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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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.... I also thought Japanese girls don't have any pubic hair, which I know for a fact not to be true.


If booitsme's 10million posts in the NSFW forum have taught us one thing then its that.

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Just listened to Russell Brand talking about politics, and didn't find him anything like as annoying as I have done in the past.


I think I might be ill.

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I thought the Chinese were allergic to cheese. Mind you I also thought Japanese girls don't have any pubic hair, which I know for a fact not to be true.


Chinese people(All Asians) are in large lactose intolerance (more accurately lactase non-persistence) , however, dairy products are becoming much more popular, hence the 380 million business for cheese.


Did Tam at the pub, no tell you this already? 

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Read something a while back that people from Japan stereotype Westerners as smelling like sour milk, which is a lovely thought.


I can sense a dig at fans of a certain club incoming...

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The normal condition for all adult mammals who no longer drink mother's milk.


People of primarily Northern European heritage have a particular haplotype (gene) that allows lactase persistence, that allows the use of dairy without side effects.

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The normal condition for all adult mammals who no longer drink mother's milk.


People of primarily Northern European heritage have a particular haplotype (gene) that allows lactase persistence, that allows the use of dairy without side effects.


Do the Chinese get off there faces sniffing cheese then?

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I think Monster may have had a stroke. 


mmnnth frnth d-d-d-d- ffnck rff!


From the RTBC thread

It all makes sense now




Complains about people that like computer games but likes to go to pubs which are notorious hangouts for bullshitters, fatties and general scum, especially during the day in the middle of the week. Jakeball central and no life.

I'd rather lose myself in an engrossing story and having fun doing so, instead of listening to old Tam spout his unrivalled knowledge and wisom on everything from football to the Chinese cheese markets.


You seem such fun, it seems being a shut-in fantasist is working well for you. Good guy.  :)

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The new breed of football cliche.... including big hitters like

"we go again..." after receiving a length

"If Messi had have done that...." after a suitably shite player acheives something better than mediocre.

Referring to a position by number, commonly 9 or 10.

"There was contact" To justify a soft as shite pen. It needs to be a foul, not contact you fucking cretin


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I don't love wrestling anymore, as its shit now but I agree entirely. It's a form of sports entertainment where the people are putting their bodies and lives in serious danger.

It's far more believable (and enjoyable) than utter pap like Game of Thrones, XFiles etc.

I honestly don't care if people enjoy wrestling/computer games in the slightest, as it has no impact on me at all. But please never use the word "sport" with reference to wrestling ever again. Competition is an integral part of the definition of what is a sport, and wrestling has none.

Thank you.

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People who reply to all to departmental emails (about 600 people).

Much much worse than that are the people who respond to them - still replying to all!!

Even better is the clown who replies to all to ask the original responder to not reply all in the future as it is clogging up people's mailboxes.

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When you arrange to meet someone at a time and then they not only change it after agreeing. They then decide to make themselves late an hour before meeting.

Basically I just hate folk changing times and being late.

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