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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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The scent was on Kate's clothes and in the boot of her rented car and the boot had Maddies DNA in it. IIRC.

That's one of the weirdest things for me, how did her DNA end up in the boot of that car?


Elaborate?.....someone opened the window and took our daughter, not exactly Lex Luthor like in it's complexity.

Except that's not their story.

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Do you think one of the McCanns killed her (accidentally or otherwise) in the apartment and staged an elaborate abduction story to cover themselves? I'll concede that theoretically that scenario is possible but why are the Mc Canns still pushing the case so hard, getting Scotland Yard on the case etc? Surely if they were guilty but found themselves in the clear they'd want to let sleeping dogs lie? (pardon the pun)

It's probably not the case that the McCanns killed her (despite the lurid stories about Kate being a closet psycho & saying Maddie was "a mistake" - plenty of parents go through phases when they can see their kids far enough), but Maddie being killed by accident when alone in the apartment was.

As any A&E department will tell you, infants are brilliant at damaging themselves seriously without their parents or anyone else's help, & a fall from a couch or chair at the wrong angle could easily result in a dislocated limb - or a broken neck.

Word was that the McCanns gave their kids the type of "night cap" sedatives regularly dished out in children's wards before lights out. Had they been doing so regularly, it was possible that Maddie's body had started getting used to it & the usual dosage hadn't worked. A half-doped infant wandering around a dark flat wondering where her parents are would be an accident waiting to happen - perhaps fatally.

Now picture the scene: one of the McCanns came back to a corpse. As medics, they know full well an autopsy would have brought up the drug in her system & the shitstorm would have commenced over two parents leaving drugged kids alone in an apartment which had it caught fire (eg. via an electrical fault) they won't have stood a chance - let alone the rule of thumb in the medical profession that a child under any form of sedation, no matter how mild, is NEVER left unattended, even for a moment.

Suddenly they found themselves facing professional disgrace (& if they'd obtained the sedatives illicitly, most certainly being struck off) & financial ruin at best, at worst having their remaining children taken off them & even jail. Moreover, Maddie wasn't the only one partly sedated that night - the McCanns had been enjoying a damn good bucket of El Vino Collapso. Drunk people do incredibly stupid things, especially when they're in a panic.

As for why the McCanns are still banging on about it rather than trying to let matters lie, most likely as a deterrent to anyone they don't want digging around the case, the implicit threat being "say anything publicly to suggest we have been perverting the course of justice & we'll sue the arse off you". Until that Portuguese cop Goncalo Amaral dies, my guess is they'll be doing so for some time to come.

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So do you have a source for the McCaans drugging their children or did you just make it up?

He just made it up, tbf, but it's not an unreasonable train of thought.

There's about as much evidence for that as there is for an abduction.

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Not according to any reports from any part of the investigation so far.

People should be careful what they say from behind their keyboards.

Apart from the part of the investigation where the PJ made them official suspects that is.

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