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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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At Dyce station this morning. Woman along platform chain-smoked 3 fags in the 9minutes before the train arrived (lighting new fag with previous one).

Takes last draw as train doors open, and flicks fag away, gets on sits down and exhales last of smoke onto everyone in carriage near her.

Hate folk that get on trains and buses and exhale the last desperate draw of their fag over anyone within breathing distance of them..

Edited by MEADOWXI
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When the f**k did that start happening?

And why?

When moronic teenagers started watching High School Musical rather than Grange Hill for entertainment,

then started using it as guidance on how their school should be.

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When moronic teenagers started watching High School Musical rather than Grange Hill for entertainment,

then started using it as guidance on how their school should be.

Aye, proms, yearbooks and so on. Even down to the fact they call it “high school” these days.

It’s secondary, ya wee dicks.

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There was only one person in my entire year who bought a leaver's hoodie. They were something like £25 I'm sure - f**k that.

The absolute worstcunts are folk that wear their Uni sports hoodie with the team they're a part of absolutely everywhere.

Edited by ScottR96
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There was only one person in my entire year who bought a leaver's hoodie. They were something like £25 I'm sure - f**k that.

The absolute worstcunts are folk that wear their Uni sports hoodie with the team they're a part of absolutely everywhere.

I don't actually own a hoodie of any description...but they're just clothes man? Whats the big deal with what people are wearing?

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We play our sixth years every summer (it was my fault we lost this year). I've suggested to the next year group that instead of getting leavers hoodies the football team (and anyone else who would be involved in the match) should actually get a set of kits with their names on them, the school badge etc. If I was a guy leaving school I would much prefer that than a hoodie.

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My Facebook news feed seems to be full of lassies trying to sell things to each other. It used to be stuff like "handmade candles and gifts" and other such shite and it's currently health foods. Loads of posts that are just blatantly attempts to hook other birds into some pyramid health food juice scheme. Stupid cows.

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Agreed. But then again i dislike most people. But studenty students are utter c***s and having just graduated, I have met a number of such c***s.

They'll lose that happiness when they try and look for a job.

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First i've heard of these leavers hoodies...already hate it.

Anyway. Having to puff my ecig at the smoking area at work. When it rains everyone crams under the shelter and it's just horrible

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The new Barcelona top.

It just looks wrong.

Segunda Division side Llagostera have always worn the same coloured hoops that Barca are now wearing. Some of their fans have been mocking Barcelona for copying them and to add fuel to it Hummel have designed Llagostera an almost identical home strip -


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A member of my staff took a day off to go her kids nursery graduation. It's a fucking pisstake.

My previously "stay at home mum" partner is going back to uni to refresh her teaching degree in time for my youngest kids starting school. Her induction was on "nursery graduation" day and it would be "horrific, upsetting and embarrassing" for my 2 nursery age children not to have a parent there.

I was press ganged into going to work early, coming back up the road for this hour and a half, back to work again and stay late to make up the hours. I work in Aberdeen so that's 4 fucking trips up the A90 leaving my gaff at 5am and getting home at half 7.

A fucking sham.

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Settled down for a good episode of Jeremy Kyle, aiming to make me feel better about my own life, and it's one of those inspirational lives episodes.

I wanted to see scum fighting, not this "You're an inspiration to us all." bollocks.

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