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Managed my first lap round Strathclyde park (tiny bit shy of 6k) in under half an hour in 12 years -i was 29 the last time :) well happy with that, especially as it was pretty hot - 22 according to the car thermometer. Cant wait till its a bit cooler - can see me dropping off another minute or two.

Dundonald 10k wednesday then tollcross parkrun saturday. Enjoying seeing the times come down.

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Hi guys, I've not long started jogging for the 1st time in roughly 15 years. Entering the Glasgow 10K in October so been running 3K at a time to get started. Going OK, apart from the old calf muscles being tight. Averaging around 5 minutes per K. Any advice for training or the big day itself. I'd appreciate any feedback/info.

Many thanks.

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Finally think that I'm at the stage where, if I was to properly gun it, I could do 5K in about 24 minutes.

Fairly happy with how my running's went over the summer holidays. Feeling fitter, lost a bit of weight, and looking better as well.

I'm at a similar level to yourself in respect to times. I'm really pushing for a sub -50 10k time but always seem to come just above 50mins. It's extremely frustrating.

BishyTon, you are a machine.

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Hi guys, I've not long started jogging for the 1st time in roughly 15 years. Entering the Glasgow 10K in October so been running 3K at a time to get started. Going OK, apart from the old calf muscles being tight. Averaging around 5 minutes per K. Any advice for training or the big day itself. I'd appreciate any feedback/info.

Many thanks.

Start upping the distance and dropping the pace. 5min/k is pretty quick when you are only just starting out, I would be aiming to work towards a 10k at that pace. Try 5k at nearer 6min/k next then start upping it from there.

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Back properly running for the first time since i tore my ankle ligaments but the pace is very poor. Got down to 22mins dead for 5k today but couldnt keep anywhere near that pace up for 10k. Dissapointing as over the winter i had the 10k down to 40.30. Ankle feels better though which is a plus.

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Out last night and managed 5k in just under 25 minutes. Wee bit cooler than it has been recently(About 24c but with a slight breeze due to the brewing thunder storm) but still much warmer than I like running in. Can't wait until late September through to the middle of November, when the weather is 10-15c cooler and I can bomb it as much as possible without thinking I'm going to spontaneously combust.

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Another parkrun for me this morning. Finished in about 19:40 which is probably a course PB (Eglinton) but still well off my best 5k.

Went off way too quick and suffered for most of it. That's obvious from my mile splits which were something like - 6:06, 6:26, & 6:46.

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Right, I've not been out any meaningful distance since the Edinburgh HM - over two months ago! Starting again in earnest next week. Any suggestions as a programme to build up to 10k? 3/4 times a week my limit. My 5k time was 23:29 and 10k 48:53 at the point where I stopped running, if that's any help.

Not expecting to be back to those times anytime soon,

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Race done! Today (Sunday) was the Sydney City2Surf, 14kms from the city centre out to Bondi beach. This was the first time I'd run in a race longer than 10km and was delighted with my unofficial time of 1:39:05. Equally excellent was the $1000 I raised for The Cancer Council NSW :thumsup2

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Race done! Today (Sunday) was the Sydney City2Surf, 14kms from the city centre out to Bondi beach. This was the first time I'd run in a race longer than 10km and was delighted with my unofficial time of 1:39:05. Equally excellent was the $1000 I raised for The Cancer Council NSW :thumsup2

Well done mate, especially on the money raised!

Another new pb for me at Parkrun yesterday, this time an overall 5k pb in addition to a course one, at Pollok Park. 18 mins 38 secs in pretty good running conditions. Delighted with that.

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Was out early and did 8 miles this morning, felt like I could've given Mo Farah a run for his money. Even though I blatantly COULDN'T give him a run for his money (he only took 27 mins for a 10k the other night, jeezo), as you'll all know what's important is how you FEEL on your run.

GSR now only 8 weeks away....

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Took advantage of another relatively cool day and managed to plod out a fairly comfortable 9km in just over 48 minutes. Feel I could have pushed myself a bit more and easily have taken 4 or 5 minutes off that, but mostly wanted to get a bit of distance in my legs again. Not sure what the weekends weather will be like but I think I'll try adding another 5km on top of the route I took just to see how my legs hold up.

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Took advantage of another relatively cool day and managed to plod out a fairly comfortable 9km in just over 48 minutes. Feel I could have pushed myself a bit more and easily have taken 4 or 5 minutes off that, but mostly wanted to get a bit of distance in my legs again. Not sure what the weekends weather will be like but I think I'll try adding another 5km on top of the route I took just to see how my legs hold up.

Do you feel temperature really makes a difference Ross? I always thought so especially trying to run on a gym treadmill in Dubai with limited air conditioning! What about humidity? I always feel it's more difficult to breathe when it's very humid and it's probably to do with the moisture in the atmosphere. Anybody know if this is proven?

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Temperature definitely makes a difference, but humidity and strong winds are bigger factors IMO. Mainly due to the fact that it is much harder to catch your breath in those kind of conditions.

Edited by BishyTON
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Temperature definitely makes a difference, but humidity and strong winds are bigger factors IMO. Mainly due to the fact that it is much harder to catch your breath in those kind of conditions.

I actually find it can be easier to get going in the summer than the dead of winter as my muscles hurt less for the first few km. Agree strongly about the wind though, a headwind on an uphill stretch is nightmare stuff.

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Do you feel temperature really makes a difference Ross? I always thought so especially trying to run on a gym treadmill in Dubai with limited air conditioning! What about humidity? I always feel it's more difficult to breathe when it's very humid and it's probably to do with the moisture in the atmosphere. Anybody know if this is proven?

The heat seems to make a massive difference, but it could also be linked to the humidity. I had a look recently at a lot of the runs I'd been out on and what time of the year they were at and the difference is easy to spot. I reckon that for every degree it is above 20c I lose between 30-45 seconds. There was also a difference through the winter, though not nearly as much. Anything from about 8c up to 20c I don't tend to notice the conditions at all, but when it's outside that I struggle a bit.

Edited to add:

Since moving to Switzerland I've pretty much never had to run with anything more than a very gentle breeze. Fantastic in the winter but not so much fun when it's roasting.

Edited by Ross.
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Was a lot cooler and pretty rainy this morning at Tollcross Parkrun, but still made for a good run. Just good not to be running in the high temperatures. Another PB this week (for Tollcross), Sllightly tempered by the fact there was a kid just in front of me at the end and I couldnt bring myself to overtake him in the last 30 metres! I'm too soft.

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Was a lot cooler and pretty rainy this morning at Tollcross Parkrun, but still made for a good run. Just good not to be running in the high temperatures. Another PB this week (for Tollcross), Sllightly tempered by the fact there was a kid just in front of me at the end and I couldnt bring myself to overtake him in the last 30 metres! I'm too soft.

At last week's parkrun I was beaten by 2 weans that are 14yo or younger!

The wee b*****ds make it seem so effortless. I would have tripped them up if I could have got close enough.

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