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Everything posted by welldaft

  1. Surprised there is no thread running on this. 1 month ago it would have been pointless as Aberdeen and Motherwell were shoe in. Spectacular arse collapses in the past month have meant it is now a 4 way sprint to the finish line. I say 4 way as I suspect Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers to make the cup semi finals and therefore likely the extra Europa League place will go to 4th. Although you just never know. It is also ironic that this thread has been started by a Well fan as his team clearly have decided that coming back early from the summer holidays to partake in Euro competition does not suit them and have done a great job in ensuring this will not be a problem. If I had to bet I would go for Aberdeen 3rd with Hibs 4th and Well and Livi fighting out for 5th and 6th. Clearly hope I am wrong, but I don’t think it is possible for all 3 other teams not to win another game this season like Motherwell seem intent on doing...
  2. I am away on Business so will miss the game and that pretty much guarantees us 3 points. We need to take advantage of next 2 games at home v St Mirren and Ross County. All the games from there on in will be tougher no disrespect to either side. I give a shit as we want to win the right to play in Europe and get papped out from a random side in Kazakhstan in early stages.
  3. You can tell I have a bee in my bonnet over this. Was Long stupid - probably. But my point and I 100% believe this is whether another referee would have produced a 2nd yellow. So far watching the Rangers game I have seen a St Johnstone player kick the ball away after a foul - no yellow. I have seen Ryan Jack commit a foul which to me was a lot worse than Longs yesterday - no yellow and a warning from the ref. No consistency at all and we are being punished. I get that if Long had not done either of things he did then we would have kept 11 men on the pitch. But the referee was pretty hasty in producing 2 yellows.
  4. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I disagree on this. It was his fault in that he had just lost the ball but I wonder if he makes no challenged Accies goes up the park and score - then he would be a waste of space who cannae be bothered. It was mistimed because he was caught out, but I did not see any malice in the tackle and I have seen other referees that would have a word and warning. Paranoia maybe but I would bet a lot of money that if Scott Brown had done the two things Long did he probably would not even been on a yellow. You will see similar challenges go unpunished several times a game imho. Not saying he was not stupid and not saying it probably altered the outcome of the match or meant we were not getting 3 points but not anywhere near as bad as being made out imho.
  5. 2 points from our last 15 kinda shite. I just hope we have got the worst out of us and can go on another run soon. At this rate Aberdeen, Hibs and Livi will overtake us any day now. St Mirren and Ross County at home next. Failure to take 6 or maybe 4 points and we are fecked.
  6. Got to be happy with a point given the circumstances but that was a missed opportunity. 11v11 I would have been confident of winning and with other results going for us then 3 points would have been a massive boost. Lets hope we can start getting a bit of luck and stop the self inflicted wounds. I think 4th will get Europe but we need to put a couple of wins between us and Hibs and Livi. Especially as we will have to go to Easter rd and post split and that is 3 points to Hibs. Need 3 points v St Mirren and hopefully we get a competent referee and no the wee fanny that has refereed the last 2 games
  7. Met and spoke to him in the car park before St Mirren game. He confirmed he was back in full training and had played 11v 11. My pal asked him if he was signing a contract. To which he responded - hopefully. But if I am not mistaken a contract offer has been discussed for a while now. So one wonders what the delay is. Sadly for a grown adult I was fawning over him and telling him how much we miss him.....true dat. I expect it will be another few games and hopefully better weather before we see him in 1st team squad.
  8. It is the team with the most injuries v the team with the most injuries. Seems like both teams are down to the bare bones. Just bloody win Motherwell. Another defeat or even a draw and we can forget about top 4. Weather looks like well it has for past fkin ages. Pissing rain and 50mph winds. Groundhog Day but a complete lottery.
  9. That is even more sore than us last night. Jesus....Take the lead with 4 minutes to go and lose the game ! As for the Aberdeen fans - when will you give Derek McInnes a minutes peace. You all want him sacked every game he loses or threatens to lose.
  10. To be fair I thought there would have been a bigger home support. 900+ St Mirren fans is a decent effort on a sh1te Tuesday evening so they are exempt from criticism. In saying that I was half way along the m8 when I heard Gallacher was out and Bevis was in as was McIver. I literally shrieked and it was a portent for things to come. if I did not have a few mates with me I would have turned back at Harthill - kidding of course.
  11. I keep reading this comment from St Mirren fans. You had a comical own goal and the fact you were facing the quite possibly the worst centre half pairing in recent times at Motherwell going in your favour. enjoy your victory and good luck in the next round, but on the basis of our performance and pressure 2nd half we deserved to take the game to ET.
  12. Please do. In fact I would consider paying you to f**k off and never ever darken a Motherwell thread again. You are more depressing than that first half tonight. Let that fucking sink in ya walloper. Well done St Mirren. Played well 1st half as much as we defended like amateurs. Hartley is done at this level for us. Like the big guy but his time is up. Big Bevis is not much better. Neither should be near our team again. Still actually quite upbeat after the 2nd half. O’Hara was excellent and should start for us. Tony Watt was good also and took his goal well. He could have hid but fought hard and may well prove to be a decent addition. Also felt Tait played well so some positives to take from the game. Sore one for Caroll and likely to be out for a while. Another injury we could do without. Pretty awful penalties and as soon as I saw Hylton step forward I headed for the exit. Disappointed O’Hara did not take a penalty. I am actually not that fussed playing Aberdeen (or Killie) as we would probably lose on current form anyway and even if we get through will get one of the old firm most likely in a semi and it will be like Groundhog Day. If offered the choice I would take top 4 over a semi final. That said we need to up our game big time to stay in top 4 but I just feel that the game tonight might help rather than hinder in that regard.
  13. I would not expect that defending from Schoolkids. As soon as I heard the line up I was worried. I know St Mirren missing a few but missing our best defender and striker and even when they have been playing recently we have been gash. Based on this performance I cannot see us winning another game this season. We are rank rotten. We need Turnbull back as soon as. Robinson deserves credit for most of our signings but he has left us so weak up front. That plus Hartley is now an official bomb scare. He was not good enough to get in the team last season and now I remember why. St Mirren could knock a few more in if they can be arsed.
  14. Innocent until proven guilty.... Whatever the outcome I am glad that he stayed. Ross is a good appointment for Hibs but Hearts appointments are random to say the least.
  15. I for one could never see this coming. He may still turn things around but you need the players onside and if your man management skills are akin to a mad German scientist then it will be more difficult. I Still think Hearts will avoid the bottom 2 places but whether that suggest Stengel is the man for the future is another matter. I don’t know how you do it but I would not let Budge near another appointment. There is NO way Robinson would not have done a better job by now.
  16. Granted I am sitting in Edinburgh, but it would be rather farcical if this game is off tomorrow. The weather through here today has been windy with only the odd shower. The wind should actually help with the surface. Forecast for tomorrow in Motherwell is strong winds up to late afternoon and light rain. Again if that is on a saturated pitch then fine. But I suspect much like Saturday the pitch will be playable only this time the forecast for KO is decent by comparison to recent weather, so rain going off and winds up to 20mph.
  17. Celtic and Rangers have done us a turn however dirty that makes me feel just typing it. Probably could do with Killie v Hibs being a draw at FT. Of course none of this actually matters unless we start scoring goals and get back to winning ways. We have gone off the boil at the same time Livi, Hibs and Killie have come good. We still have a small gap and now a game in hand but we need to kick on now or it won’t be long before the battle for 3rd / 4th becomes the battle for 5th and 6th..
  18. That is tough on Aberdeen. Better team in the 2nd half by far. obviously happy from a Well POV, but playing like that will get Aberdeen 3rd comfortably.
  19. This is as pish as I have seen Celtic this season. Cannot even pass to one another.
  20. Glad you can be happy with a home draw v the Accies. Mind it is better than we achieved. One wonders what the outcome would have been 11 v 11......
  21. Churlish I know but earlier it occurred to me that I should post and hope that Ross County equalised in the 93rd minute. My bad it was actually the 94th minute
  22. Would need to see it before commenting but bloody stupid as 2-0 with 11 men probably a draw the worst Accies would have got. Now I expect Hearts to get at least a point probably 3.
  23. What the day after the cup game :-). Hopefully we will be focussing on a cup quarter final.....
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