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3 hours ago, microdave said:

Ben Nevis in just under 7 hours today. Never again but nothing to do with the actual walk which was fine. It was absolutely heaving, which I suppose is to be expected on a day like today. I'm glad I've done it but I prefer my walks to be fairly quiet. Now sitting in the real food cafe in Tyndrum and about to tuck into some fish and chips.20200819_130620.jpeg20200819_133350.jpeg

Well done, that's a good effort. Yeah, it was bad as we passed mobs of people on the way down, so glad we started early. 

Couldn't believe how low the Loch was on our way back down as in the way up it felt like it was near the top!

Where's next? Think we are hitting the Arrochar Alps.

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Well done, that's a good effort. Yeah, it was bad as we passed mobs of people on the way down, so glad we started early. 
Couldn't believe how low the Loch was on our way back down as in the way up it felt like it was near the top!
Where's next? Think we are hitting the Arrochar Alps.
Dunno what's next yet. I'm back to work on Monday but still got a fair bit of holidays left so I might take a week in October. Not ruling out another this week just yet though.

I also saw two guys base jumping which was interesting but definitely not for me. Pic below.20200819_114526.jpeg
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20 hours ago, microdave said:

Dunno what's next yet. I'm back to work on Monday but still got a fair bit of holidays left so I might take a week in October. Not ruling out another this week just yet though.

I also saw two guys base jumping which was interesting but definitely not for me. Pic below.20200819_114526.jpeg

That's paragliding. 

This is base jumping https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-scotland-47214717/base-jumper-tim-howell-leaps-from-ben-nevis

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2 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

You will be in for a shock when you hit the summit.

My own experience (including the Ben) is that if you can be arsed starting reasonably early, a lot of the bad things about the busy hills go away. I  know getting up at the crack of dawn isn't for everybody (me included!) but I try and start my walks about 8am, which isn't ridiculously early IMO and I tend to be one of the first cars at the parking place and one of the first on the summit. If you start walking at  9:30-10 as most folk seem to do, it will feel completely different...

(when I did the Ben via the CMD Arete - there were 2 other people at the summit when I got there on a perfect day - and I passed at least 50 in the short time I was on the tourist path before I branched off at the lochan to head back over to the north face car park)

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This photo gives me the fear, when I eventually get round to doing Ben Nevis it will definitely be via CMD Arete rather than the pony track. Far too many bodies for ma liking there.
You will be in for a shock when you hit the summit.
The summit was so mobbed that there was a queue to get your picture taken at the cairn. Mental.
I stand corrected. I was thinking at the time that you'd have to pay me a hell of a lot of money to strap myself to a parachute and run off a mountain. And even then I might not do it, but I can see where the thrill is for the folk that do it.
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Was staying in Tyndrum for a couple of days at the start of the week. Climbed Beinn Dubhchraig, Ben Oss and Ben Lui in one day. Weather came in rapidly, fog and rain just at the summit of Ben Lui, so sacked off Beinn a’Chleibh to get the 4 in.

Probably for the best, as the plan was to head down to the A85 and hitch it back, but with Covid I doubt anyone would have picked us up.


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Staying in Braemar next month. I was thinking of doing Beinn a' Bhuird but have just come across Carn a'Mhaim and am leaning towards that. Anyone who's done both able to give an opinion? I was wondering if the latter might be busier for the the majority of the walk due to the popularity of the Linn of Dee car park but I don't really know Glen Quoich. Given the company I'll be in I think doing Ben Macdui/Ben Avon as well would be a bit much.

Edited by afca32
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7 hours ago, afca32 said:

Staying in Braemar next month. I was thinking of doing Beinn a' Bhuird but have just come across Carn a'Mhaim and am leaning towards that. Anyone who's done both able to give an opinion? I was wondering if the latter might be busier for the the majority if the walk due to the popularity of the Linn of Dee car park but I don't really know Glen Quoich. Given the company I'll be in I think doing Ben Macdui/Ben Avon as well would be a bit much.

Neither should be particularly busy. Beinn a'Bhuird is a massive flat plateau at the summit, although there are some nice cliffs to the right on approach (depending which way you go). I was doing Ben Avon as well so i went up "the middle" towards the Sneck. 

Carn a'Mhaim is a cracking hill, it's got a nice narrowish ridge along to Ben Macdui and glorious views across to the 4000ers across the Lairig Ghru. CaM is definitely my preference of the two. If you're feeling up to it you can walk the ridge and head up Macdui, and return by Sron Riach down Glen Luibeag. 

If you've got one, take a bike into Derry Lodge. CaM is about 3 miles each way from there. It's a good landy track so will be fine for a hardtail mtb or even a bog standard hybrid, plus you have the added bonus of a glorious 3 mile almost freewheel back to the Linn of Dee. Given recent traffic through you'd need to get to Linn of Dee pretty early. Another option is to park at Inverie (if you've got a bike). Adds a couple of miles each way, but pretty straightforward stuff.

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2 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

Neither should be particularly busy. Beinn a'Bhuird is a massive flat plateau at the summit, although there are some nice cliffs to the right on approach (depending which way you go). I was doing Ben Avon as well so i went up "the middle" towards the Sneck. 

Carn a'Mhaim is a cracking hill, it's got a nice narrowish ridge along to Ben Macdui and glorious views across to the 4000ers across the Lairig Ghru. CaM is definitely my preference of the two. If you're feeling up to it you can walk the ridge and head up Macdui, and return by Sron Riach down Glen Luibeag. 

If you've got one, take a bike into Derry Lodge. CaM is about 3 miles each way from there. It's a good landy track so will be fine for a hardtail mtb or even a bog standard hybrid, plus you have the added bonus of a glorious 3 mile almost freewheel back to the Linn of Dee. Given recent traffic through you'd need to get to Linn of Dee pretty early. Another option is to park at Inverie (if you've got a bike). Adds a couple of miles each way, but pretty straightforward stuff.

Good advice, thanks a lot. Got plenty of time to decide but Carn a'Mhaim looks and sounds perfect.

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Guy trying to do all the Munros in under 39 days. 




Sat 06:00 Sat 01 Aug
Ben More Sat 07:00 Sat 01 Aug
Sgurr Thuilm Sat 15:30 Sat 01 Aug
Sgurr nan Coireachan Sat 14:49 Sat 01 Aug
Gulvain Sat 18:31 Sat 01 Aug
Ben Nevis Sun 07:40 Sun 02 Aug
Carn Mor Dearg Sun 08:22 Sun 02 Aug
Aonach Mor Sun 09:12 Sun 02 Aug
Aonach Beag Sun 09:33 Sun 02 Aug
Sgurr Choinnich Mor Sun 10:32 Sun 02 Aug
Stob Coire an Laoigh Sun 11:02 Sun 02 Aug
Stob Choire Claurigh Sun 11:34 Sun 02 Aug
Stob Ban Sun 12:02 Sun 02 Aug
Stob Coire Easain Sun 13:16 Sun 02 Aug
Stob a Choire Mheadhoin Sun 13:32 Sun 02 Aug
Stob Coire Sgriodain Mon 06:13 Mon 03 Aug
Chno Dearg Mon 06:48 Mon 03 Aug
Beinn na Lap Mon 07:53 Mon 03 Aug
Carn Dearg Mon 09:27 Mon 03 Aug
Sgor Gaibhre Mon 09:59 Mon 03 Aug
Beinn Bheoil Mon 13:39 Mon 03 Aug
Ben Alder Mon 12:51 Mon 03 Aug
Beinn Eibhinn Mon 11:25 Mon 03 Aug
Aonach Beag Mon 11:42 Mon 03 Aug
Geal-charn Mon 11:56 Mon 03 Aug
Carn Dearg Mon 15:06 Mon 03 Aug
Beinn a Chlachair Mon 16:13 Mon 03 Aug
Geal Charn Mon 17:13 Mon 03 Aug
Creag Pitridh Mon 17:35 Mon 03 Aug
Beinn Teallach Tue 07:28 Tue 04 Aug
Beinn a Chaorainn Tue 08:25 Tue 04 Aug
Creag Meagaidh Tue 09:12 Tue 04 Aug
Stob Poite Coire Ardair Tue 09:33 Tue 04 Aug
Carn Liath Tue 10:13 Tue 04 Aug
Geal Charn Tue 13:07 Tue 04 Aug
Carn Dearg Tue 14:37 Tue 04 Aug
Carn Sgulain Tue 15:47 Tue 04 Aug
A Chailleach Tue 16:12 Tue 04 Aug
Sgairneach Mhor Wed 09:21 Wed 05 Aug
Beinn Udlamain Wed 08:53 Wed 05 Aug
A Mharconaich Wed 08:21 Wed 05 Aug
Geal-charn Wed 07:47 Wed 05 Aug
A Bhuidheanach Bheag Wed 11:03 Wed 05 Aug
Carn a Caim Wed 11:48 Wed 05 Aug
Meall Cuaich Wed 13:08 Wed 05 Aug
Sgor Gaoith Thu 06:29 Thu 06 Aug
Mullach Clach a Bhlair Thu 07:23 Thu 06 Aug
Beinn Bhrotain Thu 09:04 Thu 06 Aug
Monadh Mor Thu 09:35 Thu 06 Aug
Braeriach Thu 10:56 Thu 06 Aug
Sgor an Lochain Uaine Thu 11:37 Thu 06 Aug
Cairn Toul Thu 11:56 Thu 06 Aug
The Devil s Point Thu 12:31 Thu 06 Aug
Carn a Mhaim Thu 13:40 Thu 06 Aug
Ben Macdui Thu 14:42 Thu 06 Aug
Derry Cairngorm Thu 15:27 Thu 06 Aug
Beinn Mheadhoin Thu 16:17 Thu 06 Aug
Cairngorm Thu 17:40 Thu 06 Aug
Bynack More Fri 08:54 Fri 07 Aug
Beinn a Chaorainn Fri 10:12 Fri 07 Aug
Beinn Bhreac Fri 11:10 Fri 07 Aug
Beinn a Bhuird Fri 12:27 Fri 07 Aug
Ben Avon Fri 13:17 Fri 07 Aug
Mt Keen Sat 08:35 Sat 08 Aug
Lochnagar Sat 12:47 Sat 08 Aug
Carn a Choire Bhoidheach Sat 13:16 Sat 08 Aug
Carn an t-Sagairt Mor Sat 13:45 Sat 08 Aug
Cairn Bannoch Sat 14:11 Sat 08 Aug
Broad Cairn Sat 14:33 Sat 08 Aug
Driesh Sun 07:15 Sun 09 Aug
Mayar Sun 07:49 Sun 09 Aug
Tom Buidhe Sun 08:50 Sun 09 Aug
Tolmount Sun 09:08 Sun 09 Aug
Carn an Tuirc Sun 09:58 Sun 09 Aug
Cairn of Claise Sun 10:21 Sun 09 Aug
Glas Maol Sun 10:54 Sun 09 Aug
Creag Leacach Sun 11:20 Sun 09 Aug
The Cairnwell Sun 14:04 Sun 09 Aug
Carn a Gheoidh Sun 13:33 Sun 09 Aug
Carn Aosda Sun 14:33 Sun 09 Aug
An Socach Mon 06:20 Mon 10 Aug
Glas Tulaichean Mon 07:20 Mon 10 Aug
Carn an Righ Mon 08:05 Mon 10 Aug
Beinn Iutharn Mhor Mon 08:50 Mon 10 Aug
Carn Bhac Mon 09:46 Mon 10 Aug
An Sgarsoch Mon 12:37 Mon 10 Aug
Carn an Fhidhleir Mon 13:16 Mon 10 Aug
Beinn Dearg Mon 14:54 Mon 10 Aug
Carn a Chlamain Mon 17:18 Mon 10 Aug
Carn nan Gabhar Mon 19:08 Mon 10 Aug
Braigh Coire Chruinn- bhalgain Mon 19:42 Mon 10 Aug
Carn Liath Mon 20:19 Mon 10 Aug
Schiehallion Tue 10:06 Tue 11 Aug
Meall nan Aighean Tue 11:42 Tue 11 Aug
Carn Mairg Tue 12:05 Tue 11 Aug
Meall Garbh Tue 12:46 Tue 11 Aug
Carn Gorm Tue 13:13 Tue 11 Aug
Meall Greigh Tue 15:54 Tue 11 Aug
Meall Garbh Tue 16:34 Tue 11 Aug
An Stuc Tue 16:52 Tue 11 Aug
Ben Lawers Tue 17:26 Tue 11 Aug
Bheinn Ghlas Tue 17:46 Tue 11 Aug
Meall Corranaich Tue 18:08 Tue 11 Aug
Meall a Choire Leith Tue 18:39 Tue 11 Aug
Meall nan Tarmachan Wed 06:57 Wed 12 Aug
Meall Bhuidhe Wed 09:43 Wed 12 Aug
Stuchd an Lochain Wed 11:22 Wed 12 Aug
Meal Ghaordie Wed 14:00 Wed 12 Aug
Beinn Heasgarnich Wed 16:43 Wed 12 Aug
Creag Mhor Wed 17:43 Wed 12 Aug
Ben Challum Wed 18:56 Wed 12 Aug
Meall Glas Thu 08:24 Wed 12 Aug
Sgiath Chuil Thu 07:32 Wed 12 Aug
Ben Chonzie Thu 12:38 Thu 13 Aug
Ben Vorlich Thu 15:42 Thu 13 Aug
Stuc a Chroin Thu 16:25 Thu 13 Aug
Beinn Dorain Fri 07:28 Fri 14 Aug
Beinn an Dothaidh Fri 08:12 Fri 14 Aug
Beinn Achaladair Fri 08:56 Fri 14 Aug
Beinn a Chreachain Fri 09:41 Fri 14 Aug
Beinn Mhanach Fri 10:47 Fri 14 Aug
Beinn a Chleibh Fri 14:28 Fri 14 Aug
Ben Lui Fri 15:02 Fri 14 Aug
Ben Oss Fri 16:01 Fri 14 Aug
Beinn Dubhchraig Fri 16:38 Fri 14 Aug
Ben More Sat 07:33 Sat 15 Aug
Stob Binnein Sat 08:18 Sat 15 Aug
Cruach Ardrain Sat 09:38 Sat 15 Aug
Beinn Tulaichean Sat 10:02 Sat 15 Aug
Beinn a Chroin Sat 11:16 Sat 15 Aug
An Caisteal Sat 11:44 Sat 15 Aug
Beinn Chabhair Sat 12:24 Sat 15 Aug
Ben Lomond Sat 16:36 Sat 15 Aug
Ben Vorlich Sun 07:34 Sun 16 Aug
Ben Vane Sun 08:58 Sun 16 Aug
Beinn Ime Sun 09:56 Sun 16 Aug
Beinn Narnain Sun 10:40 Sun 16 Aug
Beinn Bhuidhe Sun 14:54 Sun 16 Aug
Ben Cruachan Mon 07:47 Mon 17 Aug
Stob Diamh Mon 08:36 Mon 17 Aug
Beinn a Chochuill Mon 09:30 Mon 17 Aug
Beinn Eunaich Mon 10:01 Mon 17 Aug
Beinn nan Aighenan Mon 12:19 Mon 17 Aug
Ben Starav Mon 13:15 Mon 17 Aug
Glas Bheinn Mhor Mon 14:00 Mon 17 Aug
Stob Coir an Albannaich Mon 14:40 Mon 17 Aug
Meall nan Eun Mon 15:18 Mon 17 Aug
Stob Gobhar Mon 16:30 Mon 17 Aug
Stob a Choire Odhair Mon 17:17 Mon 17 Aug
Meall a Bhuiridh Tue 07:10 Tue 18 Aug
Creise Tue 07:42 Tue 18 Aug
Buchaille Etive Mor (SD) Wed 18:02 Tue 18 Aug
Buachaille Etive Mor (SnB) Wed 17:13 Tue 18 Aug
Buchaille Etive Beag (SCR) Wed 15:58 Tue 18 Aug
Buachaille Etive Beag (SD) Wed 15:26 Tue 18 Aug
Stob Coire Sgreamhach Wed 14:31 Tue 18 Aug
Bidean nam Bian Wed 14:06 Tue 18 Aug
Sgor na h-Ulaidh Wed 12:46 Tue 18 Aug
Beinn Fhionnlaidh Wed 10:49 Tue 18 Aug
Beinn Sgulaird Wed 09:04 Tue 18 Aug
Sgorr Dhonuill Tue 15:06 Wed 19 Aug
Sgorr Dhearg Tue 14:37 Wed 19 Aug
Meall Dearg Tue 10:57 Wed 19 Aug
Sgorr nam Fiannaidh Tue 11:46 Wed 19 Aug
Sgurr Eilde Mor Thu 07:44 Thu 20 Aug
Binnein Beag Thu 08:35 Thu 20 Aug
Binnein Mor Thu 09:21 Thu 20 Aug
Na Gruagaichean Thu 09:42 Thu 20 Aug
An Gearanach Thu 10:21 Thu 20 Aug
Stob Coire a Chairn Thu 10:50 Thu 20 Aug
Am Bodach Thu 11:15 Thu 20 Aug
Sgurr a Mhaim Thu 11:55 Thu 20 Aug
Stob Ban Thu 12:41 Thu 20 Aug
Mullach nan Coirean Thu 13:17 Thu 20 Aug
Meall na Teanga Thu 17:19 Thu 20 Aug
Sron a Choire Ghairbh Thu 17:54 Thu 20 Aug
Ladhar Bheinn Fri 09:58 Fri 21 Aug
Luinne Bheinn Fri 11:49 Fri 21 Aug
Meall Bhuidhe Fri 12:55 Fri 21 Aug
Sgurr na Ciche Fri 15:22 Fri 21 Aug
Garbh Cioch Mhor Fri 15:48 Fri 21 Aug
Sgurr nan Coireachan Fri 16:38 Fri 21 Aug
Sgurr Mor Fri 17:52 Fri 21 Aug
Gairich Fri 19:12 Fri 21 Aug
Sgurr a Mhaoraich Sat 07:55 Sat 22 Aug
Gleouraich Sat 11:03 Sat 22 Aug
Spidean Mialach Sat 12:04 Sat 22 Aug
Creag a Mhaim Sun 05:19 Sat 22 Aug
Druim Shionnach Sun 05:39 Sat 22 Aug
Aonach air Crith Sun 06:05 Sat 22 Aug
Maol Chinn-Dearg Sun 06:38 Sat 22 Aug
Sgurr an Doire Leathain Sun 07:04 Sat 22 Aug
Sgurr an Lochain Sun 07:19 Sat 22 Aug
Creag nan Damh Sun 07:59 Sat 22 Aug
Sgurr na Sgine Sun 09:01 Sat 22 Aug
The Saddle Sun 09:54 Sat 22 Aug
Beinn Sgritheall Sun 13:12 Sun 23 Aug
Bla Bheinn   Sun 23 Aug
Sgurr nan Gillean   Mon 24 Aug
Am Basteir   Mon 24 Aug
Bruach na Frithe   Mon 24 Aug
Sgurr a Mhadaidh (SW top) Mon 11:42 Mon 24 Aug
Sgurr a Ghreadaidh Mon 11:28 Mon 24 Aug
Sgurr na Banachdich (N top) Mon 11:12 Mon 24 Aug
Inn Pin (Sgurr Dearg) Mon 10:07 Mon 24 Aug
Sgurr Alasdair Mon 09:00 Mon 24 Aug
Sgurr Mhic Choinnich Mon 09:00 Mon 24 Aug
Sgurr Dubh Mor Mon 08:30 Mon 24 Aug
Sgurr nan Eag Mon 08:03 Mon 24 Aug
A Ghlas-bheinn   Tue 25 Aug
Beinn Fhada   Tue 25 Aug
Sgurr Fhuaran   Tue 25 Aug
Sgurr na Carnach   Tue 25 Aug
Sgurr na Ciste Duibhe   Tue 25 Aug
Saileag   Tue 25 Aug
Sgurr a Bhealaich Dheirg   Tue 25 Aug
Aonach Meadhoin   Tue 25 Aug
Ciste Dhubh   Tue 25 Aug
Mullach Fraoch-choire   Tue 25 Aug
A Chraileag   Tue 25 Aug
Sgurr nan Conbhairean   Tue 25 Aug
Sail Chaorainn   Tue 25 Aug
Carn Ghluasaid   Tue 25 Aug
Toll Creagach   Wed 26 Aug
Tom a Choinich   Wed 26 Aug
Carn Eige   Wed 26 Aug
Beinn Fhionnlaidh   Wed 26 Aug
Mam Sodhail   Wed 26 Aug
An Socach   Wed 26 Aug
Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan   Wed 26 Aug
Mullach na Dheiragain   Wed 26 Aug
An Socach   Wed 26 Aug
An Riabhachan   Wed 26 Aug
Sgurr na Lapaich   Wed 26 Aug
Carn nan Gobhar   Wed 26 Aug
Sgurr na Ruaidhe   Thu 27 Aug
Carn nan Gobhar   Thu 27 Aug
Sgurr a Choire Ghlais   Thu 27 Aug
Sgurr Fhuar-thuill   Thu 27 Aug
Maoile Lunndaidh   Thu 27 Aug
Sgurr a Chaorachain   Thu 27 Aug
Sgurr Choinnich   Thu 27 Aug
Lurg Mhor   Thu 27 Aug
Bidein a Choire Sheasgaich   Thu 27 Aug
Maol Chean-dearg   Fri 28 Aug
Sgorr Ruadh   Fri 28 Aug
Beinn Liath Mhor   Fri 28 Aug
Moruisg   Fri 28 Aug
Fionn Bheinn   Fri 28 Aug
Tom na Gruagaich   Sat 29 Aug
Sgurr Mhor   Sat 29 Aug
Mullach an Rathain   Sat 29 Aug
Spidean a Choire Leith   Sat 29 Aug
Ruadh-stac Mor   Sat 29 Aug
Spidean Coire nan Clach   Sat 29 Aug
Slioch   Sun 30 Aug
Sgurr Ban   Sun 30 Aug
Mullach Coire Mhic Fhearchair   Sun 30 Aug
Beinn Tarsuinn   Sun 30 Aug
A Mhaighdean   Sun 30 Aug
Ruadh Stac Mor   Sun 30 Aug
Bidein a Ghlas Thuill   Sun 30 Aug
Sgurr Fiona   Sun 30 Aug
A Chailleach   Mon 31 Aug
Sgurr Breac   Mon 31 Aug
Sgurr nan Each   Mon 31 Aug
Sgurr nan Clach Geala   Mon 31 Aug
Meall a Chrasgaidh   Mon 31 Aug
Sgurr Mor   Mon 31 Aug
Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich   Mon 31 Aug
Meall Gorm   Mon 31 Aug
An Coileachan   Mon 31 Aug
Ben Wyvis   Mon 31 Aug
Am Faochagach   Tue 01 Sep
Cona Mheall   Tue 01 Sep
Beinn Dearg   Tue 01 Sep
Meall nan Ceapraichean   Tue 01 Sep
Eididh nan Clach Geala   Tue 01 Sep
Seana Bhraigh   Tue 01 Sep
Ben More Assynt   Tue 01 Sep
Conival   Tue 01 Sep
Ben Klibreck   Wed 02 Sep

Ben Hope   



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I climbed Mont Blanc last summer, if that qualifies as a “big one”.

Second highest in Europe so I'd certainly say it does.

I did the Tour de Mont Blanc 4 years ago, which covers smaller hills around it but not the bug one itself. The day before we started, we were all getting to know each other and got hammered while one guy fucked off up there on his own and skooshed it. Showed us all up before we'd started the fucking walk [emoji23]
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I did a trekking peak in Nepal about 15 years back as part of a longer walk - it was "only" 4000m and it was basically a hill walk with some very easy scrambling, so a big Munro but adding the altitude in to it made it much harder (for me) - I can't imagine what hitting 7000-odd metres on Aconcagua would be like (although I'd love to find out :) )

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