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Thought I was going to be sick at the end, was dry retching for about a minute.

Don't! You're making me jealous!

I always loved one mile races where I ended up flat on back with the world spinning and spending the rest of the afternoon coughing up!

Ah, the one mile feeling of being sick! Wonderful! Brings back great memories! :)

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went along to the strathclyde parkrun for the first time and got round in 36.07. I've been knocking on the door of getting sub 30 mins so a bit disappointed with that time. Now i know what to expect and the route etc. hopefully my time will be better next week.

did you have the Feyenoord style Clyde strip on?

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How do you get involved in training sessions? I am interested in joining something like this to improve my times.

The Jog Scotland group I go to at the Grangemouth Stadium has mixed abilities. From total beginners running and walking to 5K to 10K and half marathon runners. Thursday nights.

The Harriers group trains on a Thurs night too. Might be a better option for you.

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The Jog Scotland group I go to at the Grangemouth Stadium has mixed abilities. From total beginners running and walking to 5K to 10K and half marathon runners. Thursday nights.

The Harriers group trains on a Thurs night too. Might be a better option for you.

Cheers. Can you just turn up or do you have to join?

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Well I completed the Great North Run in 1 hour 45mins and 14 secs. I could knock a minute off as I had to piss about 4 miles in.

When your at the start and there is 54,000 people lined up it's a sight to behold. You can't see where the last of the people are.

At the start I hi-five Mo Farrah and he wished me "Good Luck". So into the run itself and with 54K running it's a nightmare. People set off at a sprint and they are walking 3 miles in.

I set off at 7.5mins/mile pace and felt I could have went faster, but controlled myself through the race. It was quite hot and the wind was behind all the way.

At the 9 mile mark it was the turn up the climb. This was not as bad as I thought it would be, but at 11 miles it started to take hold and I was slowing down, but as soon as I was over the top and only had 1 and a bit miles left I was back up to my normal pace. Kicked for the last 400M and crossed the line compfortably.

I was in bits on Monday and still heavy yesterday, but today I am fine.

2 and a bit weeks till the first X-C race!

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Well I completed the Great North Run in 1 hour 45mins and 14 secs. I could knock a minute off as I had to piss about 4 miles in.

When your at the start and there is 54,000 people lined up it's a sight to behold. You can't see where the last of the people are.

At the start I hi-five Mo Farrah and he wished me "Good Luck". So into the run itself and with 54K running it's a nightmare. People set off at a sprint and they are walking 3 miles in.

I set off at 7.5mins/mile pace and felt I could have went faster, but controlled myself through the race. It was quite hot and the wind was behind all the way.

At the 9 mile mark it was the turn up the climb. This was not as bad as I thought it would be, but at 11 miles it started to take hold and I was slowing down, but as soon as I was over the top and only had 1 and a bit miles left I was back up to my normal pace. Kicked for the last 400M and crossed the line compfortably.

I was in bits on Monday and still heavy yesterday, but today I am fine.

2 and a bit weeks till the first X-C race!

That's a good time, well done! I was doing my first GNR and really enjoyed it, got round in 1h 59m 22 secs, was extremely under-prepared mainly due to having dodgy knees which stop me training as much as I would like. I aimed, rather optimistically I thought, for 2 hours, so quite satisfied to just beat it.

It's a great event, and I had a similar experience at the start, was getting overtaken by guys about 17st and you start to think 's**t, if they're going at that pace I better speed up', of course 2 miles down the road they're standing at the side breathing out their arse, it's important not to get dragged along at someone else's speed and just do your own thing. Was a really enjoyable day although I'm not sure I'd do that distance again. I feel I'm more suited to doing 10k's and feel it would be a lot better on my aching joints!

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I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I was disappointed with the GNR.

I ran it two years ago, and the parts at the start, going through Newcastle, over the Tyne Bridge, and the last few kilometres at South Shields are all great, but for huge stretches you're running on a dual carriageway, with nothing to see but two lanes of road and some trees, with yet more trees and lanes of road around each corner.

The parts where people were out cheering were excellent, but these dual carriageway parts are nowhere near people's homes, so no-one's out. It gets very, well, samey.

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I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I was disappointed with the GNR.

I ran it two years ago, and the parts at the start, going through Newcastle, over the Tyne Bridge, and the last few kilometres at South Shields are all great, but for huge stretches you're running on a dual carriageway, with nothing to see but two lanes of road and some trees, with yet more trees and lanes of road around each corner.

The parts where people were out cheering were excellent, but these dual carriageway parts are nowhere near people's homes, so no-one's out. It gets very, well, samey.

That's true, I was losing the will to live after about 5 miles just plodding along a dual carriageway, the actual route itself isn't great and there's this iconic thing about going over the Tyne Bridge, which you've done after 15 minutes and then it's pretty boring. It's more the overall feel of the event that I enjoyed, the start is an incredible sight and there's generally a great buzz and enthusiasm everywhere. I do agree that the route itself is pretty mind numbing for the most part.

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I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I was disappointed with the GNR.

I ran it two years ago, and the parts at the start, going through Newcastle, over the Tyne Bridge, and the last few kilometres at South Shields are all great, but for huge stretches you're running on a dual carriageway, with nothing to see but two lanes of road and some trees, with yet more trees and lanes of road around each corner.

The parts where people were out cheering were excellent, but these dual carriageway parts are nowhere near people's homes, so no-one's out. It gets very, well, samey.

I find it's the same with the "Edinburgh" Marathon. They have sacrificed the running experience for a flatter, faster route.

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did you have the Feyenoord style Clyde strip on?

Aye that was me. Still planning on heading along on Saturday no doubt wearing another or the same Clyde top in case you are there and want to introduce yourself. I got there quite earlier last week so was just standing about like an eejit until the race started was still half a sleep the 9.30am start is a bit early for my liking.

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I find it's the same with the "Edinburgh" Marathon. They have sacrificed the running experience for a flatter, faster route.

That was an utterly shite route. We were only in the actual city for about 3 fucking miles :lol:

The straight run out to that country estate (i've forgotten it's name) and back into Musselburgh was absolutely soul-destroying, especially when my IT band flared up.

Just to top it off, the finishing zone was a fucking shambles. GIS Events can do one. If i do another marathon, i'll probably try somewhere like the Loch Ness one and train properly for it :ph34r:

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