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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I had to google that to make sure it wasn't part of some weird Teutonic suicide cult. https://www.parkinn-berlin.de/en/jochen-schweizer-base-flying-berlin/ Thankfully you are attached to a rope. I still don't fancy it though...
  2. So, that means it will be a mere 162 weeks before the NHS can get the 350 million a week that was promised.
  3. Is that sexual predators or are they against Orcas, Golden Eagles, Polar Bears and the like?
  4. I enjoyed it tonight. It was funny as f**k when Rosita blew that c**t up with the RPG.
  5. Yip, he even had a convertible, that's how fucking cool he was...
  6. Frazzles Scampi Fries KP Mini Chips salt 'n' vinegar Golden Wonder Bacon Beef Monster Munch
  7. Point Blank Lee Marvin at his pus punching best in this hard boiled 60s revenge thriller. 9/10
  8. At least you have a home. All our brave veterans are homeless and hungry apparently...
  9. In Montrose, it has to be the Steeple... In Dundee I'd go for the DC Thompson building.
  10. Looks pretty good. A mate of mine was in Glasgow today and he spotted Alice Cooper shopping in H&M.
  11. I was on the front row too, but towards the other side. Bez jumped down and shook my hand at the end of the gig. I saw the Mondays in Glasgow back the 90s and Rowetta was wearing fetish gear and waving a whip around. She was dressed a wee bit less provocatively last night. She must be well into her 50s by now but I still would, despite the man u armband.
  12. I enjoyed the Happy Mondays gig at the Caird Hall last night. Bez was in fine form despite his advanced years...
  13. Last year I spent Xmas day with some polish friends. They made a huge pot of bigos. For those that don't know, this is a traditional polish stew that is made of sauerkraut and meat. I wasn't too keen to start with but it was really good. I was letting out some really ripe farts afterwards though.
  14. Just finished episode 3 and I am loving this. James franco's "Frankie" character has definately been influenced by De Niro's "Johnny Boy" from Mean Streets.
  15. I've just watched the first couple of episodes, pretty good so far....
  16. Just watched the first episodeof the new season. It's pretty radio rental. Hopefully this season is a bit more exciting than the last....
  17. At least he's no longer a coke addict in Montrose with a Stevie Wonder accent... Those days were the fucking pits...
  18. Ready Player One - Ernest Cline I had the day off work yesterday so I battered through this in pretty much one sitting. Overall I enjoyed it though it did start to drag a bit towards the end. Good but flawed would be my summary. It was as if it been written by a 14 year old fanboy. But I suppose that was the intention. I loved a lot of the 80s references though... The film comes out next year. I checked out the trailer on YouTube and it just looks like yet another cheesy, big budget cgi-fest but with an 80s soundtrack thrown in. I will go to see it but I'm not expecting anything earth shattering.
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