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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I hadn’t realised that was who Arbroath had signed. He looked absolutely hopeless that day.
  2. I, too, would like to have an England and Manchester Utd defender instead of Ross Millen.
  3. That’s a shame to see Thomson away. A player I really, really liked at us and still see regularly at our home games when Arbroath aren’t playing. Great servant to our clubs.
  4. I didn’t think it was as far away as that, but the original point stands. Imagine that conversation. “Hi, it’s Ian Murray, we’re interested in your young centre half. Yeah he’ll be third choice and game time will be limited but we need him for cover”. click I’d love to have another centre half but when we have two who are going to play and another two who can cover, that will do for a few months. If Murray thinks money is better spent elsewhere then fair enough.
  5. We won’t sign another centre half. Scott Brown and Liam Dick can play there in a pinch, then Tom Lang will be fit again shortly. What Premiership side is going to send us their young player on loan to sit on the bench then be 4th choice when Lang gets back? Waste of money, won’t happy.
  6. Murray has explicitly said there is money for signings and we are always looking to add. He also said he would rather run with a smaller squad. We have four players out injured (who are still getting paid) and we will probably try and add a couple more. You’re looking at us being 6 players away from a complete squad. That makes a huge difference. Calm doon ffs.
  7. We’ve had this exact conversation at least once a season for the last four years.
  8. I wonder what new, inventive and miraculous ways we will find to not win this fixture this time around. Can’t wait to find out!
  9. Just watching Sportscene. If the table was based on good your strip is, these teams would both be joint bottom with 0 points. A couple of absolutely fucking abysmal efforts.
  10. Easy to see we got beat today. Same boring c***s trotting out the same pish. Have a day off, for f**k sake.
  11. Sounds like we did alright, a bit unlucky to not get a draw. Ach well. Next.
  12. Every time we bring Robbie Thomson on it feels like we lose a goal almost immediately. If we can stop that today, that’d be great.
  13. Thistle fans furious with just about everything. Even had a wee, “cheat, cheat” there, which was nice.
  14. Fair play to Ayr, that was a really impressive performance. Seen Dundee off with ease in the end.
  15. I think we have a lot to be positive about at this moment. A lot (a lot) was made of Murray taking his time getting the centre halves in but I don’t think you could accuse him of not getting it right at this point. Both centre halves brought in have looked very assured and seem to have struck up a good partnership quickly, which is especially impressive given that 1) they have played so few senior games and 2) they are both on the young side. Scott Brown has been an astute acquisition and has brought a steel to the midfield as well as offering flexibility in being able to play a few different positions. Easton has been most impressive. It’s not often we get a player who is both so brave on the ball and possesses such quality in how he uses it. Guys like him can be an easy target when they try things and it doesn’t come off but we should enjoy them whilst they are here. The prospect of adding a fit Spencer and Vaughan to the midfield is worth getting excited about, imo. A special mention for Gullan who, through no fault of his own, is being asked to play a position where he is not natural. Each time I’ve watched the team this year he’s improved in his all round play and is growing into the role. I was delighted to see him hit the net on Saturday and hopefully he can kick on off the back of that. If the rumours are true that we are still in the market for a couple of signings and we can get the injured guys back and fit then we have the makings of a pretty good squad. I like Ian Murray, he speaks well and I’m pleased he’s our boss. The league will be tight again and no team looks like running away with it, as evidenced by Ayr giving Dundee a pasting as I type. I reserve the right to take back everything I’ve just said if we get battered by a Brian Graham inspired Partick Thistle side tomorrow.
  16. First of me seeing Ayr this season who look disappointingly well organised. I’m guessing you all quite like the look of Musonda?
  17. That period of time where Zanatta got the ball and curled one into the top corner every week will be what I choose to remember Zanatta by, over and above anything else. Great player on his day. Hope he does well with Hamilton.
  18. One for those intent on tearing into Liam Dick and Ross Millen. They are the top two crossers of the ball in the Championship so far. Dick with 71.43% accuracy and Millen top with 72.73%.
  19. Well, that was as an assured away performance you could hope for. Better side throughout, Hamilton got a wee bit of a lift from us messing up a series of simple cut backs but can’t really recall many, if any, saves thy MacDonald had to make. Gullan did really well, took his goal well and I hope that gives him a lift. Easton MoM for me - superb performance. Calm, assured, never panics, takes the ball in any position. Brown going off rocked us a wee bit but Hamilton being toilet eased any worries. Brown actually very important for us, didn’t expect it at all when he signed. Terrible referee again. Hamilton number 3 as bad a player as I’ve seen in the Championship. Thistle away next week a sterner test.
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