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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It gets on my nerves having to wait for someone to confirm if the night-out is on our not, as their presence depends on whether the evening goes ahead.

Never been in this situation Donnie! Unless it's just me and one other person :lol:

If you end up staying in fancy sitting out that fucking bus crawl? :P

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Never been in this situation Donnie! Unless it's just me and one other person :lol:

If you end up staying in fancy sitting out that fucking bus crawl? :P

Indeed it's just with one other person. :P

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Gold leaf style security markings on parking permits. Just spent ages making a near perfect forgery only to be beaten by scanner being unable to pick up the gold colouring and the final printout only showing black instead. :(

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Indeed it's just with one other person. :P

I meant to say 'sorting' not sitting by the way. Enjoy your night out if your mate hasn't ditched you :P

I'm aff it the night for the first time in ages. :(

Edited by 1320Lichtie
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I'm lacing up again tomorrow for the first time in a while, charity game/tournament. This isn't what annoys me, but it's keeping me off the binge. That's what annoys me.

I've got a friendly at 10am tomorrow and I'm away to go on the razzle; man up. ;)

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Left holding the baby, wife left some frozen boob milk to defrost. Its now feeding time and I've just noticed the frigging bag has sprung a leak. Anyone got any spare bitty?

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2 dirties asked me to back with them to their house last night but I couldn't because I have a girlfriend and that's just so shit sometimes.

Some of their dancing gave me a semi. Was bloody brilliant.

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Left holding the baby, wife left some frozen boob milk to defrost. Its now feeding time and I've just noticed the frigging bag has sprung a leak. Anyone got any spare bitty?

Bitty!! Been there mate! Just pray the dummy will be sufficient till tomorrow night(or tonight didn't look when this was posted)

Fucking trains! Standing all the way to Edinburgh from Dundee! Unacceptable scotrail get a grip!

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Left holding the baby, wife left some frozen boob milk to defrost. Its now feeding time and I've just noticed the frigging bag has sprung a leak. Anyone got any spare bitty?

Bitty!! Been there mate! Just pray the dummy will be sufficient till tomorrow night(or tonight didn't look when this was posted)

Fucking trains! Standing all the way to Edinburgh from Dundee! Unacceptable scotrail get a grip!

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Wee bawbag sitting outside my house with Scooter blaring out his car speakers.

Used to have a neighbour who played this shite at all hours and extremely loudly. Needless to say he was a total tosser and every time I hear that pish it gives me horrible shivers. Utter gunk.

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Why didn't you go out and kill him and once he was dead smash f**k out his stereo then set his car alight with him dead inside it?

Was wondering that myself, actually.

The wife tells me there are laws against these things, apparently.

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Trying to get info from a supplier in Italy. Emails getting automated out of office replies that nobody is working and all on holiday from

30/05/15 - 03/06/15 for a one day national holiday (Republic Day).

If that how long one day national public holidays are under a republican regime I have only one thing to add - DEATH TO THE MONARCHY.

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On a plane for over an hour today and a tosser on the other side of the aisle is playing a game that "tings" every time he does something right. Turn the sounds off, ya b*****d!

Ditto these cabbages that can't type out a text without the phone registering their every letter with a daft noise. You're actually looking at the message as you type it out, ya complete roaster.

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Trying to get info from a supplier in Italy. Emails getting automated out of office replies that nobody is working and all on holiday from

30/05/15 - 03/06/15 for a one day national holiday (Republic Day).

If that how long one day national public holidays are under a republican regime I have only one thing to add - DEATH TO THE MONARCHY.

Don't bother trying to get hold of them during August, they piss off to the lidos for a month.

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