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P&b Running Club

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Good for you! It's hard to say what distance you should aim for without knowing how far you can go at the moment. I know you say you'd rather avoid run/walk programmes, but really they are ideal. Even top athletes (like myself *guffaw*) use interval training to improve speed, and that's essentially what these Couch to 5k programmes are. At club the other night, we did 6 mins hard, 3 mins recovery x5 and I almost PB'd over 10k even with the walking recovery in between... Just my tuppenceworth.



Jambomo - the Couch to 5k app/routine's probably a decent place to start. Think it works off 3 runs a week, and eases you in with a run-walk strategy. If it feels difficult, you could repeat weeks until it feels easier. If it feels easy...come back and let us know!

Oh wait, didn't read your post properly; I'd be taking it quite easy and maybe 15-30mins, so however far that gets you. Don't get too annoyed if it feels like a struggle, it'll come with time.

I loved Paris last year, AM. I'd back you up with that. What did you make of Vienna? And where do you have in mind for next Spring?

I'd be in the 'hope for the best' camp with the blister, Jamie. It could be worse after all, as you know too well!


Cheers folks. I will give them a go then! I am not entirely new to running, I did it before on and off years ago but I had no idea about starting from scratch or actually, regular running!


I normally do Krav maga as exercise and whilst it can be absolutely shattering exercise, other nights can be more relaxed depending on what we are doing and you don't get that knackered, so its proving not to be that reliable in terms of getting fit, although its brilliant fun.


Anyway starting on Sunday with a friend so we'll see how that goes.

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What do people on here do as cross-training?  I lifted weights using stronglifts for a few months last year before cutting back on it to focus on traing for the Inverness half marathon.  I'm trying to swim regularly at the gym, helps with the upper body and core strength I think.  

Spin classes are a good thrash on the legs and the cardio, also doing kettlebells (when I can get a space) and circuits. Forgotten how to swim so waiting for lessons. Also just started Pilates which felt quite weird on first class, hopefully notice a difference in flexibility after 3/4 weeks.


Hope everyone runs well this weekend - out at the folks today so easy 5k this eve, parkrun, then long run Sunday I think.

Edited by Scorge
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Spin classes are a good thrash on the legs and the cardio, also doing kettlebells (when I can get a space) and circuits. Forgotten how to swim so waiting for lessons. Also just started Pilates which felt quite weird on first class, hopefully notice a difference in flexibility after 3/4 weeks.

Hope everyone runs well this weekend - out at the folks today so easy 5k this eve, parkrun, then long run Sunday I think.

Yeh I find that cycling in any form helps and isn't too taxing if you just do a leisurely ride. Obviously a spin class is not.

How were the Pilates? Been thinking about them/yoga for ages but feel a bit awkward going and being a young bloke if I'm honest.

No running for me since Tuesday, got my wisdom teeth taken out so my face is about 3x the size and quite a bit of pain! Never thought I'd miss running but Im itching to get out and do a nice 10 miler.

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I did 3.9km last night, took me 21:30 minutes, which is kind of what I expect.  I'm hoping that mixing up shorter faster runs like that and the Parkrun with my longer 10km+ runs will help me bring my times down.  One thing I find about running is that it's the most unforgiving form of exercise - if I don't run for a week or have a few takeaways or go out for a few pints I feel it next time I'm running, more so than playing football or lifting weights.  It's a good motivator to run regularly.


What do people on here do as cross-training?  I lifted weights using stronglifts for a few months last year before cutting back on it to focus on traing for the Inverness half marathon.  I'm trying to swim regularly at the gym, helps with the upper body and core strength I think.  


That's good to hear as I get ready for my first run for three weeks now that me knee is behaving itself :lol:

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How were the Pilates? Been thinking about them/yoga for ages but feel a bit awkward going and being a young bloke if I'm honest.



Don't give a toss about being one of only two men in the class TBH, I'm there for my own ends rather than being sociable!


Hard to give a thorough review after just one week, but it seems to be working the right areas (back, core) and will definitely help get a bit more flexibility soon enough. Some of the positions with the faux medicine ball up yer arse are not the most elegant, though... :unsure2:

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I cycle a lot, too. I'm keen to do a few more triathlons this summer, so should up that a bit. I'd like to do pilates, but there are no classes here when I can make it. Have done kettlebell and circuit classes that I enjoyed, but parkrun starting up has stopped that now. I play 5-aside-football after work on a Friday, too.

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Don't give a toss about being one of only two men in the class TBH, I'm there for my own ends rather than being sociable!

Hard to give a thorough review after just one week, but it seems to be working the right areas (back, core) and will definitely help get a bit more flexibility soon enough. Some of the positions with the faux medicine ball up yer arse are not the most elegant, though... :unsure2:

Totally this. Me and a mate went to a step class last year, only guys there, was a sweat fest and our coordination was to shit. Ladies of all ages there, great way to grab a number/granny...

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My cross training tends to consist of a swim once a week (slowly, I'm not very good at it) and a gym session - normally a class like body pump or a circuit session.

Went to Portobello for parkrun this morning with it being their birthday run - 18:48 for a new course PB (which I think have done 7 out of the 8 times I've went) - only 5 seconds off my best 5k time so all good.

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Terrible parkrun for me this morning - 19'02" at Tollcross park. Worst time there in well over a year. Felt the effects of the pylo steps session on Thursday (legs still sore from that) and also a late night last night.

Think I need to change up my training a bit as my times are dipping. Too much running I think and not enough speed work. Don't know why I am doing so much mileage when I am only really doing 5k/10k races anyway lol! Going to start doing spin again as well I think instead of some of my runs.

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A horrendous bout of man-flu stopped me heading down to the Parkrun this morning ,was hoping to head out for a decent sized run tomorrow as well but sadly it will have to be a Netflix series and some Revels instead....sob! :green

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parkrun in Elgin today and got to run instead of volunteering. Despite 2 very hard club sessions through the week and a game of 5-a-side after work on Friday I went out and ran a PB. Haha! Delighted with myself. Official time was 25:29 but it's a *slightly* long course and my Garmin tracked a sub 25min 5k for the first time since the summer last year. Woohoo!

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I'm pretty awful at cross training. Do some core work, but not as regularly as I should; and I use the bike, but mainly as a commute to parkruns (6miles either way).

Sounds like parkrun was mainly a success - another stonking week, true_rover, and hats off to you Chris. Bishy; just one of those days?

Brighton marathon today: nailed it. 3:09:21, an 11 minute PB. Set off an 3:05 pace but backed off at 25k when I knew it was gone. I'm sunburnt to France. First half is lumpy rather than hilly, second half is basically flat. Decentt course with a few irritating out-and-backs.

Still totally cheesing and boozing up at Gatwick now.

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I'm pretty awful at cross training. Do some core work, but not as regularly as I should; and I use the bike, but mainly as a commute to parkruns (6miles either way).

Sounds like parkrun was mainly a success - another stonking week, true_rover, and hats off to you Chris. Bishy; just one of those days?

Brighton marathon today: nailed it. 3:09:21, an 11 minute PB. Set off an 3:05 pace but backed off at 25k when I knew it was gone. I'm sunburnt to France. First half is lumpy rather than hilly, second half is basically flat. Decentt course with a few irritating out-and-backs.

Still totally cheesing and boozing up at Gatwick now.

Yeah just a bad day at the office mate. They happen sometimes! Should never have bothered going in the condition I was in.

That is a fantastic performance for you - well done. First sub 3h20' and sub 3h10' marathon in the same race - great going.

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I'm pretty awful at cross training. Do some core work, but not as regularly as I should; and I use the bike, but mainly as a commute to parkruns (6miles either way).

Sounds like parkrun was mainly a success - another stonking week, true_rover, and hats off to you Chris. Bishy; just one of those days?

Brighton marathon today: nailed it. 3:09:21, an 11 minute PB. Set off an 3:05 pace but backed off at 25k when I knew it was gone. I'm sunburnt to France. First half is lumpy rather than hilly, second half is basically flat. Decentt course with a few irritating out-and-backs.

Still totally cheesing and boozing up at Gatwick now.

Brilliant time, well done buddy!

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I've been a bit lazy the last 4 or 5 weeks and done the square root of nothing. Went out for an hour today and ran a rather decent (for me) 7.6 miles in a howling wind. Always seemed to be a headwind as well so i'm completely weatherbeaten now!!

Has anybody ever been to a Jog Scotland session before? I need to find a bit more motivation so i'm thinking about signing up for a block of sessions.

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I've been a bit lazy the last 4 or 5 weeks and done the square root of nothing. Went out for an hour today and ran a rather decent (for me) 7.6 miles in a howling wind. Always seemed to be a headwind as well so i'm completely weatherbeaten now!!

Has anybody ever been to a Jog Scotland session before? I need to find a bit more motivation so i'm thinking about signing up for a block of sessions.

Nope, but I have done their Jog Leader course so I can take sessions and, based on that, I think that it could be useful.

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