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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Every 5-6 weeks for me.

For people getting it done very two weeks, surely it's an all over job because you're thinning, would you not be better just buying clippers and doing it yourself or getting wife/husband to do it for you?

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4 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Every 5-6 weeks for me.

For people getting it done very two weeks, surely it's an all over job because you're thinning, would you not be better just buying clippers and doing it yourself or getting wife/husband to do it for you?

Yes, but I like going to the barbers. Only go every couple of months though when I look at the mirror and think, state of that c**t.

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Think I'm probably every 6/8 weeks, but since I go to the one 3 doors down from my office at lunchtime it depends on whether or not I can afford the time. Plus it's usually booked. For what it's worth I don't care who cuts my hair, they've all done it and whilst it's always been slightly different I can't complain.

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29 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Yes, but I like going to the barbers. Only go every couple of months though when I look at the mirror and think, state of that c**t.


This is what I do, I get my haircut when it's too long. And I go to the same barber, owns his own wee shop so there's no waiting for a specific barber. No tits either unfortunately

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45 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

I get my hair cut every 4-5 weeks. Due to having standards, I go to an actual hairdresser so it's a booked appointment and I'm not lingering hoping for someone good. Ps, she's a wid and it was a 2 min walk from my old flat.

Is it now a 6 hour drive?

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3 minutes ago, deej said:


This is what I do, I get my haircut when it's too long. And I go to the same barber, owns his own wee shop so there's no waiting for a specific barber. No tits either unfortunately

I do this as well, probably about once every 9 weeks and i get a 3 at back and sides and quite short on top. Go to a Polish place in Leith, there used to be a tidy wee blonde girl that always cut my hair but now its a rather large older woman but she does a good job. She always assumes I'm Polish though. 

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1 hour ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

Hair cuts every couple of weeks? Am I the odd one out here or is that genuinely mental behaviour?

I'm about 7 a year.

Try and hold off for the morning of anything where I need to look smart.

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Every 5-6 weeks for me.
For people getting it done very two weeks, surely it's an all over job because you're thinning, would you not be better just buying clippers and doing it yourself or getting wife/husband to do it for you?

The opposite, I get mine thinned out too haha.

On the second point I totally agree, always old guys in my barbers paying £6.50 for a half or a 0 all over. Madness.

Lassies done in less than a minute.
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