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Got up early and headed off to Liverpool for the Northern X-C Champs. The 12k course was covered in 2 inches of snow. Which got churned up and the ground then got churned up, leaving about 2-5 inches of mud. Managed to get round the course in 61mins 52secs. I finished 427 out of 583. Legs are killing me. The course was mainly up and down with a long flat section.

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I hope you mean ridiculously good! I can only dream of times like that.

I do mean ridiculously good! My uncle is the top man of Strathy and I'm pretty sure he said the best official time ever was 18 mins something. I could be wrong though but I'll text him in the morning to find out.

Ziggy, to say people have done it far quicker than that has to be nigh on impossible, surely?

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The course record for Strathclyde is under 15 minutes. Now that's ridiculous!

Ps a year ago my PB was 25 minutes so I think It's possible for most people to take a fair bit off their time.

Edited by Ziggy
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The course record for Strathclyde is under 15 minutes. Now that's ridiculous!

Ps a year ago my PB was 25 minutes so I think It's possible for most people to take a fair bit off their time.

I love the fact that the fastest time at Strathclyde was by a person called Rex Banner. (A one appearance character from the simpsons) :lol: He just ran at Strathy once too, never to be seen again.

Never mind dropping from a pb of 25. My aim is to get down to 25! Pretty sure I'll get there in the next month or two as the times are coming down nicely.

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I love the fact that the fastest time at Strathclyde was by a person called Rex Banner. (A one appearance character from the simpsons) :lol: He just ran at Strathy once too, never to be seen again.

Never mind dropping from a pb of 25. My aim is to get down to 25! Pretty sure I'll get there in the next month or two as the times are coming down nicely.

Same. My pb is 26 mins something but that's without trying to hammer it all the way around.

I'd be lucky to do 15 mins on my bike!

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Gutted. Just went to enter the deville forest 15k and it's full :(

Longest outdoor run yesterday morning iv done for a while. 12 miles in just under 1:30:00. One thing to note was I didnt take any water or gels during the run. Take note newbies. If you drink plenty fluids and eat right you shouldn't need to carry any unnecessary items for short distances.

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Not been out much at all since the start of December. Been doing a bit of work on the treadmill, the last week or 2 it's been 1 minute fast(17-18kmph) then a minute very slow(6kmph). Can generally manage 6 reps before it becomes a struggle. Hope when the weather improves I've not lost too much, I was getting close to sub 22 minute 5k's on a regular basis. Hopefully won't take too much work to get back there.

Also, does anyone have any decent explanations for why the treadmill is such a struggle? If I head out on the street I think nothing of doing 5 to 15 km at a steady pace but when I hop on the treadmill I'm always blowing out my arse after 10 minutes no matter the pace.

Edited by Ross.
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Gutted. Just went to enter the deville forest 15k and it's full :(

Longest outdoor run yesterday morning iv done for a while. 12 miles in just under 1:30:00. One thing to note was I didnt take any water or gels during the run. Take note newbies. If you drink plenty fluids and eat right you shouldn't need to carry any unnecessary items for short distances.

Anything over an hour I need to take water with me. I am very sweaty when I run.

I usually take some jelly babies with me on the long runs as well.

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Anything over an hour I need to take water with me. I am very sweaty when I run.

I usually take some jelly babies with me on the long runs as well.

I'm a fan of the jelly babies, the wee snack packs with 6 or 8 in them are ideal. Though I find it incredibly difficult to chew them while breathing like I'm losing a lung.

I shared the tip with a workmate who was training for a HM, she came back with this story - the first time she was out she was wearing a pair of running pants with the pocket in the waistband, at the small of her back. It was only when she went in to get some jelly babies that she realised the schoolgirl error of putting them in there unwrapped - all the sweat had run down her back and turned her pocket into a sticky, gooey, oosey mush* laugh.gif

* possibly the same feeling as down the front of her pants ph34r.gif

Edited by Boghead ranter
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Graeme Obree writes in his training guide that marzipan is a great for fuel for endurance sports. He sticks it in his cheek like a hamster does.

Did another 5k on the treadmill, did it in 26:45, which is a drop on a couple of weeks ago. Am going to do a 5k run in about a month want to keep shaving time off.

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I went to Strathclyde this morning for another attempt to beat my PB. There wasn't much wind but once again the course was altered due to ice. (According to my Garmin todays course was about 5.8k.)

My average pace for it was 6.03min miles which would have given me a new PB by about 30 seconds and I'd have gone under 19 minutes. However since the course was so long my time will be around 21.40.

I'll try again in a few weeks time and hopefully that will be on the proper course.

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I went to Strathclyde this morning for another attempt to beat my PB. There wasn't much wind but once again the course was altered due to ice. (According to my Garmin todays course was about 5.8k.)

My average pace for it was 6.03min miles which would have given me a new PB by about 30 seconds and I'd have gone under 19 minutes. However since the course was so long my time will be around 21.40.

I'll try again in a few weeks time and hopefully that will be on the proper course.

Yeah it was a bit frustrating again as I was all set to beat my PB hopefully. It was a lot longer than last week's alternate run too, but was still good to get a run out this morning. I just beat 30 mins for the 5.8, which was pretty much pb pace.

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I've just finished a wee run there (emphasis on the word 'wee'!) but already I can see a great difference to my fitness since the turn of the year when I 'got serious' about getting fitter and losing weight.

I'd like to know though, what apps for smartphones do you fellow runners find the best? I use Nike+ running and it's good, but there doesn't seem to be (unless I just can't find it) any tool to track how you're improving. I'd like to be able to look back at any time and see how far I was running, how long it took me and how long each km/mile took me. Does the Nike+ one allow you to do such a thing and I just can't see it, or is there a better app out there?

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I've just finished a wee run there (emphasis on the word 'wee'!) but already I can see a great difference to my fitness since the turn of the year when I 'got serious' about getting fitter and losing weight.

I'd like to know though, what apps for smartphones do you fellow runners find the best? I use Nike+ running and it's good, but there doesn't seem to be (unless I just can't find it) any tool to track how you're improving. I'd like to be able to look back at any time and see how far I was running, how long it took me and how long each km/mile took me. Does the Nike+ one allow you to do such a thing and I just can't see it, or is there a better app out there?

I use RunKeeper, and it's associated website.

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Got into the Great North Run this year. Anyone else get in?

This week -

Mon- Gym

Tues- 15mins 200m effort/200m recovery. 5mins rest. 10mins full lap effort/full lap recovery. 1 x 1km flat out.

Wed -Gym

Thurs - 1min hard/1min recovery, 2min hard/2min recovery, 3min hard/3min recovery, 2mins hard/2mins recovery, 1min hard, 5 mins rest. 10mins increasing pace each min from jog to sprint. 1lap jog 1 lap walk.

Fri - stretching and rest

Sat - 6mile X-C race

Sun - rest!

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