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Hillwalking Thread

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Walked up Ben Vorlich at Loch Earn last weekend. A path the whole way up and fairly easy but with nice views. No hidden summits either so you could see the top pretty much from the start of the walk which is quite good. We were going to go across and do the other munro ,Stuc a something or other, but decided the pub had more appeal. dry.gif That was the first outing for a while and we intend on getting through some more this year.

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I was out on Sunday. Weather was great until we got up onto the tops and then it was horrendous - strong winds, hail, snow etc.

We did Dreish, at the top of Glen Clova/Glen Doll. We were going to do Mayar as well but the weather closed in. We had a young lad from The Maldives with us on his first ever hillwalk, so thought it would be safer to just head back down. One of the easier Munros I've done - path pretty much all the way and only a short walk.

Done these hills. I had perfect weather for it though. As u say, an easy path but still enjoyable.

Christ I need to get back into this. Really want to get back to Skye this year. Love the place

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well after a long winter, now done 3 over the past couple of weeks.

Having done Meall nan Tarmachan (by Ben Lawers) a few Sundays ago, we got up by Crainlarich to do Beinn Tulaichean and Cruach Ardrain on Good Friday.

Now at 16 and feeling great.

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I've been hillwalking and cross country skiing in several hills as part of my college course. Also, when the snow was heavier earlier in the year, I went up Glen Clova to build snow shelters. I really enjoy it, but unfortunately, I have no money and no friends who are interested in exploring the 'great outdoors' like I am. :(

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Just in from a day climbing Creagan na Beinne on the south side of Loch Tay. We are at a bit of a loss as to why it took so long. The estate almost didn't let us onto the hill due to fact that my colleague had a dog and it was lambing season. She had the leash with her and we promised to keep her away from any sheep (although she bolted higher up chasing after countless hares).

I have now bagged all 21 of the Region 1 Corbetts - a minor quest that started with the Cobbler just over 4 years ago and ended today. Feeling really chuffed, I have to say! :)

Region 0 is already in the bag - now onto Region 2 (although I really ought to be getting back on track to do some more Munros).

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And speaking of Glen Clova and munros, I went to Driesh and Mayar today.

We deviated from the usual route, which involves a bit of doubling back on yourself, by ascending the Scorrie. Bugger me, what an effort that was. It felt damn near vertical. Ashamed to say I involuntarily heaved up my breakfast half way up, allowing a sheep or mountain goat a second hand service station breakfast. That breakfast cost me the guts (pardon the pun) of £10 :angry:.

From the top of the Scorrie though, it was a piece of cake. Views were a bit meh, but a good day out nonetheless. Set off at 10am and at the Glen Clova Lodge for a half of ale by 3.30pm.

Link to Mayar and Driesh. You can see the map there - the Scorrie has worse contours than Michelle McManus and mounting it had the same pleasure. However, if you're after a couple of 'quick win' munros, these are two good 'uns. Just stick to the path ;).

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  • 1 month later...

Corserine today - my second time up it, but a different route used this time.

We took the south road out of the car park and ascended Meikle Lump then onto Meikle Millyea. Walked along more of the Rhinns of Kells - Milldown, Millfire and Corserine - before heading down to the forest road via the stile.

Edited by AyrshireTon
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Anyone been up Bauchaille Etive Mor by the steep corrie beside Jimmy Saville's cottage recently? Got a Spanish lad working beside me for a few months on an exchange - says he likes climbing, but I'm not entirely sure what sort of level he's at. Was thinking of taking him up to Glen Coe next week for a walking trip with a wee bit of easyish scrambling, but it's a while since I climbed that one - seem to remember it's got a wee bit of decent scrambling near the top before you go over onto the main ridge, is that right or is it more just a steepish walk? I'm not taking him along the Aonach Eagach because I'd be worried having not been on a walk with him before. If I'm not remembering right about the Bauchaille, any otehr suggestions for something that's got some decent (but not too severe) scrambling that isn't too far away?

Fairly decent, but not difficult, walk up at Glen Shee today, just did the four tops on teh East side including Cairn of Claise. I haven't been there for quite a while, and it's always nice to do something new in a familiar area after a break of a few years. I was expecting a few showers, but only really got one on the way down and the tops were clear all day - just as well though really, as I wouldn't have enjoyed trying to navigate across the plateau in poor visibility.

We were out a couple of weeks back up the Pentlands - most ridiculous wind I've ever known up a hill in my life. I was close to being lifted off my feet twice at the first top, so we didn't do the full ridge and just headed down. Couldn't even hear each other as we agreed to go back!

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Was down Moffat way today doing Broad Law (again).

Still an easy Corbett, but this time I chose it for a friend who was fed up with me dragging her up more relentless stuff. Three hours in all from car to top and back, with the occasional shower on the descent not bothering us at all.

Got back down into the car just as the heavens opened. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Leaving For Torridon in an hour or so. Staying for 6 nights and hoping to climb An Teallach, Beinn Eighe, Beinn Ailligin, Liatach and Slioch.

Hope I don't die

Excellent plan - I've climbed them all apart from Slioch which is pencilled in as my "last" Munro.

Beinn Alligin is fantastic - and only in that company would it be slightly underated. Liathach is a funny one - It's widely seen as one of the classics but I've climbed it a couple of times on nice days but didn't really enjoy it that much compared to it's neighbours - one I prefer to look at from the road than climb I suppose. An Teallach is great fun - it can be as scary as you want it to be....

I'm on family holiday in Mull next week and I'm planning to sneak off the island and do Sgurr nan Coireachan/Sgurr Thuilm from Glenfinnan without missing the ferry back.....

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Went to Glen Lochay today and did Beinn nan Oighreag. I will never repeat this one.

Four and a half hours to ascend a bloody Corbett - I'd have been faster climbing Meall Ghaordaidh and nipping over to Oighreag and back.

A slog and a half - I've had easier days doing multiple Munros.

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ANyone know any good, relatively easy hills near Edinburgh reachable via public transport?


West Kip --> Turnhouse Hill is a nice walk in the Pentlands - it goes over 5 hills and is a decent effort. It can be done from (amongst others) Balerno which you can get an LRT bus to. Easiest is from Flotterstone - but I'm not sure if you can easily get a bus along there.....

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