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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Agree to take the missus to an appointment at ninewells today. It's at 10 to 12.

She's only just left her work to meet me now moaning she might miss it.

I can already feel my boot connecting with her pie.

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Nah, I'm a meat eater. Just can't be doing with milk in coffee. Always seems like the sort of thing you'd do when a wean doesn't like something.

Nah, I don't drink milk in coffee either. It's the sign of a person with questionable life choices.
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Nah, I'm a meat eater. Just can't be doing with milk in coffee. Always seems like the sort of thing you'd do when a wean doesn't like something.

If we had available to us anything that resembled a decent coffee bean, I wouldn't have milk either. Or sugar for that matter.

(Off track) When I was in Cuba we went to a small farm that produced coffee beans. I got to crush the beans (which took an absolute age) and then the guy dispensed them and everyone got a taste. As I take 2 sugar and milk in my coffee I wasn't keen on a black coffee. It turned out to be the nicest cup of coffee I've ever had and needless to say there is nothing over here that's compared to it. It makes me wonder what the hell goes so wrong from the source to our shelves.
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If we had available to us anything that resembled a decent coffee bean, I wouldn't have milk either. Or sugar for that matter.

(Off track) When I was in Cuba we went to a small farm that produced coffee beans. I got to crush the beans (which took an absolute age) and then the guy dispensed them and everyone got a taste. As I take 2 sugar and milk in my coffee I wasn't keen on a black coffee. It turned out to be the nicest cup of coffee I've ever had and needless to say there is nothing over here that's compared to it. It makes me wonder what the hell goes so wrong from the source to our shelves.

Don't buy instant coffee. Problem solved.

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People who confuse being a socially awkward little church mouse for politeness.

Need to go to a meeting on other side of town with someone who doesn't drive.

Me: do you want a lift

Them: oh really are you sure

Me: yeah of course

Them: only if it's not too much trouble I don't want to put you out.

Me: it's fine 

Them: if it is trouble I can always get a bus


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4 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

People who confuse being a socially awkward little church mouse for politeness.

Need to go to a meeting on other side of town with someone who doesn't drive.

Me: do you want a lift

Them: oh really are you sure

Me: yeah of course

Them: only if it's not too much trouble I don't want to put you out.

Me: it's fine 

Them: if it is trouble I can always get a bus


You have to watch where and when you shout that.

In the wrong context that can equal a custodial sentence.

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Just now, Stellaboz said:

People who can't drive, but drive. Bad drivers. Audi drivers especially, mostly utter, utter scum. Beamers aren't much better but Audi drivers are complete tits.

Am I the only 1 that's noticed VW Golf drivers are trying to become the new arseholes of the road? 

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4 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

People who can't drive, but drive. Bad drivers. Audi drivers especially, mostly utter, utter scum. Beamers aren't much better but Audi drivers are complete tits.

Are you calling me a complete tit? Oh, you are? Fair enough I suppose. 



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7 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

People who can't drive, but drive. Bad drivers. Audi drivers especially, mostly utter, utter scum. Beamers aren't much better but Audi drivers are complete tits.

Someone once told me that men with hats were the worst drivers on the road (or off the road, if they're really bad).  The guy was right.  Doesn't matter if it's a deerstalker or a baseball cap, the bunnet seems to turn men into absolute rockets behind the wheel.  My study at the time added people in really fancy cars (probably a business car, so they can crash it and someone picks up the tab) and those in shite old bangers (stolen / not insured / driver spaced out) who couldn't give a shit.  I'd add Asian women (ultra, ultra cautious - which might actually be a good thing... if you're not caught behind them) but that would get me branded a racist, so I won't.

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