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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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A post about proven evidence of Asian men involved in grooming vulnerable girls is closed down without any explanation whilst a thread where posters have continually, and without any proof, have made overt accusations about Madeline McCann’s parents rumbles on.


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36 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

A post about proven evidence of Asian men involved in grooming vulnerable girls is closed down without any explanation whilst a thread where posters have continually, and without any proof, have made overt accusations about Madeline McCann’s parents rumbles on.


Made accusations about White European Madeline McCanns White European Parents? 


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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It was the McCann's culture and upbringing that taught them it was fine to abandon their children and go out and get pished.

Well, Gerry's a Celtic fan, right?

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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It was the McCann's culture and upbringing that taught them it was fine to abandon their children and go out and get pished.

How many babysitters could they have paid for with the millions that have been wasted so far?

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10 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Maybe if you weren't such a colossal twat about it your somewhat valid topic could have remained open.

Maybe if you weren’t such a colossal twat I would give some weight to your opinion.


Just kidding.  :lol:


I’d still ignore you.



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