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Er, do you mean Sunday?

There are no road closures for pedestrians so you should be okay. George Square is crazy busy though, so I'm not sure it's worth going there. Might be better off standing on the hill at St Vincent Street to cheer him at the start, then wandering down to the Broomielaw to cheer him on on the home straight.

Cheers, my mistake re the day

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Good to read the report from the Belfast half. Well done there - decent time, especially for a first effort. That's a good bit faster than the 1:47 I managed on my first go and I was pretty happy with that.

Still looking forward to heading up to Inverness on Sunday, despite two separate wee niggles that just won't shift. I've had them both for weeks which is causing me a bit of nervousness, thought they don't tend to bother me too much when I'm running a decent pace. It's a long way to run on an ankle that isn't perfect, but I'm not pulling out now as the rest of me feels fine.

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Disappear for just over a week from this thread and miss loads! Clearly a lot of well dones and good lucks owed to people for last weekend and this weekend.

Last long run before Glasgow was a 10 miler on Tuesday. Pacing at Edinburgh parkrun tomorrow and then going for 5 miles or so at race pace on Sunday followed by a week of taking it easy!

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Berlin marathon report:

Managed to change my pen up at the expo. Glad I did, mine was the last to be released at the gun! Took 5 minutes to cross the startline.

It took an age to feel like you could run at your own pace for any length of time. Gave up 30s in 5km to my goal time, and it stayed there until the halfway point.

I kept the pace ateady around 4:46/km until 25k & felt good...put the accelarator on at 32k and easily had my fastest part of the race from that point on. No idea what happened, but a comfortable negative split & a big PB resulted, 3:20:54 officially. Delighted!

The course is obviously pretty flat, but gladly had a few more sights than I'd been lead to believe. Good fun and a sunny day; get it done if you're so inclined!

How did everyone else get on up in Inverness?

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Fantastic Morrison, what a time! :D

Smashed my PB by over a minute and a half! 53:05 is my official time, although my Garmin measured the course *slightly* long and Strava has my 10km time as just under 53:00. I'm really pleased with this and I have decided that 10k is my race, so going to work on that after the half in two weeks. Had a bit of a confidence boost from one of the coaches of my local 'serious' running club saying I should join them, so I think I will :)

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Great running Morrison and Reina.

I had a great run at Greenock parkrun yesterday finishing in second place in 17'41". This is a year best time for me and tied my 5k pb.

Followed that up this morning with a 10k practice run around my (fairly undulating) Bishy course in 38'09". Aiming for a late 36/low 37 in the GSR 10k next Sunday!

Edited by BishyTON
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Good stuff folks, three really good times there today and big improvements for you both - can't argue with that.

Loch Ness marathon wasnt too bad either. I managed a PB as well doing 3:21:56 to take 4 mins off my last effort in Edinburgh, so pretty pleased with that. Was slightly annoyed that I didn't manage my goal of not having to walk at all, but the walking spells were all much shorter than last time, no more than a minute at a time, so maybe next time I'll manage that. Although it's mainly downhill it's a harder course than you'd expect without running it, and the steep downhill sections early on take their toll on the lower leg muscles. I felt like I was running OK towards the end but just couldn't quite keep it going. The hill coming out of Dores isn't as bad as some I run on long training runs, but with where it comes it's pretty tough and the legs were suffering after that.

Nice route, and I enjoyed the first 10 miles - didn't notice too much after that though. That was a pretty warm day for running. It was only 5 degrees when I left Beauly at 6.30 and was still quite cool at 9am, but by 10 when it started the sun was out and it really was warm, and stayed that way throughout.

I'm starting to think that the marathon is a different game altogether from the other standard distances, and to improve at it I think I need to start running higher mileage in training. The body wasn't too bad today, but the legs were feeling it. My highest mileage week for this one was just over 50, so next time I'm going to try and start from near that and push it up a bit further towards the end.

Current PBs for marathon and half marathon are both from Inverness. Was thining of trying the Alloa half in March instead next year but not sure now - thin it might be another trip up there.

Edited by Socks
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Just had a quick read through this forum and there are some cracking times by some of you guys. Very good going.

Has anybody ever run the Chester marathon before or taking part next Sunday? It's going to be my first attempt at the distance. A couple of weeks back I managed an 18 mile effort. My intention was to run 20 miles but by 16.5 I was gubbed and by the time I reached 18 I just had to throw in the towel so I am quite concerned about making it all the way. I did manage 15 miles on Saturday though which was quite comfortable so maybe there will be hope for me yet!!! Can anybody, from raceday experience, advise how much the occasion and the adrenaline helps you out?

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Can't speak for marathon distance, but certainly at half marathon it makes a big difference. It's extremely helpful towards the end in dragging the last couple of miles out of you but you need to be careful not to get too caught up in it at the start and fly off too quickly!

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Aye, you'll definitely do better in the race than in training. If 18 is your longest training run, then it's probably going to hurt from about 20 on, and it's better to be prepared for that. As above, be careful about going off too quickly, and if anything you'd probably be better starting at a pace that feels a wee bit too slow.

The lessons I've learned this year from my first two marathons are to go off easy, and make sure you fuel the body with gels or whatever before you really feel like you need it. I haven't quite got it right with either, but was much better with both yesterday than last time.

It's likely to be hard, but you'll make it. And if you have to stop and walk for a bit in the last few miles, so what? I had to do that both times and still managed times I was pretty happy with. I've heard the Chester one is really nice - hope it goes well.

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Cheers guys. I've kind of targeted 20 miles as being fairly achievable and then i'll "only" have the 10km to negotiate after that. I've got my gels sorted and there will obviously be plenty of water stations so i'll be ok on that side of things. I'm in the 3:30 wave but i've had a few niggles so that will tough to achieve but reckon if I hang at the back at the start and don't get caught in the initial stampede I should be fine for a reasonable time.

A possible plus point for me is that where I normally run is fairly hilly whereas Chester is quite flat so hopefully that will help me come the latter stages.

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Well done Nessers. Was following a few people on soshulmeedja and was aching to have been there. I think I will be going for redemption next year.

London ballot results are out this week, getting impatient because my entire calendar for next year is kind of on hold until I've had the latest rejection magazine/jumped for joy at last (delete as applicable)

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I think I'll cry in the unlikely event I'm successful. No chance I'll be able to run a marathon in 6 months.

Had training (referee) last night and we are building up to a fitness test. Did 3/4 last night. The full test is 6 x 40m sprints (under 6.4s) followed by 20 x 150m runs (30s) and 50m recovery (40s). Just did the runs 15 times last night. Absolutely brutal.

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Brilliant stuff Reina, congrats!

That's a strong effort on that course, Socks. You're comfortably sub 3h20 on a flatter course. I agree about mileage though and that'll be my focus before Brighton in April; I peaked at a 50 mile week but could do with getting the legs used to covering more distance. What do you think you'll do next year?

My half PB's in Inverness too...was still thinking Alloa for next to try something different. How's the course, for those that've done it?

Cracking time Bishy, to be back there so soon after your lay-off must feel great!

ArabGaz - good luck with Chester. Like Socks said, take it steady & fuel often and early. I was taking gels every 6km/4mile in Berlin to try and avoid 'The Wall'. It worked. The crowd & occasion will help, but main thing is probably to pace conservatively given your training. You can always smash your time in the next one!

I feel sick waiting for this darned ballot result...

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