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When I was doing the DoE award, we were told that every 10m you climb equals 1 minute on your time. Which is pretty good incentive to find a flat course if you're trying to beat a time.

This seems about right, if not a little generous. I have 2 routes I do that are approximately 5k each. One is relatively flat and I usually manage to get round it in around 22:30, give or take 15 seconds either way. The other has a couple of large hills, and a total climb of around 65m according to mapmyrun, and that generally takes me around 3 to 5 minutes longer, depending on the weather and how heavy a weekend I've had.

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I went to Tollcross parkrun for my 1st run since the Edinburgh Marathon.

It took me just under 25 minutes (including 2 walk breaks) and it was brutal. Heart rate was higher than I've ever seen it and just goes to prove how far I am from being fit.

However I had no aches or pains so I'm looking forward to being able to start training for the Glasgow Half.

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I went to Tollcross parkrun for my 1st run since the Edinburgh Marathon.


It took me just under 25 minutes (including 2 walk breaks) and it was brutal.  

Tollcross Park is a really tough course. Only done it once but found it hard going. It is far harder than Pollok Park.

I beat my course pb at Pollock Park today - 18.53 according to watch although still waiting on official time.

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Training for my 14km race in August continues. The Sunday long run required '55mins easy', so I managed just under 8km. I was more impressed with myself actually running for 55mins without taking a break!

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I'm well and truly back into it. Was out this week on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and I'm going back out tonight.

Nowhere near as fast as I was - think my fastest pace so far is just under 5:30 per km. The days of sub-45 min 10Ks seem so long ago!

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In the process of applying for the Great Scottish Run. Is it worth shelling out an extra 7 bucks for the official "quick dry" event T-shirt?

Yes, I am very, very cheap.

I can;t say as I've never bought one, but the bog standard free-to-all-who-enter T-shirt is a thick cotton number, which is only good for winter training runs and adds about 10 seconds to your mile pace due to the weight of it (30 seconds if it's raining).

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In the process of applying for the Great Scottish Run. Is it worth shelling out an extra 7 bucks for the official "quick dry" event T-shirt?

Yes, I am very, very cheap.

I got one last year when it was a fiver. it's ok if you usually train/run in sports tops.

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Need some tips and advice - I'm planning on doing a bit of running as part of weight loss regime. I've never really been out running before however, what's the best way to ease myself in gently??

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Out this morning at 6am local time to try and beat the heat(It was only 20c when I started....). Managed a very hilly 5km in 29 minutes but it was a real struggle. Will take a bit of getting used to again, running that early in the morning.

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Out this morning at 6am local time to try and beat the heat(It was only 20c when I started....). Managed a very hilly 5km in 29 minutes but it was a real struggle. Will take a bit of getting used to again, running that early in the morning.

Was out at 6.15am this morning myself for my Wednesday 10km run to avoid the 22°C+ stuff tonight. Found that it took about 5km or so to really get into my stride at that time, but really benefited in the second 5km from the cooler temperature.

Did the relatively undulating course in 41 mins 25 secs (well paced as it was 20.30 out and 20.55 back). Same course took 3 seconds less last Wednesday night, so unsure if I would be quicker running at that time when I get used to it or not!

On a different note - I was trying to lose weight when I started running (on treadmill to start with) and found the easiest way to build up was to run for 2 minutes at a manageable pace (started at 11km/h) and then walk (6 or 7km/h) for a minute. I did that for 20 mins to start with and built up from there. You probably are way fitter than I was then - so adjust the timings/speeds as appropriate.

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On a different note - I was trying to lose weight when I started running (on treadmill to start with) and found the easiest way to build up was to run for 2 minutes at a manageable pace (started at 11km/h) and then walk (6 or 7km/h) for a minute. I did that for 20 mins to start with and built up from there. You probably are way fitter than I was then - so adjust the timings/speeds as appropriate.

I can usually manage the same course on a cool evening in around 26 minutes. If I take a flat route then I can manage 5km in around 22:30, give or take a few seconds either way. Really starting to think I've hit my level in terms of pace, I put a fair bit of work in over the last year or so but seemed to stop improving when I started hitting the 22 minute mark. After a while of being unable to improve anymore, I've gone back to the hills as I feel like I've worked a lot harder when I take that route than when I go for something fairly level.

Need to put a target in front of myself to be honest, although I'm keeping in the habit of going out at least a couple of times a week, I'm only doing it because I don't want to stop for a while and then have to start again. There are 3 or 4 different events happening around here in September and October. Will see if I can register for something and get myself motivated again.

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Anyone have any decent advice on warming down? It's always something I've never really paid much attention to but I went out for my first jog of the Summer on Monday and my legs are still a bit stiff and sore. Never really bothered with warming down in my footballing days but I'm in my mid twenties now and it turns out I'm not longer made out of rubber and magic :(

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