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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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11 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I counted/estimated about 5-600 in Cardiff today, or 5x to 10x the Gammon speed limit protest. 

There’s nasty stuff happening all over the place as a result of the blowback; particularly in the USA.  Major tech companies pulling out of a conference because the conference organiser had the temerity to criticise Israel’s actions, people having job offers withdrawn for the same reasons, students being threatened by their colleges for signing letters of support for Palestine.

The pro-Zionist lobby is well organised and not afraid to use their influence across all sectors of society, though if you point this out you may be accused of indulging in antisemitic tropes.


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7 hours ago, sparky88 said:

Demographics will put an end to the Israeli Paelstine conflict eventually.

If it isn't happening already, perhaps the population of Israel (and Palestine) will become more atheist like much of the West. Opposition or support of Israel's claim to the land which they occupy might start to get flimsy when folk think the book in which that claim is in is no more than a fairy story.

You can see this happen in NI where the opinions on Unionism v Nationalism are beginning to become less about Protestants v Catholics.

I don't think anything changes, just because new generation. When young Israelis are so heavily indoctrinated. Seeing the scale of the propaganda campaign here. Can only imagine what their citizens are subjected to.

And Gaza has about as much chance to change attitudes, being essentially cut off from the rest of the world 

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

70,000 - 100,000 attend a pro-Palestinian March in London today whilst those shining beacons of Western democracy, France and Germany, have banned such demonstrations.


I saw some estimations of up to 300,000.


Whilst in Gaza the Israeli government has dropped leaflets ahead of the ground offensive saying anyone left in the North of Gaza is a terrorist and therefore a legitimate target, this doesn't seem to be in line with international law.

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Hope the Met and counter terrorist boys track down this monster.


An unverified video circulating online appears to show a Central line driver chanting "free Palestine" over the train's public address system.

Passengers en-route to a pro-Palestinian march joined in chanting.

British Transport Police (BTP) and TfL said they were urgently investigating the incident.

In the video being investigated, the driver can be heard saying "hope you all have a pleasant day today" and "keep all those people in your prayers".

Police investigate London Tube driver's pro-Palestinian chant

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

There’s nasty stuff happening all over the place as a result of the blowback; particularly in the USA.  Major tech companies pulling out of a conference because the conference organiser had the temerity to criticise Israel’s actions, people having job offers withdrawn for the same reasons, students being threatened by their colleges for signing letters of support for Palestine.

The pro-Zionist lobby is well organised and not afraid to use their influence across all sectors of society, though if you point this out you may be accused of indulging in antisemitic tropes.


Can you identify the key players in this 'pro-Zionist lobby' across 'all sectors of society'?

If not, then it's really not surprising that you might get accused for wild claims that wouldn't look too far out of place in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion itself. 

Remember kids: substituting 'Zionist' for 'Jewish' does not actually earn you a free pass on peddling sweeping, age-old, racist tropes. 

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NB: Try swapping 'Zionist' for 'Ukrainian' in any of these sweeping 'well organised' lobby 'across all sectors of society' theories and reflect on just how much of a fucking nutjob that you would sound like. So what exactly distinguishes between the two lockstep, unquestionable movements in support of one side in a conflict? 

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1 hour ago, 101 said:

I saw some estimations of up to 300,000.


Whilst in Gaza the Israeli government has dropped leaflets ahead of the ground offensive saying anyone left in the North of Gaza is a terrorist and therefore a legitimate target, this doesn't seem to be in line with international law.

Has anything the IDF been in line with international law during this "War"

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

The pro-Zionist lobby is well organised and not afraid to use their influence across all sectors of society, 

I say this in all kindness.

You are on record and indeed have been dogmatic in dening anti-semitism in Corbyn's Labour Party. I rather think that you well intentioned political beliefs are blinding you to a truism that your views may not be shared as widely as you might wish.

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9 hours ago, virginton said:

NB: Try swapping 'Zionist' for 'Ukrainian' in any of these sweeping 'well organised' lobby 'across all sectors of society' theories and reflect on just how much of a fucking nutjob that you would sound like. So what exactly distinguishes between the two lockstep, unquestionable movements in support of one side in a conflict? 

Try swapping Zionist for Russian empire...

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21 minutes ago, ForzaViola said:

I'm not sure dropping leaflets is worthy of an appearance at The Hague. That said the IDF could shoot every single Gazan in cold blood and not one member of the Israeli government will ever see the inside of a war crimes tribunal. 

If those leaflets say you are a terrorist because you won't flee your home, it is.

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Sorry if this has come up already, but it's quite something to see Israel's defence minister openly announcing that they're not going to be responsible for human life in Gaza.

Which areas of the UK does P&B think our government would like to abandon and/or obliterate with high explosives? It's been a while, but Preston looked well on the way there twenty years ago.

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12 hours ago, Empty It said:

Has anything the IDF been in line with international law during this "War"

Is 'International Law' a meaningful entity these days ?  Obviously not as any sort of deterrent, that's for sure, and not just in relation to the Gaza situation.

It can be filed alongside other well-intended but impotent historical relics like the UN.  That's the brutal reality.

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31 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Is 'International Law' a meaningful entity these days ?  Obviously not as any sort of deterrent, that's for sure, and not just in relation to the Gaza situation.

It can be filed alongside other well-intended but impotent historical relics like the UN.  That's the brutal reality.

Always a chance it'll make a return once we've all had another lesson in the realities of war. It's clearly been too long for civilians in Western Europe and North America.

As a species, we're really struggling to get past the "I'm alright, Jack" mentality.

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7 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Always a chance it'll make a return once we've all had another lesson in the realities of war. It's clearly been too long for civilians in Western Europe and North America.

As a species, we're really struggling to get past the "I'm alright, Jack" mentality.

It kinda feels like we're moving towards a major war. 

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Sorry if this has come up already, but it's quite something to see Israel's defence minister openly announcing that they're not going to be responsible for human life in Gaza.

Which areas of the UK does P&B think our government would like to abandon and/or obliterate with high explosives? It's been a while, but Preston looked well on the way there twenty years ago.

Wallace and Gromit statue probably saved them. Pulling over giant statues of Saddam is one thing but the leg of a techno trouser pointing skyward out of the rubble while all the people got was the opportunity to loot some charity shops and a Poundstretcher would be an obvious rallying point for rebellion. 

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21 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

It kinda feels like we're moving towards a major war. 

If this escalates then successive governments in the US and Europe will be largely to blame.

For years governments of these countries both on the right and the (nominal) left have given Israel a free pass when it came to their treatment of those in Gaza and the West Bank.  Token criticism while 20 people are killed here and 100 families displaced there.   Barring a major incident like the latest one when has a senior US or European politician voiced their concern about the Palestinian situation?

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Sorry if this has come up already, but it's quite something to see Israel's defence minister openly announcing that they're not going to be responsible for human life in Gaza.

Which areas of the UK does P&B think our government would like to abandon and/or obliterate with high explosives? It's been a while, but Preston looked well on the way there twenty years ago.

Anywhere other than the City of London, the Home Counties, Faslane, and the North Sea oil rigs.

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1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Is 'International Law' a meaningful entity these days ?  Obviously not as any sort of deterrent, that's for sure, and not just in relation to the Gaza situation.

It can be filed alongside other well-intended but impotent historical relics like the UN.  That's the brutal reality.

International Law only really exists in Europe because of all of the EU / Council of Europe directives and agreements, effectively creating their own version. Nobody else really cares.

Although, Putin seems terrified of that arrest warrant that the ICC put out for him.

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