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Oh.  I had planned to pop out of work early and watch the final extended session of the day's play.  Good recovery from England, to be fair, even if I think the team selection is a little all-over-the-shop.

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So many test matches are just hopeless one sided now, even if it isn't the same side that's winning them all. Think the last decent match I can remember watching was the Windies chasing down 300+ vs England last year.

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So many test matches are just hopeless one sided now, even if it isn't the same side that's winning them all. Think the last decent match I can remember watching was the Windies chasing down 300+ vs England last year.

I blame positive thinking

Everyone is so focused on preparing to get things right to begin with that they won’t consider needing to dig their way out of a cock up if they don’t

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I like Vaughn, although I suspect he’s just a personable Tory.

I also like Vaughn, find Tuffers hard work, comments on Broad were, I thought a bit harsh, but he and Anderson can't go on forever, not sure if the next group are up to much
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I also like Vaughn, find Tuffers hard work, comments on Broad were, I thought a bit harsh, but he and Anderson can't go on forever, not sure if the next group are up to much
Vaughan made a good point on radio last night, that they bring in bowlers who are used to opening for their county, who come in to the test side as 3rd/4th choice and don't get handed the ball until it's already 16-18 overs old.
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Vaughan made a good point on radio last night, that they bring in bowlers who are used to opening for their county, who come in to the test side as 3rd/4th choice and don't get handed the ball until it's already 16-18 overs old.

This just makes sense, also sees who has it and who has not
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Guest Moomintroll

Decent game on Sky tonight, would not fancy facing Steyn in these conditions after Somerset seemed to be cruising.


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