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Everything posted by nsr

  1. In that picture of the family in the Celtic hot tub, where are they all putting their legs? Ah, never mind. The Morton gnome wins this thread hands down.
  2. The media's fawning over Gretna's so-obviously-doomed-from-the-start "rise" just proved the sad fact that they only show interest or respect when someone starts splashing the cash around.
  3. 1-3 to the defenders of virility and manliness.
  4. You are utterly desperate to prolong this fantasy of Celtic winning against the odds by sheer pluck and endeavour, aren't you?
  5. The women's team might be all you have left to support soon. They're probably more of a going concern than the men's. If Celtic win ten in a row then the rivalry will more or less be over. Rangers will never match that, no matter how many incarnations they go through. Given that Celtic probably wouldn't last long either without the rivalry in place, it might be in their best interest to throw next season and keep things going. Let Aberdeen or Hibs or someone win it.
  6. Where does "very high" rank in relation to "substantial"?
  7. I may be missing something obvious, but how are Oxford better off paying a "big bid", indeed a "substantial bid", to some US mob for Cadden than they would have been paying presumably a similar amount of money to us?
  8. Let's just focus on Israel first. It's well within our capability to lose that one.
  9. Hendursun's Inglish, but. He's pish know whit ah mean.
  10. Could a mod please rename Kuro's account to "Harry_Sooter"?
  11. As a child I recall being disappointed that Reading FC did not have a local rival named Writing FC.
  12. In fairness, I'd be a terrible careers advisor.
  13. I would find Kuro's story more convincing if the hotel had employed him to stand on the ground outside catching phones accidentally thrown off balconies.
  14. What is the Christmas homosexuality concept?
  15. I have no idea where Megan is. Does anyone else?
  16. Today we all had to gather together around the big whiteboard and vote for our favourite words that describe how we feel about the company. The plan is to create a wordle based on the popularity of each word, which will then be put on to a big screen on the wall both upstairs and downstairs. I have literally zero idea what the point of this is. We are all sufficiently experienced professionals that we're just here to pick up a few quid then shove off at the end of the day. I voted for 3 words more or less at random.
  17. This seems an insanely bad decision from Spurs. Mourinho had his day a long time ago and always relied on having more money to spend than anyone else. He won't get anything like that at Tottenham. His siege mentality and antisocial demeanour are predictable and boring now.
  18. Declan Gallagher eats bricks for breakfast. He will probably cause grievous bodily harm to several Hibs players simply by standing within six feet of them.
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