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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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4 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Charities, they are all over the telly, they phone your house, show up at the door and you find them on the street to, just f**k off already. 

Is it bad that when a guy from Anthony Nolan came to my door last week and asked if they could count on my support in February I thought i'd rather give him my blood than my money?

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Having to negotiate a path round sundry salespeople and chuggers in shopping centres.  If I wanted Sky, to join the AA, wanted to make a claim for PPI that I didn't take out in the first place, or to give to wee babies with fuk-knows-what syndrome, I'd have done it somewhere else.

Plus....you can't walk the streets in Glasgow without tripping over beggars; they're everywhere.  Saw one on Sunday talking on his i-phone.  No, chief; I think it unlikely that you're homeless and hungry as per your cardboard sign.  The ones on their knees with their heads bowed come in for special bile.  

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1 hour ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Charities, they are all over the telly, they phone your house, show up at the door and you find them on the street to, just f**k off already. 

Totally agree. They are everywhere! One of my PTTGOYN is sponsorship for charities. It used to be that you sponsored someone for doing something because it was something that was a challenge and they had to put real effort and time into being able to complete it. Now half the requests I get are people who are going to run a 5km or worse, walk it. I get that for some there are good reasons why that might be difficult but the average person should be able to do this easily - I walk that to and from work everyday FFS.

Things like not drinking for a month or wearing a Christmas jumper to work - WTF? I'm not paying anyone to do any of these things.

Edited by Jambomo
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I have three people badgering me now to sponsor them for a January dryathlon, £20 seems to be the going rate people are donating and I will probably be made to feel bad for not donating but I wonder if these people make regular donations to cancer research themselves or do they just assume doing something that doesn't require any effort a good deed despite them not contributing financially themselves?

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I pass similar signs to this on the A947 on the way home every night,


Could the Cuntballs that drive at 35-40 in a 60 zone with up to 30 cars queued behind them please note this is for them, and pull over.

Total fucking ignorance leading to fustrated drivers makng suicidal overtaking manouvres and turning the road into scenes from the Wacky Races.


Please also note that the SLOW marking on the road is for me doing 60 to slow to 45 at the bend, not you doing 35 to slow to 15 YA Cockwomble,

and if you already doing 35 as you enter a village where the speed limit reduces from 60 to 40 - Don't slow down more Fucknugget.


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One of my girlfriends pals was looking for sponsorship to raise money for an animal charity by doing a skydive. Nothing against animals but a skydive sounds like great fun, and I'm not paying for you to do it. 

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2 hours ago, Jambomo said:

Totally agree. They are everywhere! One of my PTTGOYN is sponsorship for charities. It used to be that you sponsored someone for doing something because it was something that was a challenge and they had to put real effort and time into being able to complete it. Now half the requests I get are people who are going to run a 5km or worse, walk it. I get that for some there are good reasons why that might be difficult but the average person should be able to do this easily - I walk that to and from work everyday FFS.

Things like not drinking for a month or wearing a Christmas jumper to work - WTF? I'm not paying anyone to do any of these things.

We're doing this on Friday (and I have an absolute cracker). I don't mind paying a couple of pound for it, and if no one wants to, they don't have to. It's things like the below....

1 hour ago, throbber said:

I have three people badgering me now to sponsor them for a January dryathlon, £20 seems to be the going rate people are donating and I will probably be made to feel bad for not donating but I wonder if these people make regular donations to cancer research themselves or do they just assume doing something that doesn't require any effort a good deed despite them not contributing financially themselves?

...that are pish. Making out that not drinking for a bit is somehow a great feat, no doubt with regular HILARIOUS Facebook posts about how tough it is, is a slobbering load of old shite. Haha, LOL, its so tuff nt drinking LOL! TEEEEEEEEE HEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 

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6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

We're doing this on Friday (and I have an absolute cracker). I don't mind paying a couple of pound for it, and if no one wants to, they don't have to.

Why should you have to pay for it? Wear the jumper if you like. Donate a couple  of quid to charity if you like. But there's no reason to connect the two.

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4 minutes ago, GordonD said:

Why should you have to pay for it? Wear the jumper if you like. Donate a couple  of quid to charity if you like. But there's no reason to connect the two.

You don't have to do either. Or you could do one but not the other. It's a little bit of fun, and it's money towards a good cause.

Edited by DA Baracus
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46 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:

I pass similar signs to this on the A947 on the way home every night,


Could the Cuntballs that drive at 35-40 in a 60 zone with up to 30 cars queued behind them please note this is for them, and pull over.

Total fucking ignorance leading to fustrated drivers makng suicidal overtaking manouvres and turning the road into scenes from the Wacky Races.


Please also note that the SLOW marking on the road is for me doing 60 to slow to 45 at the bend, not you doing 35 to slow to 15 YA Cockwomble,

and if you already doing 35 as you enter a village where the speed limit reduces from 60 to 40 - Don't slow down more Fucknugget.


I've said this before but worse are the ones who do 40 in a 60 and then when the speed limit reduces to 30, they're still doing 40.

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I normally have a 'dry' January + February. Have done for years. I don't do it for no fucker except myself :lol: 

And yer right, It's no any kind of achievement, it's just a little self discipline. 

Save a bit o cash, lose a bit o weight. WINNER!!!!!

Anybody wanna sponsor me??   default_eusa_think.gif

Thought not :huh:

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9 minutes ago, Allan Jacobsen said:

I've said this before but worse are the ones who do 40 in a 60 and then when the speed limit reduces to 30, they're still doing 40.

Exactly this. Licence should be revoked. Absolute cuntbuggerry of the highest order.

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4 hours ago, Jambomo said:

Totally agree. They are everywhere! One of my PTTGOYN is sponsorship for charities. It used to be that you sponsored someone for doing something because it was something that was a challenge and they had to put real effort and time into being able to complete it. Now half the requests I get are people who are going to run a 5km or worse, walk it. I get that for some there are good reasons why that might be difficult but the average person should be able to do this easily - I walk that to and from work everyday FFS.

Things like not drinking for a month or wearing a Christmas jumper to work - WTF? I'm not paying anyone to do any of these things.

At least with those requests you know someone is actually doing something for the money. With current charities you have no idea what they are actually doing with the money and there have been numerous claims that a small fraction of the money you donate actually goes towards its intended purpose. The charities have all these hidden expenses they subtract from the donations, profits etc, paying out to those call centers to hound you all day, the people on the street all work on commission and a large part of the money you give is going directly into the person you donate it to. Its all so false, modern day charities are businesses that extort money from people using a combination of guilt and borderline harassment(referencing those charities that hound the elderly on a almost daily basis for donations) 

I dont mind giving old items into those charity shops, PSDA etc because i actually can see what they are doing and have helped me in the past, my Cat for example was neutered a few months ago and due to my current circumstances the PDSA actually paid a large percentage of the fee's to my vet.

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