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Neil Doncaster Neil Doncaster Neil Doncaster http://cockwomble.org/ http://cockwomble.org/ http://cockwomble.org/

(does it matter how often you say cockwomble's name along with the link?)

Not Neil Doncaster sure Neil Doncaster how Neil Doncaster it COCKWOMBLE works but the more the CockWomble merrier I would say..ph34r.gif

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I quite agree, but we're never going to get Neil Doncaster to the top of google as CockWomble if we never mention his birth name, and link it as I have. rolleyes.gif

Do you mean that from now on whenever we use the name Neil Doncaster we should be linking his name i.e. Neil Doncaster to the cockwomble website. Thereby irrevocably linking the name Neil Doncaster to the cockwomble website in the eyes of Google so that every time someone googles the name Neil Doncaster they will get a hit for the cockwomble.org website.

That would be very apt because I think Neil Doncaster is an absolute cockwomble.

Edited by exiled jambo
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Do you mean that from now on whenever we use the name Neil Doncaster we should be linking his name i.e. Neil Doncaster to the cockwomble website. Thereby irrevocably linking the name Neil Doncaster to the cockwomble website in the eyes of Google so that every time someone googles the name Neil Doncaster they will get a hit for the cockwomble.org website.

That would be very apt because I think Neil Doncaster is an absolute cockwomble.

As much as I like this post about how Neil "Cockwomble" Doncaster is such a http://cockwomble.org/ I have reached my quote for positive votes for today. :(

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Who do the 'missing' EBTs belong to?

If McLeish had one I am astounded Uncle Walter doesn't, or Ally. :rolleyes:

If Souness had one to flush £30k into at an appropriate time, what are the chances of some favoured and well known football agents having been invited to join the party?

That might explain his policy of buying gash players from Rangers at inflated transfer fees - Boumsong for £8m anyone? A cynical man might suggest he benefitted both himself and his pal Sir David.

This quote lifted from the 2007 Stevens inquiry 'There remains inconsistencies in evidence provided by Graeme Souness – a former manager of the club – and Freddy Shepherd – apparently acting in an undefined role but not as a club official – as to their respective roles in transfer negotiations'

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I think it'd be naiive to believe they just realised. I'm certain Doncaster either overtly or by inactivity was putting a 'go-slow' on pushing Rangers/H&D for info. I'm sure everybody can see that the BBC prog has simply forced his hand to be seen to be making some sort of headway.

So why should he 'go slow'?

The answer has to be that he is corrupt himself to some extent and is conspiring to keep Rangers in the SPL.

Sacking him would be the first course of action, followed by about two years inside.

For someone is such a senior position, reacting to a TV programme is pathetic.

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On this day, in 1972, on a hot, sticky night in Barcelona, Rangers FC beat Moscow Dynamo 3-2 in the final of the European Cup-winner's Cup Final. Owing to a pitch invasion and subsequent mayhem, the cup was presented to captain John Greig by a UEFA official in the toilets.

Please fill in your own punchline here......................................................:D

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Sorry, I'm not sure of the origins of this. Perhaps someone might care to post a lengthy explanation of why he is referred to as such,

I can post my picture of a CockWomble again if it helps.


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Neil Doncaster Neil Doncaster Neil Doncaster http://cockwomble.org/ http://cockwomble.org/ http://cockwomble.org/

(does it matter how often you say cockwomble's name along with the link?)

Not Neil Doncaster sure Neil Doncaster how Neil Doncaster it COCKWOMBLE works but the more the CockWomble merrier I would say..ph34r.gif

Do you mean that from now on whenever we use the name Neil Doncaster we should be linking his name i.e. Neil Doncaster to the cockwomble website. Thereby irrevocably linking the name Neil Doncaster to the cockwomble website in the eyes of Google so that every time someone googles the name Neil Doncaster they will get a hit for the cockwomble.org website.

That would be very apt because I think Neil Doncaster is an absolute cockwomble.

As much as I like this post about how Neil "Cockwomble" Doncaster is such a http://cockwomble.org/ I have reached my quote for positive votes for today. :(

Just wanted to make sure that Neil "cockwomble" Doncaster and http://cockwomble.org/ are linked :lol:

We should start a seperate thread with nothing but people posting that Neil Doncaster being a cockwomble

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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On this day, in 1972, on a hot, sticky night in Barcelona, Rangers FC beat Moscow Dynamo 3-2 in the final of the European Cup-winner's Cup Final. Owing to a pitch invasion and subsequent mayhem, the cup was presented to captain John Greig by a UEFA official in the toilets.

Please fill in your own punchline here......................................................:D

Neil Doncaster, the cockwomble, was only two years old at the time.

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1337862564[/url]' post='6268045']

But nothing new was really revealed...an hour of showing us all what we already knew.

You claim the can is to be emptied..that was what last nights show was supposed to be doing...as i said..Was that really it?

Oh FFS. Yesterday you yourself were saying there were no dual contracts. For months Bears have been clinging to hope that no side letters would be produced and the players would hold omertà. The more clued in ones probably realized thy existed but hoped they had been shredded, but either way it raised a tiny possibility of a win in the BTC and would have made it very easy for the SPL to claim regardless of the BTC finding they couldn't impose football penalties for dual cntracts without hard evidence,

Now the BBC has explicitly identified players who have side letters. When RTC implied this it was tenable to write it off as Timmy bampottery, but the BBC has legal standards that make it unlikely they would say that, eg, Barry Ferguson had one without sight of evidence.

Obviously it would have been brilliant if they had actually shown contractual language contained in a side letter, but I can think of several legal and prudential reasons they wouldn't until the appeal and SPL process is done. The quotes they provided from Papac and the other bloke, which probably came from a different unconstrained source, were strongly indicative of non-discretionary payments in lieu of wages. And the sheer number of players and amounts make it highly unlikely the payments could be something other than payments for football.

Obviously for us forum obsessives there was a lot we knew and the showmanship was grating, but the intended audience for this wasn't the P&B / RTC readers - it was the general public. It is now harder for the SPL, politicians, non-football tax-payers etc. to ignore what is going on.

There is always the possibility the side letters the BBC are talking about are a) forgeries or b) works of legal genius that somehow allow Rangers to argue that some of their players accepted 40% of their compensation as absolutely discretionary bonuses unlinked to traditional football compensation. But it seems unlikely.

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