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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Over 400 strips sold already. Rough estimate would suggest that’s about £18,000 generated. The fans have really stepped up of late.
  2. Listening to The Terrace’s premiership team of the season. Both contributors took Scotland cap Declan Gallagher in one of the CB positions. Mind when our fans hounded him out of training with us when he was on day release? That went well.
  3. I work in a retailer in Edinburgh city centre. Today was like a normal day of summer. I still have a queue of groups of folk wanting bottles of wine to take to sit in the park. Absolutely fucking everyone has just jacked it.
  4. I didn’t think Kirkcaldy had much of an accent until I moved away. Now when I go back for the football it’s unbearable. “Shya c**t a says tae um a widni dae that fur a hunner pound.” I also work with a woman from Inverness who has a son called Ryan and the way she says his name makes my skin crawl. Every accent west of Shotts is fucking minging, nasally shite. The way they all have that upward tone towards the end of sentences really grinds me. And the use of “but” to finish sentences; yet to hear a valid answer to why that’s used.
  5. Goodwillie is a ned from the Raploch and doesn’t strike me as the sort of boy who’d be able to assimilate into a foreign society. Did he not move his pal down to Blackburn with him and pay him a ‘wage’ to stay with him?
  6. I absolutely hate listening to the pish some folk come away with, often making me question whether not they’re watching the same game. Stuff like Kieran McDonald delivering 7 or 8 great balls into the box, then putting the 9th too long and out for a throw on the other side and someone shouting about how he’s been terrible the whole game. Just completely wrong, inane, nonsense.
  7. I’d like to see us go back in for James Craigen. He’s been playing right back of late and is obviously very comfortable in loads of other positions. Would have him back in an instant.
  8. It’s probably my favourite day following the Rovers, that. I was 17 but got served in the pub before it so stood on the front street in the blazing sun in short sleeves wielding dual pints for a few hours before stumbling up to Dens. Chaos in the stands at both goals.
  9. He’s been cycling very decent distances for about a month, though.
  10. It’s the exact same thing Rangers have been doing. Means when we get started again no one remembers the shite and they’ll be queueing up to purchase season tickets and singing about no one liking them and them not caring.m - though they both care very much. This, “expelled, not relegated” thing is interesting. Maybe they’ve included expulsion wage reduction clauses in their current crop of terrible players’ astronomical contracts.
  11. I went out tonight after w full shift at work and wasn’t expecting much. Really strong headwind heading west but a boy pulled out in front of me as I crossed the new forth bridge flyover heading towards Newton and took off up the hill. Thought I’d try cling onto the back of him for as long as I could as he was clipped in, thinner than me and on a proper road bike. It turned out we were doing the exact same route and I was sat right in behind him the whole way to Linlinthow, then all the way back through Kirkliston to Miller & Carter where he peeled off and I continued on up Ferry Road. Got home and I’d averaged my quickest ever speed of 16.8mph over 35 miles. Absolutely buzzing with that. Nearly 300 miles completed out of the 500 miles I want to do in May.
  12. Perhaps not sending someone a picture of a bottle of lube and asking them to prime their arse with it would be a better start.
  13. Is talk of Falkirk “boycotting” away ground genuine? I’m sure the Peterhead’s and Montrose’s of this world can survive without their 750 fans twice a season. Fucking hell [emoji23]
  14. My bike desperately needs a service. Gears are jumping all over the place, especially when going up hill and I’m pedalling quite hard and the brakes need tightened up. Usually I’d just have a watch of some YouTube videos and have a stab at it but with it being my primary mode of transport to work and back every day and reluctant to try it incase I make an arse of it. Got out again last night and had a frustrating 20 miles with the above issues. I’m attempting 500 miles this month and last night took me to 245, so I’m pretty much on track in terms of how far through the month I am, but the gears issue is really fucking annoying.
  15. But disapppibted with Joma to be honest. I can’t say I’ve ever been that impressed with any of their efforts. Indeed, some of the Dumbarton efforts have been stinking.
  16. It was a total sitter. Usually in those circumstances you’d say, “at least he hit the target and made the goalie make a save”. But that doesn’t even hold any weight here. Awful, awful miss.
  17. That’s a beauty. I’ve got a Voodoo Nakisi hybrid just now and whilst I love it it’s a bit heavy for the longer pedals. Got it on the bike to work scheme and it’s up in July. Quite sure I’ll get a proper racer this summer and get clipped in etc.
  18. Trying to complete 500 miles this month. I’ve managed 100 since the first of the month. I fucking love cycling.
  19. Jamie Watson is moving to Canada. Seen it on his Instagram story.
  20. Claiming Tade was “no where near as good as folk make out” is mental. Did you see the clubs he played for after us?
  21. I’m sure I remember him being a posty. That was probably about a decade ago, right enough.
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