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Everything posted by nsr

  1. I thought you said you had scientists.
  2. Well I think it's considerably more likely that your man (if he was even being serious) made a mistake than, you know, it's real.
  3. How can he conclude that from a few seconds of pixelated pish?
  4. We need that guy with Tourette's on the case. YER COSTUME'S GOT TITS.
  5. Are there actually people who've been on P&B more than a few months and don't have bennett on ignore?
  6. My apologies. If you want to take some hair samples, my friend Occam has a fine razor.
  7. You let the old club die and you're quite content for the new club to go the same way. I don't think you can claim to "support" them in any meaningful sense.
  8. If this is a wind-up, it isn't a particularly good one. But it's still better than the alternative.
  9. Check your wardrobe. Prince Andrew's favourite hiding place.
  10. Celtic and Sevco supporters don't seem to realise they are identical in every way apart from the colours on the XXXXXL replica shirts they wear. If a Sevco supporter suffered a head injury and lost his memory, you could tell him he was a Celtic fan and he wouldn't need to change one single aspect of his degenerate lifestyle. And vice versa.
  11. That is literally the cringiest thing I've ever seen in my 15 years on this forum.
  12. McKenna gets away with blatant fouls for Aberdeen for some reason. Not tonight.
  13. Between two bloodied halves of Roy Keane?
  14. I fervently wish my client's support staff weren't such blatantly incompetent and lazy tossers whose response to any problem they can't fix in 15 minutes is to look around for someone clearly uninvolved to whom to pass the buck.
  15. I utterly despise people who have clearly just finished work for the day and are on the way home, but pull out the phone to carry on having meetings or whatnot. The minute I'm out the door work couldn't be further from my mind. They'd have to threaten my firstborn son to get me to chip in outside of my contracted hours.
  16. When asked how long a task will take, say it will take 1hr, I double that to 2hrs to account for things that might go wrong, then double it again to 4hrs because I'm a lazy arsehole. I then spend 1 hr doing the task, 2hrs arsing around on P&B etc, then take credit for being an hour ahead of schedule. Win all round.
  17. Given that they look somewhat alike can't we send Lasley to NI and keep Robinson?
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