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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm assuming you weren't hard at the booze n pooder last night, and that's why this bout of the boke is concerning you?

No, I suffer hangovers quietly, self inflicted and all that. Was in my scratcher for 9ish, apart from getting up to spew my ring.

Would prefer death over this tbh.
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Your wife is poisoning you to get the insurance money. Seek help immediately.

I don't think it would be worth her while really, my diet and drinking habits mean I'll probably be dead in five to seven years. Tell her to bide her time next time you speak to her.
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Ive gone one stage beyond the green bile stage.  I can only describe it as the "Jellied Fanta" stage.

I honestly thought I was dying. 

I was panicking there as I've just spewed up red stuff, but been slowly trying to put some Lucozade down me.

Had to send the youngest one to my Mum's, the two of them wouldn't stop fighting and I'm in a right fucking nick.
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1 hour ago, Adam said:

I'm no well, keep spewing my ringer any time I eat or drink something. It's quite a strange sensation going to puke and there's literally nothing left inside you.

Strangely enough I was in the exact same state yesterday. Couldn't keep anything down. Gave up at 5pm and went to bed. Sick on a Saturday? What are the odds?

Feeling a good bit better now, still to attempt eating something though. 

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Strangely enough I was in the exact same state yesterday. Couldn't keep anything down. Gave up at 5pm and went to bed. Sick on a Saturday? What are the odds?

Feeling a good bit better now, still to attempt eating something though. 

Nae use, and being ill at the weekend is just an added insult.

On the plus side, I've not had a sick day in months, least I won't look like a big faker by taking a couple of days off.
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2 hours ago, Adam said:


I was panicking there as I've just spewed up red stuff, but been slowly trying to put some Lucozade down me.

Had to send the youngest one to my Mum's, the two of them wouldn't stop fighting and I'm in a right fucking nick.



2 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Strangely enough I was in the exact same state yesterday. Couldn't keep anything down. Gave up at 5pm and went to bed. Sick on a Saturday? What are the odds?

Feeling a good bit better now, still to attempt eating something though. 

Thank god you're both well enough to use P&B though.

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I have a colleague who is currently going through a phase of putting *Read me* and the start of the subject line in every e-mail they send.

WTF do they think we're going to do with an e-mail?

Yeah pretty sure I've mentioned a similar idiot at my work doing that. I deliberately ignore it.
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3 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Strangely enough I was in the exact same state yesterday. Couldn't keep anything down. Gave up at 5pm and went to bed. Sick on a Saturday? What are the odds?

Guy I used to work beside took a day off once but was ill. When he came back he tried to cancel the day off and claim it as sick leave instead. The boss would have told him to take a running jump but as the guy had an artificial leg he was a bit more diplomatic about it. 

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Guy I used to work beside took a day off once but was ill. When he came back he tried to cancel the day off and claim it as sick leave instead. The boss would have told him to take a running jump but as the guy had an artificial leg he was a bit more diplomatic about it. 

Why shouldn't he be allowed it back? Not his fault he was ill.

Never done it myself but you get holidays back in my place if you can provide a doctor's line.
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Car adverts on TV. Every one shows a new car driving along a stretch of motorway or country road in nice weather with no other traffic around. You never see them advertise a car that is sitting in a three mile traffic jam due to roadworks in the pissing rain which is a lot more realistic.

Edited by IainMorton
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2 hours ago, bob the tank said:

Big Fat Tabby Dave , were you in the BHF shop in Alloa on Friday?

I was indeed.

I'm dreading what's coming now, considering we're on the PTTGOYN. Did I give you a dirty fiver or something?  :mellow:

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