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Well done to everyone who took part yesterday.

My preparation for the Luzern HM didn't do too well this weekend. Went out on Saturday morning with the aim of moving up from 13km to 16km, but made the mistake of adding the extra distance I'd be covering in the form of a big f*cking hill(70m climb over about 1km, drops back down over about 2km) and doing it 1km into my run instead of tagging it on at the end. The first 10km was fine, but my legs just died on me at around this distance and in the end I staggered home managing to cover about 12.5km in 1:15ish.

Wasn't helped by misjudging the weather. Went out and it was a cool and misty 10c, but within 30 minutes the mist had cleared, the sun was out and it was around 24c, which also didn't help.

Will hopefully get out after work tomorrow or Wednesday and see if I can complete the route I had planned for Saturday.

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Did the 10k at the GSR on Sunday in a new Pb of 41:38 - delighted given I hadn't done as much pre-race as I'd wanted and started way too far back in the first main wave. Time now to plan out the big races for next year.

As an aside, why do some people put what must be totally unachievable predicted times in for these events. There were those that were in the white wave (so must have predicted around 45 mins for 10k) who were walking going up the hill in the first km. No problem with people going at their own pace but that can cause accidents.

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Did the 10k at the GSR on Sunday in a new Pb of 41:38 - delighted given I hadn't done as much pre-race as I'd wanted and started way too far back in the first main wave. Time now to plan out the big races for next year.

As an aside, why do some people put what must be totally unachievable predicted times in for these events. There were those that were in the white wave (so must have predicted around 45 mins for 10k) who were walking going up the hill in the first km. No problem with people going at their own pace but that can cause accidents.

Yep I have always had an issue with that. It should be statutory to start in at least the second wave unless you have a time from a prior race to suggest the pace you will run at.

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Did the 10k at the GSR on Sunday in a new Pb of 41:38 - delighted given I hadn't done as much pre-race as I'd wanted and started way too far back in the first main wave. Time now to plan out the big races for next year.

As an aside, why do some people put what must be totally unachievable predicted times in for these events. There were those that were in the white wave (so must have predicted around 45 mins for 10k) who were walking going up the hill in the first km. No problem with people going at their own pace but that can cause accidents.

Yep I have always had an issue with that. It should be statutory to start in at least the second wave unless you have a time from a prior race to suggest the pace you will run at.

The first year I did the 10k, I genuinely put a time in based on my 10k pace when out running. Received my white number and, not having competed before, didn't realise the significance.

When I got to G Sq, basically shat myself when I realised I was in the lead-off wave, so I made sure I started right at the back of it so that I didn't get in anyone's way. Must have passed about 1/3 of them by the time I was cresting the hill at the top of St Vincent St, so I can totally get where you guys are coming from.

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Completed my first HM on Sunday, brilliant experience. Main learning point for next time is not starting so far back in the last wave. I spent the first 3 miles zig-zagging, running up road-sides and generally wasting energy to try and get through traffic. Spent the rest of the race trying to make up the time.

Definitely got the bug for this now though.

ETA: and I missed the 2 hour mark by 35 seconds. Agonising!

Edited by Consolidate
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I started near the back of the green zone and didn't really have much bother with having to avoid people.

My main beef was after the water stations. For the next half km, there were water bottles flying hither and thither. Got hit on the head by one of them which must have knocked a good second or two off my time.

Know what you mean Consolidate about catching the bug. Done quite a few parkruns but nothing like this and would defo do another. Was thinking about trying a full marathon, although given that I'm still stiff as a board from Sunday's run, I'm not sure that's such a good idea.

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Good luck tomorrow, Grantown. Do you have a target time in mind? I'd had a look at the half after Loch Ness, but entries were already closed by then :(

Well done Consolidate - sounds like we'll be seeing lots more of you on this thread! Cardinal; the marathon's a noticeable jump but if you're sensible enough with the training and paying attention to the various grumbles your body'll throw at you, you'll get round. But then you'll want to beat that time and...

Another Saturday morning, another Parkrun; 19:38 in really good conditions. I'm chuffed that I'm regularly able to get under twenty minutes now - I'm sure I've posted here before to say those sort of times were but a distant dream.

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Ran Pollok parkrun yesterday (I timed it at 19:38, same as morrison), forgot my barcode though, is there anything I can do to get my time confirmed/added to my name? Not really a big deal, but a bit annoyed with myself for forgetting and not even realising until I was on the verge of scanning in.

Intending to go a 14/15 mile run with my mate today, next race for me is the Southside6 on 2nd November. These are my first proper runs since Loch Ness, my calves have been struggling on the few easy runs I've been on since then.

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Ran Pollok parkrun yesterday (I timed it at 19:38, same as morrison), forgot my barcode though, is there anything I can do to get my time confirmed/added to my name? Not really a big deal, but a bit annoyed with myself for forgetting and not even realising until I was on the verge of scanning in.

You could try emailing them with your barcode Kenzie. Unlikely to work, but it is worth a try!

I did Victoria Parkrun yesterday. A mixture of cold weather, as well as still feeling it from last Sunday and Thursdays sprint session resulted in a time 33 secs outside pb (18'14" ).

Did the inaugural Great Run Local 2 mile race this morning (starts/ends at Squiggly Bridge - for more info google Great Run Local). Won it in 11 mins 22 secs on my watch (11 mins 25 secs officially - official time will always be slower on this as they have to scan your wristband against smartphone to log your result). In hotter weather and better short distance shape I should be able to get under 11 mins for this I think.

Edited by BishyTON
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Aviemore 10k today my 2nd 10k and knocked 9 mins off time of 1st one well pleased

Well done! Got that on my to do list. I happened to be in Aviemore at the weekend but didn't realise it was the race weekend. Bit gutted I hadn't entered because I know it's a fast one. Next year...

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Not been out since I last posted on here(10 days) as I've had an absolute b*****d of a cold. Need to give the Luzern HM a miss this year, but I'm sure there is another one local to me in March or April so will see what I can find out on that one. Only good thing about the cold is it has forced me to rest a little, which is probably a good thing as my hip was starting to play up a bit again.

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Volunteering at Parkrun as a pacer this weekend. Anyone done it before and have any hints?

Is that the same as the tailrunner?

Edit: Actually, I'm pretty sure it's not! Never heard of a pacer at a parkrun before. What time do you have to do?

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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When I run, I listen to music and have Runkeeper going. I find it useful as it helps me to pace myself (at about 5 minutes per km).. without it I tend to set off like the clappers. You can set it to give you distance / time or pace announcements every 1/4km, so that should be sufficient to ensuring you run at 4m 24 seconds a kilometre!

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