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Yeah I'm ahead of the basic training schedules you get online, but the past has shown other things pop up and sticking to them is almost impossible. So in the run up to the full marathon I'm doing half marathons as part of my plan (Angus, Edinburgh and Dundee) before the full marathon. I signed up to RunKeeper Elite yesterday and noticed that had plans so might try and keep to one of those. Seems you either run almost everyday and do shorter runs, or run less (3 or 4 times a week) and have a couple of long runs. I've been doing more of the later.

27kms took about 2 hours 40mins but I was very jaded and had to stop for a dump in Carnoustie (nice of them to have place toilet facilities at the side of the golf course!) so probably running that at around 2.30mins. Assuming I could keep going at that pace for another hour and a half I'm pretty much at the right pace to just shade under the 4 hour target. Not sure I've got the stamina TBH.

What I find hard is figuring out whether to run longer, or run faster and more often. I'm thinking the answer is probably a mix of the two!

You’re right it’s a mixture of the two but you have to be careful how to do both without injuring yourself. If you try to increase the distance and speed that you are running too quickly you’ll end up breaking so you should use different workouts to train different aspects of fitness.

The key workouts of marathon schedules are 1 weekly long steady run and then 1 medium length tempo run.

The long steady run should be done at an average pace slower that your targeted marathon pace. It’s all about time on your feet and increasing stamina. You will actually hinder your training if you do them too fast.

The mid week medium long run should vary between 10 – 15 miles and should be run somewhere between marathon and half marathon pace. This workout is all about increasing your speed endurance.

For both of these runs you want to start slow and then gradually increase the pace throughout the run so you finish feeling strong.

As you get nearer to the marathon you start introducing more and more marathon paced miles into your long runs. So you would still start your long runs at slower than marathon but gradually increase the pace so that you finish the session at marathon pace. Initially it might only be the last 3 miles that you do at marathon pace but as you progress you’ll increase that amount until it’s maybe the last 12 or 13 miles that are done at marathon pace.

Have a read of the following for a more detailed explanation -


Of course you are going to run much more than twice a week but those are the two main sessions each week and any other runs that you do should supplement those two. You should slowly increase the length of these but they should be run at a comfortable pace.

The biggest mistake too many people make is trying to run all their miles at the same pace (normally as fast as they can), they end up knackered and as a result they can’t do either of the key sessions justice.

Imo your 27km was run way too fast for this stage of your training. You’ve still got about 5 months training to go and yet you ran it quicker than your planned marathon pace. It’s no wonder you felt knackered at the end.

That’s the theory, however I’m not too good at following it. I train too hard and end up injured long before the day of the marathon.

What half marathons have you entered?

Edited by Ziggy
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Thanks Ziggy thats excellent advice. Always helps to get a personal opinion from someone who's been there and done it!

The pacing is very difficult to get right. The long run was done at what I felt was a very slow pace at the time, and really I'm not sure I could run slower. This may sound crazy but I always seem to feel I'll injure myself if I run too slow. I'm tall and a bit chunky so really feel the impact on my ankles, knees and hips if running too slow. When I occasionally run with my other half she runs a fair bit slower and this is when I get soreness and struggle to recover.

I guess if I'm feeling really jaded then I know I'm doing too much too soon. Started a few core exercises like planks, sit ups and the like last night. Lots of improvement possible in that area which should help the speed and stamina, but right now my guess is that losing a stone of weight will have the biggest impact on my running. Easier said than done though.

I've got a 10km a week sunday, then I'm doing the Edinburgh half later this month and the Dundee half in July. Could really do with another half in August but doesnt seem to be anything in Scotland. Surprised Aberdeen doesnt have a half - maybe an opportunity for someone to set something up?

cheers again

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I emailed Edinburgh Council & TGO today enquiring into the possibility/feasability of them installing an outdoor gym in the Meadows similar to the one at Hailes Quarry Park........TGO were delighted, Edinburgh Council said they'd get back to me within 10days.

Will let you all know how I get on.

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I emailed Edinburgh Council & TGO today enquiring into the possibility/feasability of them installing an outdoor gym in the Meadows similar to the one at Hailes Quarry Park........TGO were delighted, Edinburgh Council said they'd get back to me within 10days.

Will let you all know how I get on.

Great news - anything that encourages people to exercise has to be a good thing.

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Thanks Ziggy thats excellent advice. Always helps to get a personal opinion from someone who's been there and done it!

The pacing is very difficult to get right. The long run was done at what I felt was a very slow pace at the time, and really I'm not sure I could run slower. This may sound crazy but I always seem to feel I'll injure myself if I run too slow. I'm tall and a bit chunky so really feel the impact on my ankles, knees and hips if running too slow. When I occasionally run with my other half she runs a fair bit slower and this is when I get soreness and struggle to recover.

I guess if I'm feeling really jaded then I know I'm doing too much too soon. Started a few core exercises like planks, sit ups and the like last night. Lots of improvement possible in that area which should help the speed and stamina, but right now my guess is that losing a stone of weight will have the biggest impact on my running. Easier said than done though.

I've got a 10km a week sunday, then I'm doing the Edinburgh half later this month and the Dundee half in July. Could really do with another half in August but doesnt seem to be anything in Scotland. Surprised Aberdeen doesnt have a half - maybe an opportunity for someone to set something up?

cheers again

Weight does make a huge difference, I've ran a half marathon when I weighed nearly 15st (I used to weight train a lot) and I've also run one whilst weighing just over 12st and there's no prizes for guessing which one was easier.

The following link estimates the difference that weight loss could make to your running.


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Start of a big month for Parkrun in the West of Scotland - first anniversary for Tollcross Park today and first events from Springburn and Greenock later on. On route to Tollcross Park as I post this - should be a good one!

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Start of a big month for Parkrun in the West of Scotland - first anniversary for Tollcross Park today and first events from Springburn and Greenock later on. On route to Tollcross Park as I post this - should be a good one!

Enjoyed Tollcross this morning. Well pleased with the numbers nd howit allwentin general.

Going to Springburn too next week - helping out but hoping to have a wee run round too. :)

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What are the numbers like for your local parkruns ,my local one in Bangor had 250 at it today which is apparently the 3rd biggest in NI . really good atmosphere at it today juice and a bun at the end too. :thumsup2

There was over 500 at Edinburgh today.

I had a massive PB today. Somehow managed to take it from 20:49 all the way down to 19:24. This year's 5k target was to get down under 20 but I have no idea how I managed that one.

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I'm tall and a bit chunky so really feel the impact on my ankles, knees and hips if running too slow. When I occasionally run with my other half she runs a fair bit slower and this is when I get soreness and struggle to recover.

If you find soreness in the joints try running on grass where possible to avoid impact injuries.

Also do squats, calf raises, planks, sit ups and lunges to build up the muscles around your joints. They will help with impact. Obviously losing weight will help (I lost 5.5 stone) joints as less impact.

Been doing lots of hurdles, throws and jumps these past few weeks. Not much in the way of actual running. Today is the first track and field match today. 400m Hurdles, 3000 S/C, triple jump and various events that I'll have to cover. Looking to PB in the 3 "main events" listed.

Coaching before it today.

Thinking of doing the Pier2Pier South Shields to Sunderland next Sunday. Start on the beach, along the coastal footpaths then finish on the beach. Have you ever tried running on a beach? Hard as nails.

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Did 3k at centre parcs but then had stomach bug. Out tomorrow hopefully now that I can eat again.

Think I need to work on core, what's left on my tum I think is over stretched muscles from being fat and also pregnant three times!

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Started off with 2nd place in the long jump with 4.42m, which is a PB. Then finished 1st in the B string of the 400m H in 78.9, which is also a PB. I was 2nd in the B string of the Triple Jump with 9.74m. I won the B string of the 3000m S/C with 13:10. This included slipping of the barrier and bashing my right leg and going into a forward combat roll on the 3rd lap. Lucky to have not broke my neck looking back on it. I then did the 400m in 74.2, but I jogged the last 200m as I was knackered and had no chance of finishing any higher than 4th. The final event was the 5000m which I did in 21:30 and finished 3rd in the B string. Everything from my shoulders to my ankles is in a world of hurt this morning! I did 2 events less than normal!

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Started off with 2nd place in the long jump with 4.42m, which is a PB. Then finished 1st in the B string of the 400m H in 78.9, which is also a PB. I was 2nd in the B string of the Triple Jump with 9.74m. I won the B string of the 3000m S/C with 13:10. This included slipping of the barrier and bashing my right leg and going into a forward combat roll on the 3rd lap. Lucky to have not broke my neck looking back on it. I then did the 400m in 74.2, but I jogged the last 200m as I was knackered and had no chance of finishing any higher than 4th. The final event was the 5000m which I did in 21:30 and finished 3rd in the B string. Everything from my shoulders to my ankles is in a world of hurt this morning! I did 2 events less than normal!

That sounds like a mental day no wonder you are knackered.

Any video of that forward combat roll?

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7k last night, just over 35 minutes. Fairly comfortable for most of it, but started to get a bit of pain in my lower back towards the end. Possibly need to lose a wee bit of weight, or buy some new trainers...

Going to start adding distance again. Want to get back to the stage where I can run 10-14km without feeling it is much of an effort. Got some flyers through the post advertising the Luzern HM in October, and I've decided I'll give it another go and see if I can do myself justice this time. Plenty of time to build up for it, providing I stay injury free!

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Annoyed I missed the Black Rock entry for the second year in a row. Have sent a postal application but not holding out much hope. Looks like a really unique event with great banter so fingers crossed...

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