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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. you'd think he'd support a boring team- like Edinburgh City....
  2. I have this theory that should Hibs ever win the Cup the world will end. Fortunately with this particular Hibs team's ability to defend that seems unlikely... ...unless Logan turns out to be some kind of fire breathing demon of the Apocalypse. Oh shit, better start reading that Bible...
  3. feeling a bit of a Kant now are we?
  4. I believe he is a regular reader of this forum- now you've upset him, he's driving his taxi up north and is going to give you a Fred Squarego!
  5. You can only play April Fool's jokes up to midday....
  6. It is also true that when he was appointed Celtic coach in a mocking gesture to racists John Barnes sailed up the Clyde in a banana boat.
  7. My old man's photo of Fudge. Both no longer with us alas. Despite trying to do a Cyril the Lion impression here Fudge was a big softy really!
  8. on a similar note bottle of Strathmore Spring are actually filled from a secret pipe connected to Station Park's main tap. The company have fooled Forfar Athletic for years by having the groundsman on their pay role and getting him to tell the Chairman "that thae 3G pitches need a hoor o' a lot of wa'aterin' ken".
  9. I got abuse from various City fans who had a wasted journey to Benburb last week for cursing the game by going on about the Juniors' disdain for THE DEVIL'S ILLUMINATION...
  10. I can't tell you in pounds but NASA have just launched a satellite to photograph my other side... hmmm...... run fatboy run...
  11. my neighbour's curtain twitching. Never seen the fat lezza boot smile once either. f*ck off, I've been in this street 3 times longer than you have.
  12. The Onanist Monks of St Juan Kerr are well known for their brewing of hand shandies. The monks are also musically gifted and will show visitors how to play the traditional local instruments, the hairy banjo and the pink oboe The monastery is situated next to the mountain range known as Pam and her Five Sisters which is a reserve for the endangered Bongo Bush.
  13. when he's not busy writing in Florida and supporting the Hibs old Irvine keeps an eye on the City scoreline "oh ya ****, another ****ing penalty shootout ****ed up" Politician Kenny McIntyre also sometime attends matches.
  14. seeing as the definition of a mandarin is a Chinese Orangeman get thae bigoted ducks out of Porty! "Who are ye lookin' at pal" Neddy goosander seen on the canal
  15. The foldaway brothel however has been invented by the Japanese thanks to their perfection of the ancient art of whori-gami.
  16. Germans naturally speak in a broad West County accent. They only put on the "German" accent so as not to appear thick to foreigners. This fact almost came out at the time of the Munich crisis in 1938 when a very tired Adolf Hitler let his guard slip and said to Neville Chamberlain "Get orf moi Zudentenlaaaaand.."
  17. a greenie purely for Scientist scoring against Engerlund!
  18. It's just fond memories of my teenage years but check out the NSFW cover of Wendy James' latest "The Price of the Ticket"...
  19. Bayview Park- it's East Fife v Shrewsbury in 1988. Look very carefully and you can see King Victor Kasule in a Shrewbury strip!
  20. David Bowie had a Scottish uncle who was born in Stirlingshire- Howie Bowie fae Cowie.
  21. aye- whenever there's a sign of trouble they just split. I wonder if the alchemists used to see immortality potions in the Middle Ages with money back guarentee if they didn't work...
  22. 1. bawbag 2. fud 3. tube 4. balloon 5. tink/mink/minker- a pal from Blairgowrie introduced me to these Perthshire insults: "Ya wee mink ya" .
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