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How much training are the rest of you doing over the winter?

The traditional winter cold/cough, plus going over on one of my glass ankles has meant minimal running in the past 2/3 weeks, but I'm back into the swing of things again now. I enjoy running in this cold weather, providing I can avoid decking it on the ice.

I'm mid-winter illness just now so it's been quiet time for me. I've only made it out once in the last fortnight and unlikely to be on my feet again until the weekend, I hope. I'll head back to the Parkrun to get my eye in, but I won't do too much until the new year and marathon training picks up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any runners go out for a run on christmas day? i'm thinking about it due to not having been out running for almost 2 weeks due to work but likely will just stay a thought :rolleyes: but boxing day is a definite.

Talking about running on christmas day how are the marcothon runners getting on?

Merry christmas all you mad runners :)

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Any runners go out for a run on christmas day? i'm thinking about it due to not having been out running for almost 2 weeks due to work but likely will just stay a thought :rolleyes: but boxing day is a definite.

Talking about running on christmas day how are the marcothon runners getting on?

Merry christmas all you mad runners :)

Tomorrow and Saturday morning so I don't feel guilty firing into the pints for the football later on!! :P

Christmas though? Not a chance!

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Went for Falkirk parkrun on Christmas day as Ive done pollok a few times and had never done Falkirk. A bit annoyed at my time as I'd cooled off in prep for the big hill they go on about at about 3-4k that actually wasnt that bad :/ so finished off with a quick last km. It was a really enjoyable course though, but quite busy (201 runners)

Remember troops. parkrun double header on new years day - Strathclyde at 9 AM (or Pollok at 09:30) and Tollcross at 11AM, but all the cool kids are doing the Strathclyde/Tollcross combo. 8)

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Went for Falkirk parkrun on Christmas day as Ive done pollok a few times and had never done Falkirk. A bit annoyed at my time as I'd cooled off in prep for the big hill they go on about at about 3-4k that actually wasnt that bad :/ so finished off with a quick last km. It was a really enjoyable course though, but quite busy (201 runners)

Remember troops. parkrun double header on new years day - Strathclyde at 9 AM (or Pollok at 09:30) and Tollcross at 11AM, but all the cool kids are doing the Strathclyde/Tollcross combo. 8)

Yeah, I will be doing both runs on New Years Day. First parkrun in ages as I have had a nightmare few months with knee trouble and only really got back running in last couple of weeks - will be happy doing 25 minutes in each one.

Ran three miles yesterday just before lunch, was really nice as the streets were pretty deserted.

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Ran the Inverness Parkrun yesterday. Only been out twice now in December, and any form I had is long gone. Over 2 minutes off my PB from a similarly flat Edinburgh. Lots of work to do, starting mext week.

Like the idea of the double on New Year, but like Bishy, transport makes it a no go. Have fun to those that make it!

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Victoria Parkrun for me tomorrow morning. Doing run and then barcode scanning. Should be fun!

Well I checked Facebook at 8.55am as I was leaving the house and found out that Victoria Parkrun was cancelled. The only other Parkrun that I could make in 35 mins is Greenock so set off for there.

Arrived at the start about 5 mins before the race and won it by about 45 seconds in a course PW of 18'29". Windy conditions made it difficult and resulted in a time 30 seconds slower than Xmas day. Amazingly both my Parkrun victories have been in course PW times due to poor weather lol!

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What's a PW? I guess it's something obvious and I'm being a muppet, but I've read that 4 times and still can't work it out!

I did some hill repeats today for the first time in a good few months, a day that I was rightly dreading. Any time I do hill reps, the first go at it always makes me feel as if I'm about to die; today was no different, even though I only did 3 of them. Glad its done though, and should hopefully get better from here.

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What's a PW? I guess it's something obvious and I'm being a muppet, but I've read that 4 times and still can't work it out!

I did some hill repeats today for the first time in a good few months, a day that I was rightly dreading. Any time I do hill reps, the first go at it always makes me feel as if I'm about to die; today was no different, even though I only did 3 of them. Glad its done though, and should hopefully get better from here.

I'm guessing Personal Worst but I could be wrong.

Apparently I'm notoriously difficult to buy Xmas presents for, so at the merest mention to my family / friends that I don't mind the occasional run led to a deluge of t-shirts, shorts, gloves etc. Also got a thing for measuring your heartbeat while you run, but you need to tie it round your chest and it feels like I'm wearing a corset (so I'm told). Is this normal?

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Also got a thing for measuring your heartbeat while you run, but you need to tie it round your chest and it feels like I'm wearing a corset (so I'm told). Is this normal?

Is it a heart rate monitor that strap to your chest? If so I wear one when I go out running and they can be a bit of a nuisance to start with but you do get used to them. They're quite a handy piece of kit for training.

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