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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Power cuts.

Remember them...2 or 3 or more times a week here.

The positive is i don't have to watch some shite on TV.

I could never get used to the terminology 'brown out'.

Wait until the hurricane season starts.

The longest I went was a week without electricity, 2 weeks without water and a month without Internet. :-)

Are they still manipulating the wee fat 8 year old on Eat Buliga? Some of the worst TV I have ever seen.

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Its annoying when wearing grey jobby catchers and i get a bit of spillage when peeing and it shows up for all to see.


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More a petty things that make you depressed rather than annoyed: heading to work and your passing folk who are heading home from a night out, knowing they're going to sleep soon. I hope they all have crippling hangovers by the time I'm finished work :ph34r:

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Folk at work leaving less milk in the bottom of the carton than what an average human could produce with one spit, and putting it back in the fridge.  Fucking use the rest of it or empty the 5 drips you've left in the carton down the sink you absolute deviant.



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More a petty things that make you depressed rather than annoyed: heading to work and your passing folk who are heading home from a night out, knowing they're going to sleep soon. I hope they all have crippling hangovers by the time I'm finished work :ph34r:

Walking to work only for your missus to text you later on and ask why you haven't taken the car :angry:

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That's has never happened to me but I am a very uneasy pooer at best of times. If a fucking cubicle door is closed and locked there is probably someone inside taking a shit, what a moron.


She didn't actually start battering on the cubicle door, but did chap the door to the toilets and come in.  It was enough to totally throw me off my stride.  I couldn't finish the job knowing she was standing outside waiting on me to finish up.


I'll finish off later.

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Was dropping the kids off at the pool and the cleaner chapped the door and shouted to see if anyone was in.  Totally ruined the ambiance and I had to nip it and abandon play.

I know what time the cleaner does the bogs in my work and plan the bowel evacuations around it.


Being in the weeg, did the cleaner use the normal vernacular I was oh so familiar with at a previous workplace of,  CHAP CHAP "EMMBDAY IN"?

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She didn't actually start battering on the cubicle door, but did chap the door to the toilets and come in.  It was enough to totally throw me off my stride.  I couldn't finish the job knowing she was standing outside waiting on me to finish up.


I'll finish off later.


Shit in the sink. That'll teach her. 

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