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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I get that all the time Dee Man its annoying as f**k

I also get annoyed when swimmers in the slow lane at the pool feel that they can swim at a completely unacceptable slow pace, theres often some fat old woman doing back stroke and i can't do my proper amount of lengths coz someones going too slow but then the fast lane is the opposite and too aggressive. The fat old women may as well go to the main bit of the pool because it doesn't matter if they bump into anyone because they are going so slowly


Obsessive about lengths type post.


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I've seen that once, but can't remember what film it was. I've no issue with it tbh. I know it's slightly different, but folk clap at the theatre. Aye there are folk at the theatre there to receive the applause, but at the cinema it's still a form of recognition even if the actors can't hear or see you :lol:

The best thing I ever witnessed at the pictures was during Skyfall. It was the scene in the old mansion when the guy shot a fella with a shotgun and said "Welcome to Scotland". The audience cheered :lol:

I remember seeing Rocky IV the whole cinema was standing on the seats shouting Rocky Rocky Rocky :lol:

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I remember seeing Rocky IV the whole cinema was standing on the seats shouting Rocky Rocky Rocky :lol:

Saw Indians Jones and the Temple of Doom in Dublin when it first came out.

There was an intermission and everybody clapped. And as the final fights and scenes built to the end everybody was clapping and cheering the fights and the chase in the mining carts.

Strangeness is not exclusive to Scotland.

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I remember seeing Rocky IV the whole cinema was standing on the seats shouting Rocky Rocky Rocky :lol:

Saw Indians Jones and the Temple of Doom in Dublin when it first came out.

There was an intermission and everybody clapped. And as the final fights and scenes built to the end everybody was clapping and cheering the fights and the chase in the mining carts.

Strangeness is not exclusive to Scotland.

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There was wild, rapturous applause at the beginning of the showing of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back that I attended. There was no applause at the end.

A fight almost broke out when I went to see A.I. - half the audience had spent most of the running time stifling giggles at the mawkishness of the whole thing, but towards the end it became obvious that the other half were dewy-eyed and OMG SO affected by the ridiculous storyline that they began standing up and yelling insults at the rest for being so hard-hearted. That just gave them carte-blanche to laugh openly, which led to some nasty-looking spittle-flecked confrontations. I believe the manager was called for, but the credits rolled before he could come through with the banhammer. Was a damn sight more entertaining than the film, actually.

Oh, and I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but the best crowd engagement I've seen was at a showing of Young Adam, a film in which Ewan McGregor shags absolutely anything female that appears, and whips his boaby out with impunity. Everyone had cottoned on to this by the halfway point, so there were a lot of giggles whenever a woman appeared on-screen, and by the end people were just flat-out catcalling and yelling stuff like, "get wired in, Ewan son!" T'was most entertaining :D

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Folk complaining about 'women only' swimming sessions.

These are evidently excellent for filtering out the fat, overly subconscious whales afraid of men seeing their cellulite, leaving fit tidies at the regular sessions I attend. Either that or I just live in the Monaco in the North (where there's a Coral in place of a grand casino).

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When you are participating in a facebook hill/mountain identification quiz ( f**k off, I'll live my life how I like)and someone posts the answer you already posted hours ago. Read the thread you daft boot.

They probably did and just want to appear clever.

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I remember seeing Rocky IV the whole cinema was standing on the seats shouting Rocky Rocky Rocky :lol:

Cinema was full of us schoolkids for Rocky IV half the place was punching thin air singing Rocky, Rocky punch his puss. Was about 4 fights on the 15 minute walk home.

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