consent. Before opening or closing a window, said Arseholes should put the issue to a vote rather than get to decide the temperature of the bus unilaterally

There used to be an auld yin who'd get on the bus to/from Stirling and immediately exclaim, "ooh, it's freezing in here!" and do the melodramatic hug-and-shiver, before marching down the bus closing windows as she went. In the middle of summer, when everyone's miserable from the heat and ready to smash the windows to get a bit more air in.

..and the young ones think they invented trolling :rolleyes:

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People writing "sent you a PM" on someone status on Facebook or whatever. Like the fact that they have a private message from said fanny isn't a big enough clue.

Hate people.

But if you are just on your phone you wouldn't see you had a message unless you were purposely checking them all the time

Poor on Facebook mind you

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He shoved a cotton bud covered in hot wax up each nostril and left them there for a couple of minutes while he continued cutting my hair. After a couple of minutes he yanked the fuckers out and pulled all the nasal hair out in the process. It's quite cool because it makes you're eyes water uncontrollably so you can pretend you're not crying at the pain.

I need to take this up with my Turk. "Why are you only giving me fire in the ears and not the sticky/yanky nose business?"

I like yanking out clumps of my nasal hair. Mainly black but the old silver or ginger one. They make a good pop when you rip them out.

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Don't think we'll be getting into Oz anyhow...missus is convinced she's failed the assessment :bairn:

Fuxake Dee Man. Get her punted and I'll set you up with one of the Home & Away honeys.
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Grounds for divorce IMO.

Once we receive the email confirming her fail, she will be swiftly kicked in the pie followed by a phone call to my lawyer to begin divorce proceedings on the grounds of leading me to believe I was going to be living my life in the sun.

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Ok, this is petty. The neighbour parks his car with the front end 6" further way from the kerb than the back. First time I thought it was an accident but it turns out he does this every single time! Puts me off when I'm parallel parking and it makes the street look untidy.

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Guest The Phoenix

Jim 3 cars along the road does this. Really spoils the neatness of the parked cars in the street.

Mind you, he is a 70+ year old DAB and we know what they're like.

Great nickname.

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