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Missed out on GNR this year in ballot. No fussed as think I will struggle to top my time last year and done it three years on bounce. Now thinking of doing EMF Edinburgh 1/2 marathon in May despite its ridiculously early start time.

Is this race any good? Whats it like getting back to Edinburgh from finish on train? Are there baggage buses? their website is pish and doesn't seem to make it very clear.

Any advice appreciated also can anyone recommend any other decent 1/2 marathons in spring/summer. Thanks

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Missed out on GNR this year in ballot. No fussed as think I will struggle to top my time last year and done it three years on bounce. Now thinking of doing EMF Edinburgh 1/2 marathon in May despite its ridiculously early start time.

Is this race any good? Whats it like getting back to Edinburgh from finish on train? Are there baggage buses? their website is pish and doesn't seem to make it very clear.

Any advice appreciated also can anyone recommend any other decent 1/2 marathons in spring/summer. Thanks

I did it last year and enjoyed it. It was my first (and so far only) half marathon so that maybe coloured my experience but I thought it was well organised and the course was good. The route was enjoyable, although towards the end you a running out into East Lothian and it's a bit grim but running along the front was great. It did start pretty early and I found it hard to get a taxi there.

There are shuttle buses back to Edinburgh from Mussleburgh and I think they will take your baggage as well. I got picked up afterwards with my stuff but I didn't hear any complaints about the service. It's very very busy around Mussleburgh though.

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I did it last year and enjoyed it. It was my first (and so far only) half marathon so that maybe coloured my experience but I thought it was well organised and the course was good. The route was enjoyable, although towards the end you a running out into East Lothian and it's a bit grim but running along the front was great. It did start pretty early and I found it hard to get a taxi there.

There are shuttle buses back to Edinburgh from Mussleburgh and I think they will take your baggage as well. I got picked up afterwards with my stuff but I didn't hear any complaints about the service. It's very very busy around Mussleburgh though.

cheers mate. any idea how baggage gets to finish line for you to collect if you are on your own?

Edited by marty_j
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They have some lorries at the start line that you can load your bag on to and it'll be in the park at the finish line waiting for you (about 5 minute walk past all the food stalls!)

Having done the Edinburgh half a couple of times, I'd recommend that you don't use their shuttle bus to get back into town. It's about a mile walk to the park and ride and train station and takes a bit of a diversion through the city. What I did last time was get a Lothian bus back into town (the 30 I think) which stops just outside the park at the finish, don't believe what the website says about public transport!

But it is a good race and well worth doing.

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I done the Strathaven Striders Run with the Wind half Marathon this morning. Testing course and conditions, the best part of the first 6 miles being a fairly steady climb into a pretty stiff breeze and reasonably exposed throughout. Think I just sneaked under 1:42 so just a few minutes off my best and I ran most of it around my target marathon pace before opening up a bit towards the end and feel like there was a bit more left in the tank at the end.

Alloa up next for me so I'll hopefully take a bit off my PB there.

I did it as well - no-where near your time though (2.03). I thought it was brutal, although due to illness and work, my fitness has dropped off since the turn of the year.

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Edinburgh half was my first as well. It was a roaster of a day, pretty memorable. Course could be a quick one, just be prepared to watch the speed merchants cruise past on the opposite side of the road while you're still ambling towards the turn!

As said, baggage lorries are obvious so you're fine there. Put some exact change in your bag and jump on a 26 next to the fields (Pinkie Rd?) & you'll be back in town in about 40m-1h. Wouldn't bother with the train - the station's miles away, for a start! Good luck, marty.

Cracking effort at Strathaven, ark.

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I did the Edinburgh HM last year. It's a nice run and you should get a good time since it's mostly downhill. The last few miles are a bit shite cos you have to run along a boring road, turn on a sixpence, then run the same route back on the other side of the road.

Getting home was the worst bit though. I did the Half Marathon quicker than it took us to get the bus back to Leith. And I'm not fast at all.

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Thanks all, Probably going to give it a blast then. Number 30 you say. How much is bus does anyone know? Was reckoning with having an hour or two in Musselburgh after the race for a few pints but might get away if it takes a while to get back.


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26 or 30 will do the job for getting to Princes St for £1.50 exact change. I would check out how you'd get into Edinburgh for the start as well,not many trains arrive before 8 on a Sunday.

And pints at that time is a good effort ;-)

Ha coming from Berwick so a ridiculously early start via a lift from here. Thanks for all the advice

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Decided it's time to get back to running, hoping that my 18 odd month break has let my hip heal. New trainers being bought at the weekend and will work on my gait as I think poor technique was as much the problem as anything.

Mostly interested to see how far off the pace I have fallen.

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Did just under 11 miles today, took me around 1:48. I did the Edinburgh half in 2:15 so I'm hoping that I can equal that.

Felt OK during the run, might need to fuel a bit better on the day. I had a banana around 10km in, going to get some gels for the run. I had some toffee for my long run, I stuck it in my cheek like a hamster.

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I took a handful of jelly babies round with me on Sunday. Pop one in every now and then, works well for me.

Had our last XC session tonight at the club, thank the lord. Got the Nationals in Falkirk on Saturday, then back to the roads.

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I took a handful of jelly babies round with me on Sunday. Pop one in every now and then, works well for me.

Had our last XC session tonight at the club, thank the lord. Got the Nationals in Falkirk on Saturday, then back to the roads.

Yeah I like to have wine gums or jelly beans. I just love sweets really, this while running nonsense is just a way to get sweets.

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Ran the furthest and longest I've managed so far tonight with 6.75miles in 1:03. Not much longer than my attempt a few weeks ago but I felt much better after it tonight than I did then and had I realised I was so close to 7 I'd have tried to finish it off.

Trying to go out two or three mornings a week in addition to my Monday night session with the running club (5.4miles at bang on 9 minutes a mile this week) but the snow meant I had to delay that today! Pity as I quite like going out when it's dark and it gradually gets lighter, although the bonus tonight was there was more traffic about so I could get a breather when trying to cross the roads!

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Fabbo 4-and-a-bit mile tempo session at club tonight. Haven't been out for a few weeks (combo of very tight and sore IT band and laziness tbh) so was good to get out and actually felt very fit for once. Excellent.

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Had a physio appointment last week which confirmed some suspicions - all my left knee pains are due to the ball of my foot not being right. Podiatrist and insoles required: not exactly the news I wanted 3 weeks before an ultra.

Managed to do 20 miles on it, but not easy. Will just have to grit my teeth for D33, but intend to go ahead.

And Elgin parkrun finally ready = excellent! Will be doing that on the 19th before Borough Briggs (if I can still walk!)

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